2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读


Welcome to Harrods ---a different world for a million reasons. Harrods is the largest store in Europe with 5.5hectares of selling space .In one year over 14 million purchases(购买的物品)are made in the 214 departments where you can buy anything from a pin or a needle to an elephant--if you can persuade the manager of the Pet Department that you are a suitable elephant owner, that is! It is Harrods‘ policy to store a wide and exciting range of goods in every department to give the customer a choice of goods which unique(独特的)in its variety and which no other store can match .

Harrods also offers a number of special services to its customers including a bank, a library, a theatre ticket office. £40 million worth of goods are exported every year from Harrods and the Export Department can deal with any customer purchase or order and will pack and send goods to any address in the world .Recently, for example ,six bread rolls were sent to New York, a handkerchief to Los Angeles, a Persian carpet and a curtain to lran and a diamond ring to Australia is famous for first-class service .It has a staff of 4000,rising to 6000 at Christmas time.

Harrods sells 5 million different products, not all of which are actually kept in the store itself. To deal with this enormous range ,a new computerized warehouse (仓库) is being built .It will be the largest warehouse in Britain and second largest in Europe and will deal with a wider range of goods than any other store in the world. Thanks to its modern technology a customer will be able to order any product (for example, a dining table or a dishwasher) from any assistant in the store. The assistant will be able to check its availability immediately on a computer, decide with the customer on a suitable delivery date and time and then pass the order directly to the warehouse through the computer. The delivery will be made within one hour.

For many of London‘s visitors Harrods is an important stop on their sightseeing program. Henry Charles Harrods‘s first shop was opened in 1849,but the building as it stands today was started in 1901.The store now attracts thousands of visitors from all over the world every year. 1. The Pet Department would sell an elephant to a customer if he _________.

[A] is a pet animal lover

[B] has the money to open a zoo

[C] has the ability to buy and keep one [D] is a scientist studying African animals

2. The writer mentions Harrods sending a handkerchief to Los Angeles to make the point that the


[A] offers a special service to American customers [B] is able to deal with any customer orders [C] is famous for selling handkerchiefs [D] is an expensive one for the wealthy

3. According to the text ,when the new computerized system is operating ,a customer _________.

[A] can place an order with any shop assistant [B] can order things from their own home

[C] can buy things through the store‘s mail service

[D] can bargain over the price of the goods with shop assistants

4. Which of the following would be the best title for the text? [A]Harrods , a Tourist Attraction in London [B] Harrods , the Largest in the World. [C] Enter a Different World.

[D] Enjoy Special Services from Harrods.

Passage Thirteen18

The business of on-line shopping so far has been disappointing for the pioneering retailers(零售商) who are already offering their services. The problem is that consumers(消费者),who say they are interested in the services, are mostly ―just looking‖.

The internet offers, among other things,―an electronic mall‖ with hundreds of retailers selling everything from computers to soaps. As with anything on the lnternet, it is highly decentralized so reports of sales are not always correct. But many of the reports are disappointing.

But it is far too soon to announce the end of electronic retailing. One reason, say researchers and service providers, is that consumers are only beginning to understand the possibilities of the new technology.

On-line shopping allows consumers to research their purchases and communicate directly with



the seller for product service and support. The new services also promise visuals(图片) of quality goods equal to those on television.

Today, not many consumers have equipment in their homes capable of receiving such visuals and information. But Kingsley & CO. says that electronic shopping business will reach $4 billion to $10 billion a year in the United States by the year 2008.Thatmeans just 51 percent of the US homes will have technology to make on-line shopping work, says George Sampson, director of Kingsley & CO.

In the end, the success of on-line shopping may turn on something as simple---and as difficult --- as changing the public‘s idea of how to shop.―The problem with consumers‘‘, says Mr. Sampson, ―is that it is very difficult for them to recognize whether or not they want a product until they have already tried it.‖

1. By ―an electronic mall‖(Paragraph 2) the writer refers to .

(A) the pioneering small businesses

(B) the business meeting through a computer (C) visuals and information a computer offers (D) a number of shops offering services offers

2. On-line shopping in the US has not been doing well mainly because . (A) consumers only want to do research on some products (B) consumers not very familiar with the new technology

(C) consumers not willing to spend money buying the equipment

(D) consumers only want to get some relevant information about the product 3. In on-line shopping, consumers are able to . (A) do their own research on any products (B) meet the seller on their television at home

(C) see quality goods on sale in all big companies

(D) see the products and the relevant information on their computers 4. The underlined word ―that‖(Paragraph 5) refers to (A) Kingsley & CO.‘s estimates about on-line shopping in the US by2008 (B) consumers having the right equipment at home by 2008 (C) consumers‘ interest in electronic shopping business (D) the present on-line shopping business in the US

Passage Seventeen21

As he wiped sweat from his face on a crowded bus, Wang Jun spoke angrily: ―It is simply too hot today. They say it is 35 degrees, but who believes them?‖

Mr. Wang, a retired worker, was echoing the feelings of thousands of Beijing people as summer entered its hottest stage.

Thursday was the hottest day of the year so far, with the temperature officially reported as 36 degrees. But many people believe the government understates the real figure because regulations(条例) passed in the 1950s allow workers to stay at home for all or half of the day if the temperature is higher than 38 degrees.

―It was at least 40 degrees on Thursday,‖ said Liang Guojun, a middle school teacher. ―It was unbearable. But the newspapers said only 36 and forecast rain, of which there was none.‖

In Beijing, visitors to Daguanyuan park in the southwest of the city said the ground temperature reached 55 degrees on Thursday.

The Beijing Evening News reported yesterday that more than 3000 people had been admitted to hospitals suffering from heat stroke(中暑), while local power companies were struggling to meet the demand for electricity.

A heat wave is sweeping much of the mainland, with temperatures in parts of Beijing, Shandong and Hebei provinces reaching as high as 39 degrees. Xinhua said the average temperature in Beijing on Thursday was 36 degrees but in the northern part of Tanghe Kou it was 39 degrees.

Hundreds of people suffering fevers were treated at hospitals. The Chaoyang hospital in northeast Beijing reported 55 such cases on Wednesday. They said most were caused by the differences in temperature between air-conditioned areas and outdoors.

Mr. Liang said the regulation on stopping work when the temperature reached 38 degrees was passed in the 1950s when Beijing had no air-conditioning and depended on fans — either handheld or electric.



―But in those days the temperature rarely reached 38 degrees, so the rule was not actually used. Now we have had years of global warming and industrial pollution and the summers get hotter each year, which means that the temperature is often higher than 38.‖

But an official from the Beijing Meteorological Observatory(北京气象台) said they had no knowledge of any such regulation.

1. Whom does the underlined word ―they‖ (Paragraph 1) refer to?

[A] Bus drivers. [B] Weather reports. [C] Newspaper editors. [D] Passengers on the bus.

2. When the writer says that Mr. Wang was echoing the feelings of thousands of Beijing

people (Paragraph 2), he means________.

[A] Mr. Wang was worried about global warming and pollution in Beijing. [B] Mr. Wang was worried about those people suffering from heat stroke. [C] Mr. Wang was repeating what Beijing people said about the weather. [D] Mr. Wang was arguing in favor of the regulation passed in the 1950s.

3. What was the temperature in Beijing on Thursday according to Beijing Meteorological


[A] 40 degrees. [B] 38 degrees. [C] 36 degrees. [D] 35 degrees. 4. What was the direct result of the heat wave on Thursday according to the text?

[A] Hundreds of people fell ill.

[B] Work in a lot of factories stopped. [C] People rushed to buy air-conditioners. [D] There were several cases of power failure. 5. Where would this text most probably appear?

[A] In a monthly magazine. [B] In a tourist guidebook. [C] In a children's book. [D] In a newspaper. Passage Eighteen22

I was walking along the main street of a small seaside town in the north of England looking somewhere to make a phone call. My car had broken down outside the town and I wanted to contact the AA. Low grey clouds were gathering across the sky and there was a cold damp wind blowing off the sea which nearly threw me off my feet every time I crossed one or the side streets. It had rained in the night and water was dripping from the bare trees that lined the street. I was glad that I was wearing a thick coat.

There was no sign of a call box, nor was there anyone at that early hour whom I could ask. I had thought I might find a shop open selling the Sunday papers or a milkman doing his rounds, but the town was completely dead. The only living thing I saw was a thin frightened cat outside a small restaurant.

Then suddenly I found what I was looking for. There was a small post office, and almost hidden from sight in a dark narrow street next to it was the town‘s only public call box, which badly needed a coat of paint. I hurried forward, but stopped in astonishment when I saw through the dirty glass that there was a man inside. He was fat, and was wearing a cheap blue plastic rain coat. I could not see his face and he did not even raise his head at the sound of my footsteps.

Discreetly(谨慎地), I remained standing a few away and lit a cigarette to wait my turn, It was when I threw the dead match on the ground that I noticed something bright red trickling from under the call box door.

1. At what time was the story set?

[A]An early winter morning. [B]A cold winter afternoon. [C]An early summer morning. [D]A windy summer afternoon.

2. Which of the following words best describe the writer‘s impression of the town?

[A]Cold and frightening. [B]Dirty and crwded. [C]Empty and dead.

[D]Unusual and unpleasant.



3. The underlined word ―trickling‖ (last paragraph) probably means

[A]rushing out suddenly. [B]shining brightly.

[C]flowing slowly in drops.

[D]appearing slowly in a red color.

4. Why didn‘t the man raise his head when the writer came near?

[A]He was annoyed at being seen by the writer. [B]He was angry at being disturbed by the writer. [C]He was probably fast asleep. [D]He was probably murdered.

Passage Nineteen23

Alaska, the Arctic State

Alaska became the forty-ninth state of the United States in 1958. Ninety years earlier Secretary of State Seward had with great difficulty persuaded the Congress(国会)to buy it from Russia for $15 000 000 . For many years people who failed to recognize the wisdom of this action called Alaska ―Seward‘s Folly‖—a foolish act.

Alaska is the largest of the states in area , but the smallest in population .It has magnificent(壮观的)scenery with high mountains, including the highest peak in North America ,and vast glaciers(冰川)。Where the Alaskan Peninsula(半岛)begins, there is the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, where steaming volcanic vapors(蒸汽) rise all year round . There are also interesting animals on land and in the sea, including polar bears, reindeer, wolves, seals, and whales.

It is a land of great contrasts. In the treeless ,snow-covered north ,the Eskimos live by hunting seals and polar bears and keep up the customs and skills handed down from generation to generation . But farther south there are modern cities with tall buildings and comfortable homes equipped with all the modern conveniences. People and goods come and go by airline, railroad, and automobiles. There is a fine education system, including universities and two-year colleges.

Alaska also has great contrasts in its weather conditions. While the northern part, within the Arctic Circle, is bitter cold, the south, near Canada, is quite warm and damp . Even in the central part there are some places warm enough for raising cows and growing vegetables.

The population of Alaska was only 200 000 at the time it was bought , but it grew very fast , especially after gold was discovered in the Yukon Valley in 1897 .After the end of that gold rush many Americans continued to move to Alaska , in search of opportunities on the new frontier of the United States.

1、 People called Alaska“Seward‘s Folly”because________

[A] the use of Alaska was not clear for some time [B] even the US Congress objected to Seward‘s action

[C] Secretary of State Seward was known to be rather foolish [D] the land in Alaska was not properly developed at that time 2、 The writer of the text tries to tell us that Alaska_________ .

[A] has the largest number of rare animals [B] is the most thinly populated in the world [C] is the largest country in North America [D] has beautiful and unusual scenery

3、 What does the underlined word“contrast”(Paragraph 3) mean?

[A] Great change. [B] Vast difference. [C] Striking similarity [D] Rapid development

4、 What event marked the beginning of population increase in Alaska?

[A] The discovery of gold.

[B] The setting up of universities. [C] The drawing of the Arctic Circle. [D] The industrialization of the Yukon Valley

Passage Twenty24

City Promises Smooth Transport

The Beijing municipal government has stepped up efforts to provide an efficient safe and quick

