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Unit 7 Weird, wild and wonderful

Listening to the world Sharing Scripts

F = Finn; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc. Part 1

F: I like being in the countryside, but I’m always happy to come back to the city. How about you?

M1: I actually really love the countryside. I grew up on a farm.

W1: I love being in London. I have loved my time in London, but as I’m getting older, I increasingly want to visit the countryside more and more. M2: It’s nice; it’s, it’s quiet – you know, you can forget about the city. W2: I love it. I was brought up in the countryside.

M3: I love being in the countryside. I love the quiet; I love the fresh air. It’s great.

W3: I love being in the countryside. Um, I’ve come, I come from Hertfordshire, so, although it’s not … where I live isn’t actually directly in the countryside. If you drive for 10 minutes, you’re in it and it’s beautiful.

W4: I love the countryside. It’s a nice change to living in London and I enjoy taking weekends out. Um I enjoy camping.

M4: I enjoy the countryside because I’ve, I’ve lived there for about 37 years. And particularly I enjoyed (enjoy) gardening – growing a lot of



vegetables. Part 2

F: The thing I like most about being in the countryside is watching animals and birds. How about you? Do you like wildlife? W1: Well, I am, er, an animal lover. Er, I’m a vegetarian as well.

W4: I like wildlife and animals. Er, since I was a little girl, I’ve always really liked foxes for some reason. And I know a lot of people don’t, but foxes have always been my favorite animal.

M1: I love wildlife. Er, I really, sort of, enjoy things that you don’t see every day – um … enjoy sort of very exotic wildlife that I haven’t seen before.

M4: I like, um, watching them on the telly.

W2: I think, I think animals are living beings and should be treated as so – should be treated with respect.

M3: I like, um, big cats. They’re very graceful; they’re very beautiful. Um, and um, something I’ve, I’ve always just had a fascination with from an early age. Er, I also quite like large snakes. A friend of mine used to keep them.

W3: My nephew and niece have a guinea pig, which I love. Part 3

F: Are there any animals you’re frightened of?

M2: Snakes and scorpions. Um, just ’cause I know that usually one bite could mean that’s the end.



W3: I don’t like spiders. It’s not really an animal – but I hate spiders. M1: I am very scared of spiders. Um, and even though in Australia, we get some very small but very dangerous spiders – I’m afraid of very big spiders.

M4: I don’t particularly like horses because they’re big, and they frighten our dog.

W1: I’m not really frightened of any animals. I love them all.

M3: There’s nothing that scares me – that I haven’t got any memories of animals scaring me as a child.

W4: I’m quite scared of sharks. I don’t really like the sea and so whales and um, animals such as that, I don’t really like. Um, I suppose because it’s the unknown, I just find it quite scary.

Listening Scripts Part 1

Welcome to Save the Planet where we talk about the world’s environmental problems. Now, did you know there are more than six billion people on the planet, and by 2050 there might be more than nine billion? People are living longer and healthier lives than ever before, but a big population means big problems for the planet. Part 2

Let’s look at three of the most important problems. The first



problem is water. Many people in the world can’t get enough water. But in some countries we use too much. A person in Gambia, Africa, for example, uses much less water than someone in the United States. In Gambia, one person uses four and a half liters of water a day. But in the US it’s 600 liters. And to make the problem worse, the deserts are getting bigger. The Sahara Desert is one of the hottest places in the world, and is already the largest desert. But each year it gets bigger than before, so it gets more difficult to find clean water. Our second problem is the animals. There are more people on the earth than ever before. This means we use more space. And for the animals this means that there is less space than before. One example is the Amazon Rainforest. It has the highest number of plant and animal species in the world, but it’s getting smaller every year. People are destroying the rainforest to make more space for houses, roads and farms. In the last 10 years we have destroyed more than 150,000 square kilometers of forest – that’s an area larger than Greece! So in the future, many plants and animal species will become extinct. And the last problem on our list, but not the least important, is the weather. The world is getting warmer. The ice in Greenland is melting faster than ever before. Also sea levels are rising. This means that soon some of the world’s most important cities, like New York, London, Bangkok, Sydney and Rio de Janeiro might all be under water.

