
发布时间 : 星期五 文章《大学英语1》习题集更新完毕开始阅读

习题集 第 17 页 共 45 页


9. John ___(hope) to go to university next year. But his parents ___(decide) that they___ (not be) able to afford it unless he ___(get) a scholarship. 【解析】:第一空应该用一般现在时,表示主语具有的性质特征。第二空用现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。第三空用一般将来时,因为这个动作还没有发生。最后一空用一般现在时代替将来时,因为是用在unless引导的从句中。本句的意思是:“约翰希望明年能上大学。但他的父母决定除非他得到奖学金,否则他们供不起他上学。”

10. Come back in an hour. I ___(do) my packing by then and we'll be able to have a talk. 【解析】:根据时间状语by then可知应该选择将来完成时,表示在这个时间点之前将会完成的动作。本句的意思是:“一小时之内回来哦。到那时我就整理好行李了,我们可以谈谈。” Page83

Ⅲ. Translate the following sentences into English.(将下列句子译成英语。) 1. 雨一停,我们就动身。参考答案: We'll start off as soon as the rain stops.

2. 一有消息,我就给你打电话。参考答案:I'll ring you up directly I hear the news. 3. 经理定于下周四开会来解决这个问题。参考答案:The manager is to hold a meeting to settle the question next Thursday.

4. 他不可以在这儿待下去,他得马上离开。参考答案:He is not to stay here any longer. He is to leave at once.

5. 你假如明早6点去看他,他正在做早操。参考答案:If you go and see him at six tomorrow morning, he will be taking morning exercises. 6. 他在记者招待会上宣布,英国首相定于下星期一访华。参考答案:He announced at the press conference that the prime minister of the United Kingdom was to visit China next Monday. 7. 下星期你从北京回来,讨论会已经结束。参考答案:When you come back from Beijing next week, the discussion will have finishe D.

8. 到下周末,我在这儿就整整一年了。参考答案:By next weekend, I'll have been here for a whole year.

9. 车未停稳,切勿下车。参考答案:Don't get off the bus till it stops.

10. 瞧! 乌云满天,就要下雨了。参考答案:Look! The dark clouds are gathering. It is going to rain.

习题集 第 18 页 共 45 页

Unit 4

Page 117

Ⅰ. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.(选择最佳答案,完成以下句子。)

1. That factory ____________ nearly 50 years ago.

A. has been built B. had built C. was built D. has built【C】

答案讲解:根据时间状语nearly 50 years ago,可知谓语动词应该用一般过去时;而主语the factory和谓语build之间是被动关系,所以答案为C。句子的意思是:“这个工厂修建于50年前。”

2. We all believe that computer____________ smaller and smaller in the coming years. A. can be become B. will be got C. will be changed D. can turn【D】

答案讲解:此题意思是:“我们都相信在未来几年中计算机会变得越来越小。”能表达此意的只有A、B和D选项。动词become、get和turn + adj.可以构成主系表结构,且不用被动语态,所以答案应选D。

3. He ____________ not to leave waste paper in public places any more. A. warns B. warned C. is warned D. was warned【D】

答案讲解:分析句子结构,主语he和谓语warn之间是被动关系,而这件事很明显是发生在过去,所以答案为D。句子的意思是:“他被警告不要再把废纸扔在公共场所。” 4. Don't worry. Everything will____________in time.

A. be finished B. finish C. finished D. be finishing【A】

答案讲解:主语everything和谓语动词finish之间是被动关系。在将来时态中,被动语态形式为“主语+will be + V.p.p.”,所以答案为A。句子的意思是:“不要担心,每件事都会按时完成。”

5. Such problems ____________ as soon as possible.

A. have solved B. have been solving C. have to solve D. have to be solved【D】

答案讲解:分析句子结构,主语such problems和谓语solve之间是被动关系,所以答案应选D。“主语+ have to + be +V.p.p.”的意思是“不得不被……”。句子的意思是:“这样的问题不得不尽快解决。”

6. Her application for the position ____________ by the boss.

A. was refused B. was refusing C. refused D. is refusing【A】 答案讲解:分析句子结构,主语her application for the position和谓语refuse之间是被动关系,所以答案应选A。句子的意思是:“她申请那个职位被老板拒绝了。” 7. The event ____________ at the time last year.

A. happens B. happened C. is happened D. was happened【B】

答案讲解:动词happen是不及物动词,没有被动语态;时间状语at the time last year表明这件事发生在过去,应该用一般过去时,所以答案为B。句子的意思是:“这件事发生在去年的这个时候。”

8. Much ____________ in the past few years.

A. has done B. did C. has been done D. was done【C】 答案讲解:主语much和动词do之间是被动关系,时间状语in the past few years是现在完成时的一个标志,所以正确答案是C。句子的意思是:“在过去的几年中完成了很多事情。” 9. Because of the rainy day, the match ____________

A. has been putting off B. has put off C. put off D. has been put off【D】

习题集 第 19 页 共 45 页

答案讲解:主语the match和谓语put off之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,所以答案为D。句子的意思是:“由于下雨,比赛被推迟了。”

10. Working hours in the United States ____________over the past 20 years.

A. have increased B. increased C. were increasing D. have been increased【A】

答案讲解:increase在句中表示一种状态而不是动作,所以不能用被动语态;根据时间状语over the past 20 years,可知本句应用现在完成时,表示过去发生的事情对现在的影响,所以答案为A。句子的意思是:“在美国过去的20年中,工作时间增加了。”

11. Since computers were invented, it ____________ that they are indispensable for scientific research.

A. thought B. has been thought C. is thinking D. had thought【B】


12. He was told that after he graduated he ____________ by a company.

A. would be employed B. would get employed C. would be employing D. would employ【A】

答案讲解:主语he和谓语employ之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,而get employed是比较口语化的一种被动语态,这种结构中很少用by短语,所以答案为A。句子的意思是:“他被告知毕业后会被一家公司聘用。”

13. The steps of progress in society ____________ of as having happened in a short time. A. must not think B. must not be thought C. must think D. thought【B】

答案讲解:主语the steps of progress in society和谓语think of之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,所以应选B。句子的意思是“不应该认为社会进步的步伐会在短时间内发生。” 14. His wife told him that the kitchen ____________ cleaned by the sweeper. A. was being B. was getting C. has been D. got【A】

答案讲解:主语the kitchen和谓语clean之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态。get +V.p.p.是比较口语化的一种被动语态,这种结构中很少用by短语,故可以排除B和D。主句是一般过去时,从句也应用过去时态,故又可以排除C。所以,正确答案为A,这是过去进行时的被动语态结构。句子的意思是:“他的妻子告诉他清洁工正在打扫厨房。” 15. Owing to the snowstorm, the trip to the mountain ____________.

A. has been canceling B. has canceled C. canceled D. has been canceled【D】

答案讲解:the trip to the mountain和cancel 之间是动宾关系,所以这里应该用被动语态,用be+V.p.p.的形式,这里符合要求的只有D,因此正确答案应该是D。 Page 118

Ⅱ. Turn the following sentences into passive voice.(把下列句子变成被动语态。) 1. They make machines in that factory. 参考答案:Machines are made in that factory. 2. People don't grow rice in the west of Japan. 参考答案:Rice is not grown in the west of Japan. 3. What does the teacher often tell the boys to do? 参考答案:What are the boys often told to do?

4. How many desks do they buy every term? 参考答案:How many desks are bought every term?

5. They sold that kind of shoes in this shop last week. 参考答案:That kind of shoes was sold in this shop last week.

习题集 第 20 页 共 45 页

6. Cranny told us a story last night.参考答案:We were told a story last night. (A story was told to us last night.)

7. Did he clean the blackboard just now? 参考答案:Was the blackboard cleaned by him just now?

8. When did she cook supper yesterday?参考答案:When was supper cooked yesterday? 9. We must tie the young tree to the stick. 参考答案:The young tree must be tied to the stick.

10. You should take good care of her baby. 参考答案:Her baby should be taken good care of by you. Page119

Ⅲ. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English by using passive voice.(下列汉语句子翻译成英语,用被动语态。)

1. 要认真对待那个问题。参考答案:The problem must be dealt with seriously. 2. 这种陈旧的教学方法必须废弃。参考答案:This out-of-date teaching method must be done away with.

3. 厨房里烟雾弥漫。参考答案:The kitchen was filled with smoke.

4. 此药应在饭后服用。参考答案:The medicine should be taken after dinner. 5. 这里的资源几乎没有利用过。参考答案:The natural resources here were hardly ever made use of.
