
发布时间 : 星期四 文章00015自考英语(二)教程课后试题答案更新完毕开始阅读

25. that you are all mistaken 由主从连词that 引导的主语从句——在我看来,你们完全弄错了。

0015自考英语二课后习题答案 unit14

Unit 14(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. b 5. c II.

1. miniature 2. allege 3. activate 4. tape 5. belongings 6. slip

7. profound 8. juveniles 9. solicit 10. heart-breaking III.

1.e 2.g 3.f 4.d 5.h 6.h 7.a 8.j 9.c 10.b IV.

now; message; end; again; asked; recorder; for V.

1. His persuasions were to no avail.

2. Everyone of us should do something for other people, and contribute something to someone. 3. The story about the young man set us thinking profoundly.

4. The exceeding courage and compassion of that woman teacher encouraged many of her students to do nice things for others.

5. A woman teacher with extraordinary courage intended to reason with her killer.

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a. prosecuted b. prosecutor c. prosecution

2.a. persistence b. persistent c. persists d. persistently 3.a. persuaded b. persuasive c. persuasion 4.a. threat b. threatened c. threatening II.

1. compassion 2. activating 3. convince 4. shocking 5. smothered 6. heart-breaking 7. profound 8. solicited 9. open up 10. grabbed III.

1. The explorers opened up a stretch of land in the eastern part of the Americans.

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2. This man alleged that his proposal had been ignored. 3. I suspect that he didn't control the timing effectively. 4. Would you please comment on this conclusion?

5. He was convinced that some vegetable species are faced with extinction. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.T II.

1. the Seeds of Wrath; apartheid 2. set aside 3. subversive 4. prosecuted

5. silenced; reflect 6. legislated; designed 7. intention; cut off 8. inflicted

9. human relations

10. its all pervasive extent; hostility; violence

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.D 2.B 3.D 4.A 5.B II.

1. subversive of 2. barriers 3. fled 4. indication 5. separation 6. pledge 7. inflicted 8. suicide 9. extent 10. queuing

Grammar Exercises I.

1. which is a percentage charged to any item you buy in that state 限定性定语从句----许多州都按你在该州购买的所有商品的百分比征收销售税。

2. that never play 限定性定语从句----有些动物从不玩耍。

3. which would otherwise be dark 限定性定语从句----来自地球的反光使我们有可能看得见月球的某些部分。没有这样的光,那些部分就是暗的。

4. who want to put out their ads限定性定语从句----许多想要发表广告的商人都利用国家发行的刊物。

5. which could scarcely been made except by some thinking animals限定性定语从句----某些蜘蛛建造巢穴。除非是某些会思维的动物,否则这样的巢穴几乎建不成。

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6. Which is the dividing line between the heavens and the earth非限定性定语从句----如果你望远看,只能看见幽蓝迷离的烟霾。那是天地之间的分界线。

7. where very many diamonds have been found限定性定语从句----只有四个地方发现过大量钻石。

8. which an animal has not 非限定性定语从句----你也许以为植物与动物的区别是植物有叶,有根,有花,而动物没有这些东西。

9. that were formed 限定性定于从句----人们相信,火山筒是火山的组成部分,它们形成于熔岩向上冲破地壳之时。

10. which the scientists could observe what happened without being seen限定性定语从句----这个房间有一堵墙,通过它,科学家能够观察所发生的事,而自己不被人看到。

11. during which time stores will lower their normal prices非限定性定语从句----美国有许多减价销售期,在此期间,商家会降低正常商品价格。

12. where final decisions are made 限定性定语从句----你得将此事提交做最终决定的主任室。

13. that range from inexpensive to very expensive限定性定语从句----依商店而定,小商店供应从廉价到昂贵的各种商品。

14. in which both the father and the mother are equal partners 非限定性定语从句----现代家庭中父母双方是平等的合作伙伴的情况更加普遍。

15. which give him clues for solving the new one非限定性定语从句----他偶尔找到与问题密切相关的答案,这给他解决新问题提供了线索。

16. which transmit information, which store information, which displays information,非限定性定语从句----传递信息的人造卫星、储存信息的计算机、展示信息的电视机的综合利用,将使每个家庭变成教育和娱乐的中心。

17. Which make up the whole vocabulary 限定性定语从句----两大类词共同组成全部词汇。

18. when it was decided ...限定性定语从句----廉价店上个世纪得名,那时人们认为薄利多销要比厚利少销好。 19. that does not feature north at the top 限定性定语从句----很难想象得出一张北方不设在上方的地图会是什么样。

20. who got married without even telling ...限定性定语从句----我认识好几个结婚时甚至不通知父母和其他朋友的朋友。

21. which means that an accurate count can never be made 非限定性定语从句----许多梦游者并未求助,所以从未有过记载,这就意味着准确的统计永远不可能得到。

22. that provide food for the smaller birds that in turn provide food for the Arctic fox 限定性定语从句----湿润的沼泽地生成大批昆虫。这些昆虫为较小型的鸟类提供了食物,较小的鸟类继而给北极狐和狼提供了食物。

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23. by which the position and course of a ship, aircraft or rocker can be figured out 限定性定语从句----导航学是一门艺术或科学,据此可以计算出船只、飞机或火箭的位置和路线。

24. as she often does 非限定性定语从句----那姑娘努力工作,她经常如此。

25. who steals, 限定性定语从句----不要忘记,对那些偷东西的人来说,就会有更多的人再去花钱----这对商店和英国的经济都有利。 III.

1. 虽然小时候许多男孩没有什么优势,后来却为国家做出了大的贡献。 2. 如果想看上去小些瘦些,或高或胖的人就穿深色衣服。

3. 研究非语言交际对经理们很重要,因为他们若想创造好得工作环境,得与雇员打交道,得了解他们想些什么。 4. 由于没有仔细阅读说明书,我的一个学生关错了开关。 5. 人们在他们之间传话,以便能改善两位朋友之间的关系。 6. 如果一个人说话时把手挡在嘴前,就表明他缺乏信心。 7. 真奇怪,你为他做了那么多,他竟对你不仁不义。 8. 我将给你点教训,叫你永远不忘。

9. 交通阻赛了三十分钟,所以弄得我迟到了。 10. 他希望再写信,以便澄清所有的误会。

Unit 15(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1. b 2. b 3. d 4. a 5. d II.

1. solely 2. vital 3. access

4. pronounce 5. ultimate 6. illusion 7. extension 8. sterile 9. nourishment 10. register III.

1. responsibility 2. uniqueness 3. speculation 4. operation 5. correction 6. extension 7. foolishness 8. tendency 9. nourishment 10. reflection IV.

1. Computer will guide man into a new era.

2. Computer can help solve a lot of problems in researches into man's life.

3. A poet, said Aristotle, has the advantage of expressing the universal; the specialists expressing only the particular.

4. Three has been a tendency to mistake data in a computer for wisdom.

5. The application of computers in industry brought about astonishing changes in productivity.

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