大学生英语精读4复习资料2- 副本 doc

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12. At times the oral English class was noisy, with everyone participating in an activity at the same time, but at others, the class just sat there and didn?t say anything.(有时英语口语课吵吵闹闹的,大家同时参加一项活动,但其他时候,学生们都坐在那里,一句话不说) Unit7

1. 1.The nurse on duty hurried to Mr. Spenser’s ward in answer to his bell.(应斯宾塞先生电铃的召唤,值班护士急忙赶到病房)

2. Catching sight of its mother ,the little child stopped crying and toddled to meet her (看见他的妈妈,小孩停止了哭泣,蹒跚着走过去迎接她)

3. The football players were trying to make impression on the national coach(足球运动员正在努力给国家教练留下好印象) 4. Banks have to think of ways of making long-term savings more attractive individuals and businesses.(银行得想办法使长期储蓄更吸引个人和企业)

5. Though he had done a day?s hard work , ha said he wasn?t in the least tired.(尽管他干完了一天繁重的劳动,但他却说一点也不累)

6. Mr. David in the habit of knitting his brows whenever he concentrates on a difficult problem.(大为先生只要一专心思


7. Mother always taught me to be thrifty ad not to live beyond my means(母亲总是教育我要节俭,不要入不敷出) 8. Fruits is best and cheapest when it is in season.(水果当季时最好,价格最便宜)

9. All of a sudden train jerked to a stop and in the same instant everyone on the train knew that something must have gone wrong(突然火车急刹车,此时车上的每一个人都意识到一定出事了)

10. We would have succeed in fulfilling the task ahead of schedule if the weather had not take a hand in our plan (如果不是天气阻碍了我们的计划,我们将会提前胜利完成任务) 11. The two kidnappers thrust him into the back of a jeep and then drove off at full speed(俩个绑架者将他猛的推进吉普车,然后全速开走了)

12. The night was very dark ,and suddenly a flashof lighting lit the sky (夜很黑,突然一道闪光照亮了夜空)

13. The Browns were very hospitable to us when we visited Chicago in the summer of 1995.They showed us around most of the city(当我们于1995年夏天到芝加哥时,布朗夫妇对我们很热情,带着我们逛了大半个城市)

14. Ways must be found to assure our children a decent start in life

15. In some countries, the constitution forbids the military use of nuclear energy(在一些国际宪法禁止将核能运用在军事设施上) Unit8

1. Some teachers claim that recreation is necessary for children to be able to learn in school but others do not feel that leisure activity is all that important(一些老师声称娱乐活动对孩子们能在学校是必要的,但其他人却未感觉到娱乐活动实施如此重要)

2. In order to stabilize the economy, the government has worked hard to lower the rate of inflation(为了稳定经济,政府已努力降低通货膨胀率)

3. At first thought the problem may seem far too involved but it can certainly be solved whale, out of existence(乍一想,问题似乎过于复杂,但若严肃处理是一定能解决的)

4. There is no commercial excuse for hunting an endangered species such as the whale , out of existence. (决不能以盈利为理由捕杀像鲸鱼这样一些濒临灭绝的危险物种)

5. Manmade or artificial fibers such as nylon are not as popular nowadays as natural fibers like wool or cotton(现在人造纤维,如尼龙,已不如绵、羊毛这样的自然纤维那样流行了)

6. The book is too difficult for the children. We are trying to simplify it(这书对孩子们来说太难了,我们正努力使之简单化)

7. The film has been exposed to light. How can you expect the photographs to develop? (这胶片曝光了,你怎么能盼着洗出相片呢)

8. It seems to me that the Americans area highly mobile people. Most of them like to travel whenever they get the chance(对我来说,美国人具有很强的流动性,只要有机会,大多数人都会去旅行)

9. The convenience of living underground may not be attractive to people who can not stand being away from natural sunlight(生活在底下的方便性对那些无法忍受远离自然光的人来说说也许是没有吸引力的)

10. .“Did you say agreed with him?” “Yes, but mind you , I didn?t make any commitment(“你说你同意他的观点?”“是的,但请注意,我并未做出任何承诺。”)

11. As these vases are handmade, each one varies slightly(这些花瓶是手工制作的,因此每一个都略有不同)

12. After such a long delay the house was finally ready for dweller(经过长期搁置后,这房子终于有人要居住了) Unit10
