2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读


into various kinds in terms of length of time in the air, necessary training, cost, technical equipment and knowledge required.

Ballooning was man‘s first experience of flight over 200 years ago. However, it was not until the late 1960s that hot-air ballooning really developed in Britain. It is a very unusual experience to stand and look at the countryside disappearing in front of you as you rise higher and higher. If you wish to learn to fly a balloon yourself and can afford it (they cost several thousand pounds), it is possible to buy your own. Some producers provide instruction or you can learn on an hourly basis at a club.

Hang gliding is to realize man‘s dream of stepping off a hill or mountain and flying like a bird. It has made flying a possibility for almost everyone since it is relatively inexpensive and involves very little equipment. It is done from a hill facing into the wind and by the end of the course you should be able to make flights from the hilltop, turn left an right, land accurately ant the bottom of the hill. A five-day course is normally needed to reach this standard. You should wear warm and waterproof clothing and a special cap to protect your head. You are not allowed to do it if you are under 17. Once you have completed a course you can join the club. The telephone number is (0234) 751688.

1. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the article? [A] People cannot fly without airplane

[B] People need special training to fly [C] You can‘t fly a balloon by yourself [D] Ballooning is a new kind of sport.

2. Flying has become part of people‘s leisure pastime because they . [A] have a dream of flying like a bird

[B] want to look at the country from the above [C] are rich enough to afford a balloon

[D] have made hot-air balloons

3. Almost everyone can learn hang gliding because [A] it‘s like a real bird flying [B] your don‘t have to be skillful [C] it needs less equipment [D] you can turn left and right

4. One thing to remember when you take hang gliding is to [A] become a club member [B] keep yourself warm [C] call the gliding club first

[D] be good at mountain climbing

Passage Nine10


Surfing is an exciting and dangerous activity in which a person tries to control himself on a board and rides the surface of a big, high-rising ocean wave. Channel(频道)surfing is a bit different. A person sits in a comfortable armchair and pushes the button of a television remote-control(遥控)board many times a minute to check and recheck all the channels. In the United States, channel surfing is by far the more popular sport. When television first replaced radio in the 1950s, channel surfing was unknown. Back then, there were only a few stations. People who loved TV had their favorite shows and watched them whole-heartedly all the way through. In fact, studies showed that when a family sat down to watch a favorite program at 7:00 pm, they stayed with the same channel the rest of the evening. With the coming of cable(有线)television, dozens of channels now offer a great variety of films, new, weather, talk shows, science shows, and so on. Faced with so many choices, people often become restless and fell a need to check out all the other stations. Men in an ordinary U.S. family usually want to hold the remote control and surf the channels; women usually like to choose one program and watch it through. Interestingly, many experts say that channel surfing may be seen as a skill for dealing with the modern world. More and more people are called upon to change their attention among many things in their work, which usually involves sitting in front of a computer and playing with it. The person with a limited time of attention is also someone who can live in a world where business is done on-line.



1. This article is mainly about_____.

[A]the ways people watch television [B]the popularity of a television program [C]the role of television in modern society [D]the history of television

2. Many people like changing channels while watching.TV because_____.

[A]they are too young to stay on one channel [B]they have little time to watch everything [C]the quality of the program is terrible [D]there are many choices of programs

3. An important idea of the article is that channel surfing is probably.

[A]a bad way to watch television [B]a hard habit to break

[C]natural because of the fast changing technology [D]showing men‘s powerful position at home 4. According to the article, women usually_____.

[A]like to channel-surf [B]stick to one program [C]do not like television [D]watch TV for a long time 5. Before the time of cable TV, people_____.

[A]could only listen to the radio [B]didn‘t have film programs [C]spent evenings out a lot [D]had no diea of TV surfing Passage Fifteen11

How much rain has fallen on the earth in the past? Man has not always kept weather records. Because scientists need a way to learn about past rainfall, they study rings. A tree‘s trunk grows bigger each year. Beneath its bark(树皮), a tree adds a layer of new wood each year it lives. If you look at a tree stump(树桩), you can see the layers. They are called annual(每年的) rings. On some trees all of the rings are of the same width. But the Ponderosa pines(松树) that grow in American southwest have rings of different width. The soil in the southwest is dry. The pines depend on rainfall. They form wide rings. In a dry year, they form narrow ones. Scientists do not have to cut down a pine to see its rings. With a special tool, they can remove a narrow piece of wood from the trunk without harming the tree, then they look at the width of each ring to see how much rain fell in the year it formed. Some pines are hundreds of years old and so have hundreds of rings. These rings form an annual record past rainfall in the southwest. 1、 What is the main topic of the passage?

[A] The Ponderosa pines in American southwest. [B] Trees that lived hundreds of years ago. [C] What makes tree trunks grow bigger. [D] Why scientists study tree rings.

2、We can infer from the text that .

[A] a tree grows faster when it has a lot of water [B] the Ponderosa pine grows in American southwest [C] pine trees form wide rings each year [D] scientists cut down trees to study tree rings 3、Why do scientists study the width of the tree rings?

[A] They want to move the pine trees. [B] They want to know how big the trees can grow. [C] The rings can tell how much rain has fallen. [D] The trees depend on rainfall for water.

4、 Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?

[A] Young trees have fewer annual rings. [B] The soil in the southwest is fit for the growth of trees. [C] The trunk of a tree never changes in size. [D] The more it rains, the more rings a tree has.



Passage Sixteen12

Pearl Carlson was shaken awake at 3:30 am by a forceful pull. King, the family dog, was trying to pull her out of bed. Then she smelled smoke and heard the sound of fire from her parents‘ room. Pearl‘s screams awaked her mother, Fern, and father Howard, who had recently been in hospital for lung disease, helping Howard to a first-floor window, Fern told him to climb out, then ran to her daughter.

Still inside, King appeared at Pearl‘s window, making squeaking sound. When running toward Pearl‘s bedroom, Fern realized her husband hadn‘t yet escaped. She made her way back through the smoke and flames, following King‘s sound to where Howard lay semiconscious(半昏迷) on the floor. Fern helped him get outside. King came out only after both were safe.

As day dawned, the Carlson saw that King‘s paws(爪子) were badly burned, and his entire body was burned too. His chain collar had gotten so hot that it burned his throat, making it impossible for him to bark normally. Only after the seven-year-old dog refused food did they find pieces of wood in his mouth and realized that King, who slept outside, had bitten through a wood door to warn his family.

1、 According to the story, who was the first to get out of the house?

[A] Howard. [B] Fern. [C] King. [D] Pearl. 2、 When the room caught fire, King .

[A] was sleeping in Pearl‘s room

[B] broke into the house to wake up Pearl [C] was barking outside the room [D] jumped out of the fire

3、Which of the following is TRUE about King according to the story?

[A] King died soon after the fire

[B] King was the first to run away.

[C] King was burned so much that he couldn‘t eat. [D] King made a big hole in the door. 4、Who was Pearl in this story.

[A] The husband. [B] The daughter. [C] The father [D] The mother

Passage Ten15

The conditions in which zoo animals are kept have become greatly better over the last ten years. For example,one change for polar bears has been to feed them with live seafood and frozen vegetables.

The value of zoo-breeding(繁殖)program is questioned for the reason that some species(种类),such as the African elephant,do not reproduce well in captivity(圈养).Some zoo opponents,people who are against keeping animals in the zoo,fear that the result of breeding programs may be new species of ―zoo animals‖ which are used to living in captivity,not in the wild. They say that the money spent each year on zoos around the world(about ¥250 million)would be better spent on protecting animals‘ natural ability of living,such as the Tsavo Rhino Sanctuary in Kenya,where the black rhino has been brought back from the edge of death through careful management in the wild.

Perhaps there is a choice. The zoo condition and the natural wildlife have long been thought of as opposites. But it might be more productive to think of developing zoos so that the conditions in which the animals are kept are similar to their natural homes. In other words,rather than being against zoos,the answer may be to change their nature. This can only help to make zoos a nice place for wildlife protection.

Zoos co-operate with each other in order to make their breeding programs successful. Animals are passed from one zoo to another in order to prevent inbreeding—breeding from closely-related animals. If animals that are closely related to one another mate,there is a danger they will produce unhealthy babies.

1. What does this article mainly talk about?

[A] Animal‘s food change. [B] Conditions at the zoo. [C] Zoo-breeding programs. [D] Keeping animals‘ nature

2.The underlined word ―rhino‖(Paragraph 2)refers to.

[A] a kind of wild animal [B] some African people



[C] an unusual plant [D] an effective method

3.What have people done to help produce more baby animals?

[A] Checking animals‘ health all the time. [B] Making animals stay close to each other. [C] Having animals changed among the zoos. [D] Building larger zoos for the mother animals. 4.We can infer from this article that zoos should______.

[A] be built like an animal‘s natural home [B] find a better way to treat animals [C] give up its animal-breeding programs [D] send all the animals back to nature

Passage Eleven16

The Need for Holidays

You‘ve no doubt heard people say how much they ―need‖ a holiday, when what they really mean is that they want one. Certainly, people working under pressure feel a very strong desire to escape from work and become less tight during their holidays, and experience a changed environment. For this reason, holidays away from home are now seen by most people as necessary to their quality life.

However, work for many people today are office work and mental, rather than physical, tasks. These people may seek much more energy taking activities while on holiday, rather than simply lying on a beach.

Once people become used to going on holiday, taking holidays becomes a habit. Even in a recession, for many people the holiday is one of the last things to be given up, and indeed many workers have chosen to spend some of their last pay when being laid off on a holiday, perhaps to give themselves a ―lift‖ before facing a gloomy future.

Perhaps we don‘t like to admit it, but most of us also enjoy showing off about the places we have been to, and the lovely tans—dark skins we have got. The idea of tanning, however, is becoming less attractive than it was. So many tourists are now able to afford holidays in the sun that tans have become quite common; and although we join a tan together with health(and it is true that a certain amount of sunshine gives us a feeling of being healthy), it has been fully shown that sunshine, especially when received over a short, focused period of time, results in high danger of skin problems, as well as drying out one‘s skin and leading to more lines on your face later in life.

1. More and more people choose to have holidays because they .

[A] hate working indoors all the time [B] want to get away from work

[C] love enjoying the beauties of nature [D] become rich and want a better life

2. When office people have holidays, they often .

[A] lie on the beach and enjoy sunshine [B] spend more than they can afford [C] think about their work on the beach [D] choose to do more physical exercise

3. A holiday may when one has to face some difficulties in life.

[A] cheer someone up

[B] help someone find a job [C] be the last thing to given up [D] bring good luck to someone

4. At the end of the passage the writer tries to tell the reader .

[A] the importance of getting sunshine [B] the bad effect of being on holiday [C] the result of getting sun tanned [D] the healthy look of being tanned

5. From this passage we learned that some people can not live without .

[A] a tan [B] a job [C] a pay [D] a holiday

Passage Twelve17

