2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读


Passage Twenty-four28

Back Home

On the way back from Mexico to Cleveland an amusing(有趣的) thing happened . During

the trip to the border(边境),several American whites on the train mistook me for a Mexican , and some of them even spoke to me in Spanish , since I am of a copper-brown complexion(肤色) ,with black hair that can be made quite slick and shiny if it has enough pomade(润发油) on it in the Mexican fashion . But I made no pretence of passing for a Mexican , or anything else , since there was no need for it ---except in changing trains at San Antonio in Texas , where colored people had to use Jim Crow(黑人) waiting room , and could not purchase a Pullman berth. There, I simply went in the main waiting room, as any Mexican would do, and made my sleeping-car reservations in Spanish.

But that evening, crossing Texas, I was sitting alone at a small table in the diner, when a

white man came in and took the seat just across the table from mine. Shortly, I noticed him staring at me , as if trying to figure out something. He stared at me a long time. Then, suddenly, with a loud cry, the white man jumped up and shouted: ―You‘re a nigger, ain‘t you? ‖ and rushed out of the car as if pursued by a plague(受到瘟疫的追逐).

I couldn‘t help smiling to myself. I had heard before that white Southerners never sat down

to table with a Negro(黑人) , but I didn‘t know until then that we frightened them that badly.

Something rather less amusing happened at St, Louis. The train pulled into the station on a

blazing-hot September afternoon, after a sticky, dusty trip, for there were no air-cooled coaches(车厢) in those days. I had a short wait between trains, in the center of the station platform there was a newsstand and soda fountain where cool drinks were being served. I went up to the counter and asked for an ice cream soda.

The clerk said: ―Are you a Mexican or a Negro?‖ I said: ―why?‖

―Because if you‘re a Mexican, I‘ll serve you,‖ he said. ―If you‘re colored, I won‘t.‖

―I‘m colored,‖ I replied. The clerk turned to wait on someone else. I knew I was home in the


1. What seemed amusing to the write when he crossed the border into Texas? [A] Most people had to speak Spanish to each other. [B] Mexicans were treated like black Americans. [C] There were a lot of Mexicans on the train. [D] Most people thought he was Mexican.

2. In Texas at that time, American blacks .

[A] did not ride in the same coach as the whites [B] spoke Spanish to pretend they were Mexicans [C] were thought to carry diseases feared by whites [D]liked to frighten people with their strange actions 3. It can be inferred from the story that

[A] the writer didn‘t take the whites ‘reaction to him seriously at first [B] the writer was good at dealing with people unfriendly to blacks [C] passenger cars for blacks were

[D] blacks were not served drinks or food on trains

4. What made the writer begin to feel uncomfortable about the way blacks were treated in the


[A] That he couldn‘t make a sleeping-car reservation. [B] That he couldn‘t get served a drink he needed. [C] That a white man wouldn‘t share a table with him. [D] That people asked him whether he was a Negro.

5. It can also be inferred that the writer worked and lived in a place where racial discrimination(种

族歧视) was . [A] unheard of [B] less serious [C] more common [D] much talked about




Passage One


A Famous Story Writer

Beatrix Potter was a story writer whose books about animals have been translated into many languages and read by both children and adults. Being an author, she was 1 regarded as a very successful farmer.

2 in London in 1866, Beatrix was looked after at home by various servants. Every year she 3 the days to hr annual holiday in the countryside. She would give to her London home small 4 , which she saw and drew. As she grew up, she entertained 5 children with drawings and stories about these animals. In 1901, she printed a book with her own 6 called The Tale of Peter Rabbit. So many 7 were sold that she bought a farm, where over the next eight years she wrote many other stories. They all sold very well and 8 liked their beautiful color drawings.

With her growing 9 , Beatrix started buying more farmland, animal and property. After her marriage, at the age of 47, Beatrix stopped writing, 10 that she had run out of 11 . She became a farmer and 12 the rest of her life working with her sheep and awarding prizes at sheep fairs where people often asked for her 13 on farming methods.

Today, you can visit her house and 14 see the originals of her books and paintings 15 in a special gallery.

1. [A] again [B] also [C] either [D] too 2. [A] Living [B] Born [C] Famous [D] Only 3. [A] counted [B] numbered [C] imagined [D] considered 4. [A] picture [B] gifts [C] animals [D] servants 5. [A] these [B] other [C] small [D] happy 6. [A] charge [B] cost [C] earning [D] spending 7. [A] images [B] prints [C] pages [D] copies 8. [A] readers [B] sellers [C] writers [D] speakers 9. [A] income [B] wages [C] pay [D] recept 10. [A] telling [B] speaking [C] saying [D] talking 11. [A] views [B] ideas [C] opinions [D] beliefs 12. [A] involved [B] continued [C] took [D] spent 13. [A] advice [B] mind [C] decisions [D] statements 14. [A] just [B] even [C] yet [D] already 15. [A] opened [B] painted [C] displayed [D] directed

Passage Two

My acting career was very short-lived, which was probably a__1__thing.A good friend who loved acting___2___ me to take a small part in a school play. I was quite unwilling,___3___ I decided to go ahead and perform.. It was not a big part and I only had one ___4___. However, I kept one thing ___5___. Ever since I was young, I have had the very unusual___6___of sneezing(打喷嚏) every time I‘m nervous. Things were I no___7___this time around. As you might have___8___, right before my big line, although I tried to calm myself down, I___9___three times. I was so embarrassed(尴尬). However, after I revealed (透露) my secret, we all had a good laugh. ___10___, my friend promised never to ask me to be in a play again.

1.〔A〕good 〔B〕terrible 〔C〕strange 〔D〕shameful 2.〔A〕taught 〔B〕allowed 〔C〕persuaded 〔D〕helped 3.〔A〕so 〔B〕and 〔C〕therefore 〔D〕but

4.〔A〕part 〔B〕line 〔C〕play 〔D〕performance 5.〔A〕secret 〔B〕ready 〔C〕effective 〔D〕serious 6.〔A〕skill 〔B〕hobby 〔C〕trick 〔D〕habit 7.〔A〕use 〔B〕fun 〔C〕different 〔D〕interest 8.〔A〕seen 〔B〕guessed 〔C〕considered 〔D〕found 9.〔A〕sneezed 〔B〕forgot 〔C〕practiced 〔D〕tried

10.〔A〕Instead〔B〕As a result 〔C〕To my surprise 〔D〕What‘s more



Passage Three

You asked me how to take successful photos of animals? Well, the secret is _1_.Unlike people, who generally are _2_ to stop what they are doing and say ―cheese‖ before a camera, camera-shy animals are more likely to take off in the _3_ direction. Patience, however, can prove worthwhile. One photographer spent the better part of a hot _4_ ,hid behind a tree, _5_ to snap a close-up of a fawn. Despite the high _6_ of late summer and frequent attacks by mosquitoes, the photographer kept her _7_ . After four hours, before sunset, she finally_8_ her goal, shooting half a roll of film_9_her white-tailed subject disappeared into the woods. The photographer later sold three of her photos she took to a well-known_10_magazine. 1. [A] patience [B] skill [C] techniques [D] tools 2. [A] nervous [B] happy [C] shy [D] calm 3. [A] same [B] wrong [C] right [D] opposite 4. [A] morning [B] afternoon [C] day [D] week 5. [A] insisting [B] imagining [C] hoping [D] planning 6. [A] task [B] light [C] spirit [D] heat 7. [A] watch [B] animal [C] camera [D] secret 8. [A] realized [B] achieved [C] give up [D] put off 9. [A] when [B] since [C] before [D] after 10. [A]beauty [B]fashion [C]health [D]nature

Passage Four

Something’s Fishy Here

Steve and Mark were good friends. They decided to spend their vacation in Haiti. Since they ___1____no French, they took a French word book with them and hoped it would help them in difficult situations. The flight was ___2___,and the hotel was very comfortable. Each day after breakfast, Steve and Mark ___3___a picnic lunch and dinner and went off to visit interesting places. After a while ,the boys became tired of ___4___picnic meals and decided to eat a dig fish dinner in a good restaurant.Unfortunately,they___5___their Word book in the hotel.

They ___6___the menu carefully. After ten minutes, Steve said Mark: ―I don‘t understand this menu.‖

―neither do I,‖ said Mark. ―I see poison(毒药) on this menu. Are they ___7___here?‖

―Maybe. They even spelled poison___8___.They spelled it p-o-i-s-s-o-n instead of p-o-i-s-o-n.. But it must mean the same thing. Maybe we should go to ___9___restaurant. I don‘t want to eat something that will kill me. ‖ But Mark was tired ,___10____he said :―There is no other restaurant near here, and I‘m tired of walking around the city. Let‘s order something else instead. It‘s___11___here, so the food must be good.‖ The boys looked at the menu again. They finally decided to order steak(牛排),___12___they Really wanted fish. The boys just pointed to the word steak, and the waiter understood.

As they were eating, they heard some tourists speaking English . ―This ___13___is delicious.‖

―We‘re lucky we picked a restaurant that‘s famous for its fish . ‖ Steve and Mark wondered about what they discovered.

―Famous for its fish? There was no fish on ___14___!‖said Mark. Finally, Steve decided to find out what all this was about.

―Excuse me, how did you order fish when it wasn‘t on the menu?‖ ―Sure it‘s on the menu. It‘s right here. Poisson.‖ The boys shouted:

―Poisson. That‘s poison! We were wondering ___15____a restaurant like this could have poison on the menu.‖ The tourists laughed. One of them said: ―No. poisson is French for fish.‖



1. [A] talked 2. [A] terrible 3. [A] packed 4. [A] buying 5. [A] reviewed 6. [A] checked 7. [A] crazy 8. [A] foolish 9. [A] another 10. [A] so 11. [A]modern 12. [A] since 13. [A] steak 14. [A] the table 15. [A] why

Passage Five

[B] spoke [C] said [D] told [B] easy [C] excellent [D] hard [B] ordered [C] carried [D] covered [B] suffering [C] eating [D] enjoying [B] kept [C] lost [D] left [B] studied [C] compared [D] turned [B] stupid [C] cruel [D] funny [B] terrible [C] careless [D] wrong [B] the other [C] other [D]others [B] then [C] as [D] now [B] crowded [C] convenient [D] comfortable [B] because [C] and [D] although [B] meal [C] fish [D]food [B]show [C]the menu [D]sale [B] how [C] what [D] whether

The Picture of Confusion

It was six o'clock in the evening .No one was left in the museum .Jose Menendez, the curator(馆长),was making the rounds. 1 to see that everything was all right.2 ,Jose saw something on the floor .He 3 over to see what it was .What do you think he saw ? He saw a beautiful abstract(抽象)painting 4 there. Jose showed the director of asked him a couple of questions.

\ this?\



\ museum to check and see if it's a stolen painting, said the director. No one claimed(认领)the painting, so the director decided to hang it in the abstract art division(部分)of the museum. All the experts came to __7__the painting. Each one said it was beautiful and had very deep meaning. The director was proud to have such a painting in his museum. He congratulated Jose on his __8__.\

Several weeks later, a woman came to the museum with her five-year-old son.

__9__they were looking at the new painting. the little boy began to cry__10__.The director came over to the child and asked: ―Why are you crying?‖

The child __11__ the painting and said:

―I‘m crying because that‘s my painting on the wall, and I want it __12__.‖

―Yes.‖ said his mother.‖ I was here with Danny __13__ago,and he left his painting right here on the floor. If you look carefully, you can see his __14__.‖

The director was ashamed. He looked at the boy and his mother. He did not know__15__. 1. [A]checking [B]wishing [C]wondering [D]expecting 2. [A]Proudly [B]Immediately [C]Suddenly [D]Finally 3. [A]turned [B]walked [C]stepped [D]passed 4. [A]staying [B]hanging [C]putting [D]lying 5. [A]find [B]tack [C]reach [D]catch 6. [A]a lot of [B]only a few [C]several [D]a couple of 7. [A]discuss [B]review [C]support [D]explain 8. [A]discovery [B]decision [C]carefulness [D]cleverness 9. [A]While [B]During [C]After [D]Before 10. [A]badly [B]seriously [C]angrily [D]bitterly 11. [A]hold on [B]pointed to C]took down [D]found out 12. [A]again [B]away [C]down [D]back 13. [A]a few weeks [B]several days [C]yesterday [D]a month 14. [A]drawing [B]name [C]word [D]sign 15. [A]how to explain [B]what to say [C]how to do [D]what to happen

