2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1

发布时间 : 星期一 文章2011年北京市政工中级职称 - 英语 - 考试复习题1更新完毕开始阅读


[D] the inside scene has been designed by copying the outside view

3. Which of the following phrases is closest in meaning to the underlined word ―open‖? [A] Without cover.

[B] With no separate rooms. [C] Can be seen from outside. [D] Being vast and spacious.

Passage Four

All the World Asks

On my first day in a college Classroom, I felt like an overgrown child returning to civilization after having been lost in the forest for thirty years. There I sat, old enough to be a father to most of the students in the room, yet insecure enough to be their baby brother. We were crowded elbow(肘)to elbow, listening to a professor who looked even younger than the students. I felt awkward and out of place as the professor carefully explained what she expected us to learn. As I listened, I couldn‘t help but think of my own oldest daughter who was now beginning her freshman year in college, just like me. I recalled (回忆) how hard I had tried to instill (逐步培养) self-confidence in her and my other children. So why did I suddenly feel like a scared child myself? When I walked out of that classroom, I had serious doubts about my ability to make it through college. Not until late that night did my thinking change. It was a long-distance telephone call from my daughter, my fellow college freshman, that did the trick. She spoke on the phone about the doubts, worries, and anxieties she was experiencing. She was certain that she ‘d never succeed at college. How familiar her worries sounded! In my most self-assured parental voice, I said. ―Doing your best is all the world asks.‖ The next day in class, those words still echoed in my head. When the professor posed(提出) a question for the class, nobody, including me, dared answer. When I looked around at the fear and uncertainty on the young faces in that room, I knew exactly what I had to do: my best, That‘s all the world asks. So I raised my hand, and the professor called on me. I spoke.

1、 The main purpose of the writer in writing the story is to _______________.

[A] tell us how he overcame his self-doubt and anxiety as a college freshman [B] recall the poor conditions of the college when he was a student

[C] describe his feeling of being frightened in class when asked a question [D] talk about the time when a class had students of very different ages 4. What have you learned about the writer as a student?

[A] He was a college freshman who came from the remote country. [B] He went to the same college where his daughter goes.

[C] He was an average student who continued to study after bringing up his family. [D] He was a student and at the same time a parent taking care of his children. 5. When the writer says ―that did the trick‖, he means_________________.

[A] the telephone call worked to help him change his thinking

[B] his daughter played a trick on him by pretending to leave college [C] the telephone call reminded him of his previous school experience [D]his daughter‘s difficulties made him realize his parental responsibilities 6. The underlined word ―echoed‖ means____________.

[A]understood [B] repeated [C] imagined [D] warned

Passage Five

Modern conveniences have made our lives easier, but often at the expense of our environment. Science and society, which have been so quick to create and adopt(接受)new consumer goods, have been slow in creating and adopting practices to protect the environment from the same consumer goods. As a result, just through everyday living, we are damaging the environment we depend on and wasting our resources.

For one thing, we pollute the land and our water supply with the by-products of modern life. We fill our garbage dumps and landfills with throwaway plastic products that will not disintegrate(降解)for hundreds of years, if ever. Industries accidentally or willfully spill(酒)oil and chemicals into the ground or streams and pollute our water supply.

For anther thing ,we poison(使中毒)the air with exhaust(尾气)from the cars and airplanes



that have become such an important part of our lives. In some area, the exhaust from cars creates smog that poison our lungs and causes serious diseases. Air pollution also causes acid rain that, in turn, destroys rivers, lakes, woods, and farm crops.

Finally, we are wasting our resources shamefully. For example we use far more water than we need to in brushing our teeth and taking showers. Even sometimes as ―harmless‖ as letting dripping(滴水)taps go unprepared wastes a lot of valuable water. We water our lawns through automatic sprinkler systems that run even in rainstorms. We also waste oil by driving millions of cars hundreds of millions of needless miles each year and by keeping our houses warmer than we need to. We are even dangerously close to reducing our ―renewable‖ resources. We cut down our forests with abandonment in order to eat from paper plates, drink from paper cups, and carry products home from the store.

Yes, we have come to depend on technology to fulfill our needs, but we still need our natural environment. Unless we start developing technology to protect our natural world, it may soon pollute and poison us.

1. The writer‘s main purpose of writing the text is to_____.

[A]persuade readers to stop harming the environment.

[B]state that modern technology has failed to provide a good life. [C]remind readers of the limited natural resources

[D]argue that natural environment is more important for people.

2. Which paragraph of the text is focused on poisoning as one way we damage the

environment? [A]Paragragh1 [B] Paragragh2 [C] Paragragh3 [D] Paragragh4

3. The writer‘s examples showing people‘s wastefulness are mainly due to_____.

[A]their careless treatment of land and river. [B]the production of modern consumer goods. [C]the use of transportation tools. [D]their everyday life.

4. Which of the following proves that we are using up the ―renewable‖ resources?

[A]Using too much water.

[B]Cutting down too many trees. [C]Pouring oil into lakes and rivers. [D]Filling up the earth with plastic bags.

5. The underlined word ―it‖(Paragragh5) refer to_____.

[A]pollution [B]poison [C]technology

[D]the natural world

Passage Six

BALTMORE—When 15-year-old Michael Thomas left home for school last May, he couldn‘t have been prouder. On his feet, thanks to his mother‘s hard work , wore a pair of new Air Jordans— $100 worth of leather , rubber and status that to today‘s youth are the Mercedes-Benz of athletic(运动员的) footwear.

The next day it was James David Martin, 17 , who was walking down the street in Thomas‘s new sneakers, while Thomas‘s lay dead in a field not far form his school . Martin was arrested(逮捕) for murder.

For the Baltimore school system , Thomas` death was the last straw . He was the third youngster to have been killed over his clothes in five years. Dozens of others had been robbed of name brand sneakers, designer jogging suits , leather jackets and jewelry .

This fall , the school board announced a dress code preventing leather skirts and jackets , jogging suits , gold chains and other expensive items.

Clothes , said board president Joseph Smith , had just gotten out of hand .

Across the nation, parents, school officials , psychologists and even some children agree .

They say that today‘s youngsters , throughout the nation , have become clothes fixated(专注的) . They worry about them , compete over them , neglect(忽视) school for them and sometimes



even rob and kill for them .

In many cases, students are so concerned about what they and their classmates are wearing , they forget what they come to school for , educators said .

In response, many public school, mainly in Eastern cities , have adopted school uniforms to cut down on competition . Educators say, in the current fashion climate, dressing students alike allows them more freedom to be individuals.

1. Why was Michael so proud of himself?

[A] His hard-working mother earned a lot of money. [B] He wore expensive clothes worth $100. [C] He was in a pair of name brand shoes. [D] He was good at playing basketball. 2. Martin was arrested for ____ .

[A] killing Thomas

[B] robbing several students [C] stealing expensive things

[D] murdering three people for their clothes

3. When the board president said ―Clothes had just gotten out of hand‖ , he meant clothes were

gotten ____ .

[A] by force [B] too easily [C] out of control [D] through hard work 4. According to the text , adopting school uniforms means to ____ .

[A] have students wear ordinary Clothes [B] make students less competitive [C] keep students more disciplined [D] dress students all alike

Passage Seven

Time to Relax(放松)

I attend Boston University. One-third of the students who attend this school are international students. They come from all over the world, many of them from Latin America. There is a large, comfortable dinning hall on campus. I go there every day during school with my friends. Many of them are from Latin America and Spain. For the most part, the American students eat lunch in the dinning hall between noon and two o‘clock. I rarely see any of them stay for more than an hour. They get their food and eat as quickly as they can. When they leave, the dinning hall is full of Latinos(拉丁美洲人). The Latinos stay for several hours talking, laughing, smoking, and drinking soda and coffee. Sometimes their lunch goes until four o‘clock. They stay as long as their friends stay. They don‘t leave because they have to do something else. I think that there are also a lot of Arab(阿拉伯的)students there. They seem to talk more time to eat and talk as well.

I think the Latinos stay longer for three reasons. First, they are used to eating their breakfast, lunch, and dinner later in the day than Americans eat theirs. Second, they are used to taking more time at each meal, eating slowly and leisurely. They don‘t eat more food; they just take more time. Third, I think that family and friends are more important to Spanish speakers than school or work. They would rather relax and talk to their friends during a meal than rush off to study or work. Maybe this is not true everywhere, but I think it is true here at Boston University. 1. From the passage, we may guess that the writer comes from____. [A] the United States [B]South America [C] Arab [D]Spain 2. The Latinos spend most of their lunchtime_____.

[A] eating delicious food [B] taling about their studies [C] waiting their orders [D] chatting their friends 3. When the American students end their meal, they usually____. [A] leaving in a hurry [B] look worried [C] have some drinks [D] stay a little longer 4. Which of the following statements is TRUE? [A]The dinning hall usually closes at 4 o‘clock. [B]Americans are not friendly with people. [C]Arab students take longer lunchtime. [D]Latinos are not busier than Americans.

5. One of the reasons that Latinos have longer lunchtime is that____.



[A] they get up late in the morning [B] lunch is the major meal of the day [C] talking is more important than eating [D] they consider meals as a time to rest

Passage Eight

Natural food Is Good for Health

Over the past few years , people seem to have become tired of being told what they can‘t

Eat. They also have taken too much advice that doesn‘t seem effective. They want to hear messages about healthy food. They are understandably worried about some food-industry practices and problems.

The food industry puts money-making first. Buyers and companies have been less informed on food safety than they should have been. The resulting human cost has been high.

The food industry defends itself. It says that it tries to provide as good a product as possible at low prices, as cost is a major consideration in buying food. It is the buyers who are to blame. They are waking up to the hidden costs of cheaper food. Chicken burgers, for example , may have only a little chicken meat in them.

The increasing organic(有机的)food market shows that people are prepared to pay more for fruits and vegetables that haven‘t been grown purely for its outside look and money business.

The pressure we get from everyday work has taken us away from the oven and put us in front of the microwave(微波炉). We rarely spend time preparing a meal from the beginning like our grandmothers did.

There is now a new king of food called functional food. It contains so-called beneficial additives(添加剂), such as fruit drinks with added Vitamin C. It is believed that adding this makes a product healthier. In fact, his unnatural food will become a problem in the future.

If a mother-to-be wants to protect her unborn baby from illness, she needs to eat a special breakfast to which certain additives have been added. Yet she can get these things much more cheaper from other healthier foods, like orange juice or green vegetables. We shouldn‘t be led to believe that we need to eat these ―special‖, expensive products to be healthy when most of the good things we need are found in cheaper natural foods.

I buy as much fresh organic food as possible. I believe that future studies will show that eating organically will make us healthier. I also enjoy them more and feel strongly about supporting the organic farmer‘s cause.

1. According to the passage , many people are paying attention to _______.

[A] what they should eat.

[B] whether the food is harmful [C] which food product is new [D] who produces the food

2. The writer thinks that adding extra things into the food_______.

[A] makes food healthier [B] is good for the baby [C] cause price to go high [D] may not be a wise way

3. What message in this passage trying to give people?______

[A] we should take special breakfast [B] Functional food gives good value

[C] Natural food is better than anything else [D] we shouldn‘t waste money on organic food

4. Because people are told less about the food they are eating ,they____

[A] may choose to eat harmful things

[B] are not supporting the farmers enough [C] need more advice form the food industry [D] talk less about the food than before

Passage Fourteen9


Most people‘s experience of flying is limited to the inside of an airplane. Several more forms of flying, however, have developed into increasingly popular leisure pastimes. Flying sports are divided

