江苏省南京市2018届高三9月学情调研测试 英语

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48. A. polished 49. A. refilled 50. A. make up 51. A. around 52. A. note

B. unfinished B. rearranged B. clean up B. in

C. decorated C. recycled C. fix up C. under C. shot

D. abandoned D. replaced D. pick up D. above

B. look D. break


RAP, so let’s get one thing out of the way: there is nothing wrong with staying up late as long as you’re getting a good amount of sleep every night. Similarly, early risers have no special biological advantage: recent research has upset the long-held belief that morning people are healthier than late risers. What research has not disproved, however, is that morning people tend to get more done. The productivity expert Laura Vanderkam argues that people should consider switching their schedule not because it’s necessarily better but because it’s practical.

“People find morning hours useful because it’s time you have to yourself before everybody else wants a piece of you,”

Vanderkam says. Waking up earlier to work out, make headway on a creative project or enjoy a stress-free cup of coffee (without a smartphone in your hand) can help make it easier to accomplish more without sacrificing time for yourself.

Here, some advice from the expert on how to pull it off. 53. A. urgent B. usual 54. A. Pioneering B. Recalling 55.A. fountains B. flowers


C. separate C. Trusting C. sculptors D. similar D. Listening D. instructors



三相学习法?三有教学法?高考英语二轮复习?模拟试卷 A


When you wake up in the middle of the night, a physiological

state called sleep inertia helps you fall back asleep. But that

same state is responsible for your morning sleepiness. To get


your body going, Vanderkam recommends doing some

Morning light exposure can help adjust your internal clock and

stretches, drinking some water or taking a shower right after

regulate your levels of the sleep hormone melatonin (褪黑激

your alarm goes off.

素),making you less out of it when you rise. “Getting morning

light immediately sends your body a wake-up signal,” says



Humans do not naturally avoid punishment, so if your morning

routine feels like one, it’s time to change how you start your day.

Instead of warring with the snooze button, motivate yourself with

a reward. Vanderkam suggests you treat yourself to something--a

fried egg, a fancy coffee--that will get you moving. 56. According to Laura Vanderkam, morning


A. are healthier than late risers

B. are more efficient than late risers C. have to share others1 responsibilities

D. complete creative tasks on the smartphone

57. Vanderkam advises early risers to____________in the morning. A. draw the curtain aside B. turn to the tablet for news C. cook breakfast on their own D. fall back asleep in minutes


The rate of deaths related to Alzheimer’s (阿尔茨海默)disease jumped by 54.5 percent over 15 years, according to a new report from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

The disease currently affects an estimated 5.5 million people in the U.S. but that number is expected to rise dramatically in people over the age of 65 to 13.8 million in 2050. The researchers examined death certificate data from the National Vital Statistics System to reach their findings.

Keith Fargo, director of the scientific program at the Alzheimer's Association, said that the study highlights the need for support and research into treatment of Alzheimer's disease.

“It’s the only cause of death in the top 10 that does not have a way to prevent it or stop it” Fargo told ABC News.

CDC researchers did not study why there was an increase but reported the result of the phenomenon may be that more people were surviving to old age. They found from 1999 to 2005 the greatest increase in death rate related to Alzheimer's disease was in people over the age of 85.

Fargo said he was discouraged to see in the report that 24.9 percent of people with Alzheimer's disease


三相学习法?三有教学法?高考英语二轮复习?模拟试卷 were dying at home rather than in a medical facility. “Before you die people become completely bed bound,” said Fargo. “It requires an intense level of caregiving to the end.”

Fargo said the fact that more people were dying at home indicated that people did not have the resources to get appropriate help at long-term care facilities like nursing homes. Fargo said providing that level of care can burden the caregivers both emotionally and physically. The CDC estimates caregivers provided 18.2 billion hours of unpaid care to dementia (痴呆)patients in 2015.

“The caregivers for Alzheimer’s disease have $9 billion more in Medicare claims of their own,” in addition to the claims of their loved ones Fargo said. Caregiving is “so stressful it causes a lot of physical suffering.”

The CDC researchers point out that increasing rates of Alzheimer's disease will mean more people need support to care and treat these patients.

“Until Alzheimer's can be prevented, slowed, or stopped, caregiving for persons with advanced Alzheimer's will remain a demanding task,” the authors wrote. “An increasing number of Alzheimer’s deaths coupled with an increasing number of patients dying at home suggests that there is an increasing number of caregivers of persons with Alzheimer's. It is likely that these caregivers might benefit from interventions such as education, and case management that can reduce the potential burden of caregiving.’’ 58. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? A. There exist ways to prevent or stop Alzheimer’s disease.

B. Alzheimer's disease affects a total of 13.8 million Americans. C. Not all Alzheimer's patients can afford to live in care facilities. D. People under the age of 65 will not develop Alzheimer's disease.

59. What might have caused the increase in the number of Alzheimer’s patients? A. The ineffective treatment. B. The limited medical facilities. C. The growing aging population. D. The lack of health care-

60. Which of the following can best describe the job of the caregivers for Alzheimer’s disease? A. Unskilled but worthwhile. B. Tough and competitive. C. Painstaking but well-paid. D. Stressful and time-consuming.


Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol is an absolute classic. And even if you don’t want to write exactly like Dickens, there's something—a technique, an idea, a theme, etc.—that every writer can pull from Dickens’ writing.

“Make them laugh, make them cry, make them wait,” was Dickens’s motto and his method. Unfortunately, the use of humor escapes many writers today, especially those who seek to write serious fiction. Dickens was a master of high humor-satire, puns, wordplay, and a curious method of characterizing that made fun of his own creations even as he fleshed them out with life.

You can use the same techniques employed to such good effect by Dickens to add humor to your work. Try to exaggerate your characters a bit. Underline passages that strike you as particularly, funny. Then use a similar tone or approach when describing one of your own characters, especially people you wish to make fun of. This type of humor will not, it is important to stress, detract from the high tone or seriousness of your subject. Instead, it will add a much appreciated human element to otherwise serious writing.


三相学习法?三有教学法?高考英语二轮复习?模拟试卷 The second element of Dickens' famous motto focuses on his use of strong emotion. As Aristotle pointed out in his Poetics, emotional appeals are one of the chief devices of the lecturer and, by extension, of the novelist. Novels weren't invented back in Aristotle's time, but drama was, and he pointed to examples from the ancient Greek dramatists where arousing the audience's pity and fear was planned in advance by the dramatist. In a similar way, a novelist can learn from Dickens how to make readers feel strong emotions.

We may find it harder to cry, but Dickens was a master of situations that bring on the sympathy

needed to cause reader emotion. The very memorable death of Nell in The Old Curiosity Shop (1841) had greatly moved American readers. In composing that scene, he went back in his mind to the great pain he had suffered when he watched helplessly as seventeen-year-old Mary Hogarth, his sister-in-law, died in his arms some years earlier. The message is clear: to create emotion you must feel emotion.

In a wonderful little book, Charles Dickens as Serial Novelist (1967), Archibald C. Coolidge Jr. says the serial(连载小说)form of publication put certain pressures on Dickens that forced him to solve a typical novelists problems (such as how to maintain readers' interest) in strikingly bold ways. One of his most important techniques and one which is often overlooked by writers who prefer literary fiction is the use of an element of mystery and suspense. Dickens called it his mystery story technique. An example of the mystery that runs through BleakHouse (1853) is the identity of Esther's mother. By the time the truth is revealed, the reader is worked up to great interest.

To provide a mystery in your mainstream novel, you might choose some aspect of the story that can be concealed from the reader. Then do not reveal too much ... only tell as much as is needed. You can use the same Dickensian mystery story technique in your own work. You can even lead readers in the wrong direction, provided one of the characters reasonably believes the wrong thing, as Pip does when he suspects that his benefactor (捐助者)is Miss Havisham. Sometimes, the less you tell, the more readers love it. So, by all means, make them wait.

61. The underlined phrase “detract from” in Paragraph 3 means “________”. A. make fun of B. lay emphasis on C. reduce the level of D. adopt the technique of 62. Aristotle's idea is mentioned in Paragraph 4 to . A. explain the similarities between novels and dramas

B. show ancient Greek dramatists’ ability to use strong emotion

C. display Charles Dickens' talent to use strong emotion in his works D. emphasize the necessity of using strong emotion in writing novels 63. What is the purpose of using Dickensian mystery story technique? A. To mislead the target readers. B. To portray the main characters. C. To maintain readers’ interest. D. To reveal important information. 64. What is the best title of the passage? A. Write Just Like Charles Dickens

B. Analyze Charles Dickens’ Personalities C. Highlights of Charles Dickens’ Works

D. Introduction to Charles Dickens’ Writing Techniques

