
发布时间 : 星期一 文章00015自考英语(二)教程课后试题答案更新完毕开始阅读

Unit 5(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.b II.

1.original 2.transformation 3.distinct 4.spontaneous 5.individual 6.essentially 7.diverse 8.live 9.imitate 10.out of doors III.

1.maintenance 2.spontaneity 3.popularity

4.expression 5.rhythm 6.distinction/distinctness 7.penetration 8.immigration 9.transformation 10.synthesis IV.

1.a.blues b.rock'n'roll c.folk music 2.a.essentially a black medium b.rhythmic dance music

c.popular among college students

3.a.originated in San Francisco,in the United States b.led by the Beatles,in England

4.a.it brings together separate musical traditions;

b.it makes use of the full range of electric instruments and the technology of electric amplifiers; c. it becomes a multimedia experience V.

1.The new music was made out of the three forms of music in existence. 2.Rock'n'Roll is very rhythmic,so it is popular among young people. 3.The Beatles was a famous Rock group in England.

4.Modern music pays a great deal of attention to the participation of its audience. 5.Electric amplifiers make music loud and penetrating. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a.music b.musical c.musically d.musician 2.a.conscious b.Consciousness c.consciously

3.a.limited b.limits c.limitations d.limitless 4.a.original b.originated c.origianlity II.

1.synthesis 2.studio 3.spontaneous 4.readily 5.passive 6.multimedia 7.distinct 8.sentiment 9.anti-war 10.Eclecticism III.

1.This chapter is on the transformation of heat energy into dynamic energy. 2.A group of people gathered spontaneously on the spot of the accident. 3.The quarrel originated form misunderstanding.

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4.The army took over the city after 1949.

5.You should not take on too much work for the sake of your health. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T 6.T 7.F 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1.the spontaneously inspired type; the constructive; the traditionalist type 2.well

3.completed composition; musical theme 4.the shorter; a stretch 5.creative; musical theme 6.notebooks 7.preliminary 8.pattern; theme 9.for the sake of

10.harmonies; sonorities; formal principles Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b 5.a II.

1.不变地 常变的 多样化 多种多样的 2.有创造力的 创造 创造 3.作曲家 创作 作品

4.特有的 特性 塑造特性 特性塑造 5.各种各样的 多样化的 使不同 多样性 6.传统 传统的 传统主义者 7.建造 建设性的 建筑

8.果实 有收益的 无收获的 Grammar Exercises I.

1.Young as she was,she was quite experienced in this work.

2.Hard they tried,they couldn't find a solution to this problem.

3.Little did they realize that they had made an important discovery in science. 4.No sooner had we put down the receiver than the telephone rang again. 5.Hardly did I expect that his condition would turn for the worse.

6.Not only should we work hard ourselves,we should also get other people interested in the work. 7.Not until you talked with him did he realize the seriousness of his mistake. 8.Never did he expect that the project would be completed so soon. 9.Rarely did we see anyone so devoted as she to medical science. 10.Scarcely had she said the words when she began to regret it. 11.Ahead of us lie many difficulties.

12.Far in the distance lay ranges of mountains covered with forests. 13.Next to him stood Edgar Snow.

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14.Standing in the doorway was a young man in blue uniform. 15.Out rushed the man and his wife. II. A.

1.The second point I'll explain later.

2.This one I shall send by ordinary account. 3.All this we shall take into full account.

4.What you've just said,I'll always keep in my mind. 5.This we shall understand. B.

1.The time has now come to put an end to this practice. 2.The question will arise of how to prevent air pollution.

3.The belief is commonly held that Englishmen are more reserved than Americans. 4.A list will be sent to you of the major items they produce.

5.The order soon came that we have to leave the small town immediately. III.

1.He likes sports very much.So does his child. 2.She did not like the idea.Nor did her husband.

3.Only in this way can we expect to do our work well. 4.Not untill 1990 did I know he was an English teacher.

5.Never had any country tried so hard to develop its industry. 6.Not far from the bridge is a tall building.

7.Not only do they work hard,but they also work well. 8.Before us were walking a group of Young Pioneers. 9.Had you told me earlier, I would have helped you. 10.I worked in a small factory in Wuxi last year.

Unit 6(英语二) Text A

Exercises for the Text I.

1.a 2.c 3.c 4.c 5.b II.

1.prevalent 2.welding 3.appliance 4.switch 5.artificial 6.identify

7.convert...into 8.discard 9.defective 10.assemble III.

1.d 2.f 3.b 4.j 5.c 6.i 7.e 8.g 9.h 10.a IV.

not; use; sign; one; meant; end; him V.

1.The application of robots has increasingly become prevalent and far-reaching these years.

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2.The newly developed robots have a sense of touch and the ability to see and make decisions. 3.Robots are widely employed in the automotive industry.

4.Both light-sensitive materials and electronic digital cameras are photographic equipment. 5.Robots differ greatly from automatic machines. Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.a. efficiency b.efficient c.efficiently

2.a.have increased b.increasingly c.increasing 3.a.completely b.completed c.completion

4.a.intensify b.intensity c.intensive d.intense II.

1.reduction 2.shade 3.appliance 4.prevalent 5.personnel 6.defective 7.specific 8.capable of 9.in between 10.assembled 11.expose III.

1.At a critical moment,we should be capable of facing difficultion.

2.After considering that problem,they switched their attention to something else. 3.Spray the table with paint.

4.We should expose children to new ideas. 5.We have plenty of natural resources.

6.He was critical of her for her ignorance of law.

7.He switched from one occupation to another in the past three years. Text B

Exercises for the Text I.

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.T 7.T 8.T 9.T 10.F II.

1.forecast 2.early warning 3.China; Alaska

4.the energy level 5.shifting; cracks; faults; crust 6.seismic networks 7.radon; ground water 8.comes from the radioactive 9.partial; processes 10.Haicheng; 1975 Vocabulary Exercises I.

1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.B II.

1.analyze 2.forecast 3.shift

4.reliablity 5.preceded 6.subsided 7.speculated 8.warning

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