
发布时间 : 星期日 文章新视野大学英语第4册unit3教案更新完毕开始阅读

Section B The Obligations and Responsibilities to Marriage

1. Reading skill

1. 1 Understanding Figurative Language

We learned how to understand figurative language in Unit 5 and Unit 10, Book 2 and Unit 4, Book 3. The ability to recognize and explain figurative language may help us fully understand a writer’s point and it is crucial to a better understanding of what we read. To make language clearer, more interesting, and more striking, writers often use expressions that are not literally true, making comparisons in their writing. Figurative language―language that compares―paints a picture for the reader. Figurative language can be confusing if it is understood literally.

1. 2 Examples

Example 1:

Oh, I’m tempted to get paid under the table. (Para. 2, Reading Passage A, Unit 3)

Explanation: under the table―without others knowing that I’m working to make money.

Example 2:

But even if I yielded to that temptation, big magazines are not going to get involved in some sticky situation. (Para. 2, Reading Passage A, Unit 3)

Explanation: sticky situation―situation that one cannot get rid of.

Example 3:

But after a few years in a system that practically requires people to lie, they become like the one I shall call “Suzanne”, a detective in shorts. (Para. 3, Reading Passage A, Unit 3)

Explanation: a detective in shorts―the caseworker is being compared to a detective and a sportsman who chased the clients and tried to find faults with them.

1. 3 Text reading

1) bear witness to (L.3)

provide evidence of the truth of sth.


The tests bear witness to the quality of the new car.

The ruins of temples, theatres and villas all _____ of the Roman Empire.(见证了过去的辉煌)

(bear witness to the past greatness)

2) dense (L.8)

a. closely packed together; thick


The local airport has been closed because of dense fog.

Remember, even a small fire can fill your home with ________ in a couple of minutes.


(dense and poisonous smoke)

3) charter (L.9)

v. rent (a vehicle, esp. an aircraft) for a special use


The company chartered a plane to fly him home for the wedding.

International Aid Agencies ______________ to the disaster area. (租了几艘船只运送物资)

(have chartered ships to transport supplies )

4) angle (L.12)

n. a particular way of presenting or thinking about a situation, problem, etc.


He wrote the news story from the political angle.

A creative person tends to __________. (从新的角度看待问题)

(approach a problem from a new angle)

5) steer (L. 19)

v. control the direction of (a vehicle);take sb. or sth. or cause them to go in a particular direction


He took her arm and steered her towards the door.

He managed to __________________.(把话题从他的离婚事件中引开了)

(steer the conversation away from his divorce)

6) intensity (L.33)

n. the state or quality of being intense


The storm resumed with even greater intensity.

_______________ can be estimated by observing its effects. (地震的强度)

(The intensity of an earthquake)

7) highlight (L.42)

v. attract attention to or emphasize (sth. important)


The report highlights the major problems facing society today.

Case studies ______________ on local populations as well as on ecosystems.


(highlight the economic and cultural impacts of tourism development)

8) overhead (L.51)

a.&ad.. above your head, in the sky


Birds flew overhead on their way south.

I think this room would be better lit ________, as well as table lamps.(如果屋里有吊灯)

(if it had overhead lights)

9) hold up (L.52)

raise sth; keep sth. raised


Women hold up half the sky.

When we drove up to the four corners the police officer _____________.(举手示意我们停车)

(held up his hand as a signal for us to stop)

10) skim the surface (L.59)
