
发布时间 : 星期一 文章SAP学习笔记8更新完毕开始阅读

After clicking New Entries button, the 2 lines shown as below will be seen .

After that , you can see 3 tabs being added while using MIRO.

And then you can directly post G/L account for vendor invoice verification .

We can get the result as you require. Dr: XXX Charge Cr: Vendor AP

2.What will Happen?

And when you use ME2N (or other related t-code to check), you will find

Still to be delivered(invoiced) qty will always have data , that means the PO is always in open status .

3.Mark delv. Completed

We can mark Delv. Completed to avoid the open PO

After marking delv. Complelted, It shows OK.

So,Here is my questions, For the purpose of financial control , Enterprises often use PO for any payment (Otherwise, For the aboved mentioned charge PO, we needn’t use PO but use FB60 directly make invoice verification, I think it will be more simply).

Why we donn’t make a GR action which may mean we have got the service, receipt the consumption goods etc ? (Even if it might be a virtual GR—Service GR) ?

什么是GR-based invoice verification?

Indicator specifying that provision has been made for goods-receipt-based invoice verification for a purchase order item or invoice item.

If this field is selected:

the field \

when such a record is created for this vendor. (Note: if you change the selection in the vendor master record, the info record does not change automatically);

1.将字段设置LFM1-WEBRE(Goods-receipt-based inv.verif.)选上, 在XK02将的vendor的Goods-receipt-based inv.verif.勾选上.

2.在后台将字段设置LFM1-WEBRE(Goods-receipt-based inv.verif.)必输

Financial accounting->Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable->vendor account ->master records->Preparations for Creating Vendor Master Records-> Define Account Groups with Screen Layout (Vendors)

然后选择你所需要的vendor account选edit fields status.fields status选

Purchasing data->Purchasing data->Goods-receipt-based inv.verif.设置为必输Req.

3.一般你此是create PO会自动把item下->invoice下的GR_based inv选上. 然后你MIRO时reference doc就是migo 的mat. doc.

4. T-code :OLMRLIST

Or SHD0:(从菜单goto从transaction variants切到screen variant 实际上俩t-code功能一样) 然后你设置你自己的screen variant将不要的字段全hide或到后面去.

将Reference Doc.(DRSEG-LFBNR)放在前面.

***这个refence doc注意还有什么reference doc. no不是它,是和material doc no一般是相同的. ***其实它指向的是original mat doc no. 我的系统这个是和mat doc no同步的, ***但是有的系统这个reference doc.是空的,问过MM顾问这家伙却不知道why.

比如你MIGO mat doc是5000000737,MIRO的refence doc也是5000000737,但是如果你对此mat. doc比如做反冲

退货什么的产生的mat doc是5000000739,很遗憾它依然对应5000000737 .我小小读了一遍MIRO code但是没时间


***还有可能某种原因在create Po时item下->invoice下的GR_based inv并没有选上,我们公司APer说

比如PO 100, MIGO 100, 也MIRO了100,比如这时退30,她可能要做两此(不知是否她吃的太饱),一次100,还有

credit 30(对国外vendor),如果根据reference doc带出来是balance 70并且是MIGO 100产生的mat doc,

即使你开credit memo 30带出的依旧是MIGO 100产生的original mat doc. 所以现在找user_exit coding一下

基本了解,receiving plant create PO后,使用VL10B ( VL02N),anyway是supply plant产生的交货单比如叫

DELNOTE1,这时在receiving plant MIGO时你在Delivery note 栏手工输入交货单DELNOTE1(第一此由仓库输入,痛苦!), 然后MIRO时你选择2 Delivery note然后带出来的是交货单DELNOTE1.如果一张大的PO有很多次交货或者很多 PO多次交货, 然后自然delivery note也可带出PO,假定你已经设置好了reference doc.就是receiving plant的MIGO产生的mat doc ,也就是所谓的收货单, 原则上, 发票校验希望PO, 交货单,自己的收货单和vendor开来的真正的VAT invoice四者相同就通过.

现在delivery note一下是可paste几行的, 你还不满足, anyway你希望来一个问题,直接将一两百个delivery note

一下upload然后再校验,是吗? 本屠夫实在就搞不明白, 让APer小姐做个excel, 那不是有个more allocation

criterial button,慢慢paste也很快呀,我就搞不懂还要什么coding ?
