
发布时间 : 星期三 文章00015自考英语(二)教程课后试题答案更新完毕开始阅读

1.a. develop b. developmental c. development

2.a. relevance b. irrelevant c. relevant d. relevantly 3.a. irresponsible b. responsible c. responsibility 4.a. ethics b. ethical c. unethical II.

1. paralyzed 2. regeneration 3. simulating 4. suitable 5. misleading 6. replace 7. eventual 8. disorder 9. lethal 10. undergo III.

1.The artist has reproduced every detail of your appearance in the portrait. 2.We should aim with efforts for higher productivity. 3.He has given evidence central to this problem.

4.I don't think what he said relevant to our topic of conversation.

5.The city's security is undergoing some changes, due to the increasing number of people swarming into it. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.F 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.F 10.F II.

1. beautiful; intelligent; favored 2. humanity

3. patient; understanding

4. attaches; goings and comings

5. sit; contemplate; contented; serene 6. more imperative

7. purchase; health care; feeding; housing; training 8. news; begging ads

9. developed; \10. want; starvation Vocabulary Exercises I.

1. grant 2. devotion 3. at ease

4. break in on 5. starving 6. deprived

7. take/for granted 8. brought out 9. unreasonable 10. relief 11. prevails 12. sustain 13. remarks 14. contemplate Grammar Exercises I.

1.欧亨利的小说以活泼的谈话式文体写成并以出乎意料的结尾为特征。 2.长话短说,他欢蹦乱跳地回来了。

3.我简直无法相信这样的难以置信的故事。 4.请镇静下来,告诉我全部经过。

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5.从她的脸上,我看出了事实的真相。 6.汤姆,当诚实的孩子,不要撒谎呦。 7.他在交手的第一回合被击倒。 8.我明天10点左右到你的办公室。 9.取一块砂纸,把相框的边缘磨光。 10.他们围着篝火跳舞。 11.那女孩有张普通的圆脸。 12.我从未有过这种想法。


14.别忘了把你的通讯处写在信头上端。 15.船离开港口,向海上驶去。 II.

1.我想要申请进入贵部门。 2.我乐意向您引荐史密斯先生。

3.我肯定他到达后几周之内,全力以赴投入研究生课程不会有任何困难。 4.我完全熟悉焊接技术的现代趋势和发展。 5.汤姆工作努力,而且招人喜欢。 6.我们期待进一步与您交往。 7.欲知详情,请来函。

8.他一定是应他人之邀才做的。 9.我不反对你的意见。

10.小心别从梯子上跌下来。 11.恐怕琼斯先生出去了。 12.他身体虽弱,却精神健康。 13.校长非常希望您参加会议。

14.作为哲学家,他是那个时代的典型人物。 15.大卫受到热烈的欢迎,很高兴。 16.偶尔有只蝴蝶从窗口飞进飞出。 17.没有一丝风。

18.这件衣服是要冬天穿的,别做的太瘦了。 19.他们捕到很多鱼。


Unit 12(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. c II.

1. symptom 2. consider 3. substitute

4. fantasy 5. equilibrium 6. concentration

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7. enhance 8. spur 9. daydream 10. drift III.

1. Daydreaming is essential for a. maintaining equilibrium b. an effective relaxation

2. Daydreaming contributes significantly to a. intellectual growth b. powers of concentration c. the ability to interact

d. the ability to communicate with others

3. Whose experiment supports the idea of \Dr. Joan Freyberg with schoolchildren in New York

4. Whose experiment supports the idea of \Dr. jerome Singer at Yale University

5. Which point do the examples of Newton and Edison support?

Best ideas seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming. IV.

under; but; love; Get; police; by; see V.

1. Recent research indicates that daydreaming is part of daily life.

2. Daydreaming not only contributes to emotional equilibrium but also improves self-control. 3. Historically, scientists and inventor took full advantage of daydreaming.

4. While composing, some composers seemed to approach a state of deep daydreaming. 5. Don't picture yourself as loser but as winner in your dreamland.

Vocabulary Exercises I. 1.

a. habitual b. habit c. habitually 2.

a. compensation b. compensates c. compensatory 3.

a. invention b. invented c. inventor; invention 4.

a. created b. creativity c. creation d. creative e. creators II.

1. modest 2. maladjustment 3. initial 4. muse 5. vividly 6. waylaid

7. surrounding 8. undisturbed 9. effortless 10. abandoned 11. unaware of 12. free from 13. drew on 14. Contrary to 15. beneficial to

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16. at sea 17. put off 18. come up 19. confronted with 20. substitute for III.

1. There were only 100 people present at the meeting at best.

2. It took him two years to finish writing a book entitled Reflection of Past. 3. We should confront the difficulties in life instead of escaping from them. 4. The teacher's praise enhanced his confidence.

5. While exercising your imagination, you should be free from regular thinking pattern. 6. You must go over the manual before the installation of the equipment.

Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1. Veterans Administration hospital 2. dream character 3. lack of association

4. Common sense; folk wisdom 5. five

6. rapid eye movement; beneath 7. two

8. psychological 9. Who; what

10. the more; the merrier

Vocabulary Exercises I.

1. miserable 2. sought out 3. vary 4. correlation 5. reinforces II.

1. influence on 2. volunteers 3. volunteered 4. respectively 5. identities

Grammar Exercises I.

1. 人群发出赞成的喊声。

2. 那位棒球手单手接住了一个漂亮球。

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