
发布时间 : 星期二 文章00015自考英语(二)教程课后试题答案更新完毕开始阅读

3. 我希望我们能同住。

4. 你认为不喝水能活多少天。

5. 我昨天收到一封措辞严谨的邀请函。 6. 沈阳飞机制造厂既生产又设计飞机。

7. 由于没搞清方向,在黑暗中我没能找到路。

8. 约翰逊一九七一年离开,去了德国。他二十八岁,已婚,有两个孩子。 9. 他重重地打了我,打得我眼冒金星。 10. 妈妈正好把洗好的衣服晒出来。 II.

1. 我想做完工作就到那儿去。

2. 他们决定留在城里,直到收到回信。他们决定在收到回信前呆在城里。 3. 他手里拿了把裁纸刀,翻过来,放下去,又拿了起来。 4. 昨夜大雨倾盆。

5. 我四下张望,却看不见一所房子。

6. 打开上数第三个抽屉,但是别向外拉得过长。

7. 他走过来,头发蓬乱,满脸通红,双手插在裤兜里,仍然是那幅人们一再告诫他别做出的样子。 8. 这可怜的孩子完了。

9. 风真猛烈,人们被刮得站不住脚。 10. 这股歪风不能给任何人带来益处。 III.

1. A: 入口在哪? B: 就在这。

2. 约翰搬进了新居。那房子是他去年盖的。

3. 这是一架旧的盒式照相机。我从未有过这样一台这样的照相机。 4. A: 你认为安妮指导吗? B: 我认为大家都知道。

5. 我这一辈子听过一些怪故事,可是这个故事也许是最离奇的一个了。 6. 乔治的房子很漂亮,他妻子一定喜欢这座房子。 7. A: 请给我两个煎鸡蛋。 B: 我也要两个煎鸡蛋。

8. 查尔斯现在是演员。我要是有一半那样的机会,也会当演员的。 9. 约翰现在吸烟比以前吸得多。 10. 母鸡不会飞,鸭子也不会飞。 11. 他也许会来,但他没有说要来。 12. A: 你怎么接球? B: 这样接。 13. 每个人都发表了各自的见解。

14. 从这里你可以了解植物的营养和动物的食物在哪些方面有区别。 15. 把美国人的婚俗和伊朗人的婚俗比较很有趣。

Unit 13(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1. d 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b

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1. compel 2. abolished 3. antithesis

4. voluntary 5. coincide with 6. eliminate 7. occupations 8. boring 9. prospect 10. gambling III.

1. g 2. d 3. f 4. a 5. h 6. c 7. i 8. b 9. j 10.e IV

fog; forced; eyes; later; at; neighbor; On V

1. One can not really happy, if he is compelled to do what he does not enjoy doing.

2. Whether a job is to be classified as labor or work depends on the tastes of the individual. 3. generally speaking, work done by anyone is beneficial for the society.

4. The difference between work and labor does not coincide with the difference between a manual job and a mental job.

5. Technology and division of labor have eliminated in many fields the need for skilled workers. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a. efficiency b. efficient c. efficiently

2.a. are divided b. divisible c. division d. divide 3.a. enjoyable b. enjoyment c. enjoy 4.a. boredom b. bored c. boring II.

1. boring 2. eliminate

3. compelled 4. So far as I know 5. undertook 6. amusement 7. duel 8. coincide

9. aptly 10. get her teeth in III.

1. He was reluctant to undertake the work.

2. A man's appearance and quality don't always coincide. 3. The boy goes in for stamp collecting.

4. We were compelled by the rain to stop the match. 5. Information is of great value to him.

6. He has earned respect from many people through his hard work. 7. The company set up another division in Beijing. 8. Every error must be eliminated from the article.

Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1. day after day, year in and year out

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2. take it easy

3. Infinitely varied, subtle; flexible 4. profit

5. edge; without

6. slack for himself; his work more

7. Mr. Coffee machine; personal conversation 8. series

9. time-and-motion; robots

10. a full day's work for a full day's pay; taking a free ride Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.C 2.A 3.C 4.A 5.B II.

1. curtail 2. varied 3. tightened 4. discredited

5. disapproval 6. in large measure 7. take it easy 8. with a view towards 9. do with 10. expect/of III.

1. 改变;各种各样的; 变动; 各种各样的; 易变的; 变量 2. 超过; 过多的; 过多的; 胜过

3. 比赛; 竞赛,比赛; 竞争的; 竞争者 4. 着手; 出发; 竖立; 建立

5. 批准; 赞成; 不批准; 不赞成 Grammar Exercises I.

1. that the main difference between animals and plants that the former could move about while the latter could not 由主从连词that引起的主语从局和表语从句——人们曾经认为,动植物之间的主要区别是前者能到处走动,而后者则不能。

2. how these basic principles work 由连接副词how引起的宾语从句——了解这些基本原则如何运作很有用。

3. that children's exposure to violence...behavior 由主从连词that引起的同位语从句——越来越多的证据表明孩子们暴露于电视节目表现的暴力之下,对他们的行为有长期的影响。

4. that sleepwalking is a symptom of emotional disturbance 由主从连词that 引导的主语从句——梦游是情绪紊乱的症候;这一点是肯定的。

5. what you can lift 由连接代词 what 引导的表语从句——检验你体力的标准是看你能提得起多重的东西。

6. that we shall have an early winter 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——所有的一切都表明一个事实,那就是,我们将过一个早到的冬天。

7. that she has a good pronunciation 由主从连词 that引导的的宾语从句——她的语音很好,这得归功于她的英语老师。

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8. that the listeners were more interested ... of his talk 由主从连词that 引导的主语从句——奇怪的是,听众对讲演者本人比对报告更感兴趣。

9. how she had got there 由连接副词 how引导的同位语从句——男孩发现自己睡在一间怪怪的房间里的一张怪怪的沙发上,不知道自己怎么到了那里。

10. that he will not repeat his mistake 由主从连词that引导的同位语从句——他不会重犯错误,你可以相信这一点。

11. that the snow might delay them 由主从连词 that 引导的宾语从句——他们害怕被雪耽搁,就早早出发了。

12. that a large number of people benefit from heart surgery 由主从连词 that 引导的同位语从句——毫无疑问,一大批人得益于心脏手术。

13. what on has previously thought 由连接代词what 引导的介词宾语从句——心胸宽广意味着,不管你先前怎么想,能够面对事实。

14. that the party should have been cancelled 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——姑娘们都认为取消晚会太令人遗憾。

15. that misguided forms of dieting dieting result in so many problems 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——误导的节食方法产生许多问题,这一事实不意味着所有节食方法都不安全。

16. that ginger root had the magic power of improving our memory 由主从连词that 引导的主语从句——人们曾经以为姜根由改善记忆的魔力。

17. which mode early sailors unwilling to sail far out into the Atlantic was that it reached out to \edge of the world\由连接代词which 引导的定语从句和由主从连词that 引导的表语从句——到了大西洋就是到了“世界尽头”这一错误想法使早期的水手们不愿意进入大西洋。

18. that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes 由主从连词that 引导的主语从句——美国的税收状况再实际上最糟,这一点众所周知。

19. Whether he will come or not 由主从连词what 引导的主语从句——他来与不来取决于各种因素。

20. What would he have done in other circumstances 由连接代词whether 引导的宾语从句——在其他情形下他会怎么做,谁能知道?

21. that Oxbridge graduates start with an unfair advantage in the employment marker 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——他认为牛桥毕业生在就业市场一开始就享受不平等优待,一些研究人员似乎支持他的说法。

22. what they have been discussing 由连接代词what 引导的主语从句——我对他们讨论的事一无所知。

23. that the flowers are all taken good card of 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——请留心照顾这些花。

24. that she should treat her husband with more consideration 由主从连词that 引导的同位语从句——她拒绝接受我让她对丈夫更善解人意些的劝告。

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