
发布时间 : 星期一 文章2014年专升本英语试题及答案最新更新完毕开始阅读

a language which all human beings would be able to speak.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 73. Throughout this century English has grown more and more important. It has become a second language for many millions of people.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 74. By comparison, an earthquake of similar intensity that shook America in 1988 claimed 25, 000 victims.

_______________________________________________________________________________ 75. The new designs should offer even greater security to cities where earthquakes often take place.


Section B Directions: Put the following sentences into English. 76. 我过去常常浪费很多时间玩游戏。

_______________________________________________________________________________ 77. 理论上说,你的计划听上去不错,但实际上行得通吗?


78. 小女孩的歌声给老人带来了欢乐,帮住他忍受住种种生活的艰辛。


79. 这个倔强的男孩不愿意听从父母的忠告。


80. 只要你一辈子不停地努力工作,你在回忆往事时就会感到心满意足的。 _______________________________________________________________________________ Part V Writing

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Online Games. You should write at least 1 20 words and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below. 1. 现在有一些大学生沉迷于网络游戏,家长和学校对此甚为担忧; 2. 有人认为网络游戏并不是一无是处。 3. 对此你的看法是….





Answers: Part II.

21—30 BADBC ABCDA 31—40 CADAD BCACA 41—50 DABDA ACBAC Part III. Reading Comprehension

51—54 ACDB 55—58 ABDB 59—62 DACD 63—70 DACBBCDA

Part IV Translation

71. 最近的研究已经表明,老鼠的行为极大的受到空间的影响。

72. 至少六百种语言被探索,为了寻求一个全人类都可以使用的语言。

73. 在本世纪,英语已经变得越来越重要;它已经成为数以百万计人们的第二语言。

74. 相比之下,在1988年发生于美国的一次具有相同等级的地震造成25,000丧生。

75. 新型设计应该是经常发生地震的城市更加安全。 76. I used to waste a lot of time playing games.

77. Your plan sounds great in theory, but will it work in practice? 78. The little girl’s songs brought sunshine/ happiness to the old man and helped him to bear the hardships of life.

79. The stubborn boy refused to listen to the advice of his parents. 80. As long as you keep working hard through your life, you will recall your past with satisfaction.
