
发布时间 : 星期二 文章新视野大学英语第三册第三单元更新完毕开始阅读

NHCE-BIII-Unit 3 V: Answers to Exercises

5.第一堂课教师就告诫我们,学生的得分不仅包括学习成绩,还包括出勤率和努力程度。academic achievementattendance and best effortget a gradeWe were warned by the teacher in the first lesson that students got a grade not only for academic

achievement but also for attendance and best effort.


NHCE-BIII-Unit 3 V: Answers to Exercises

6.家长一旦书面同意接受并实践学校的思想和观点,孩子就可以被录取入校。philosophies and outlookgain admissionagree in writing to accept and demonstrateOnce parents agree in writing to accept and demonstrate the school’s philosophies and outlook, the students can gain admission.


NHCE-BIII-Unit 3 V: Answers to Exercises

7.在海德中学,更加注重的是和每个学生建立卓有成效的关系,而在传统的中学里,重点却在教师和教材。in the traditional high school settingthe establishment of a fruitful relationshipgreater attention is paid toIn the Hyde School greater attention is paid to the establishment of a fruitful relationship with each student while in the traditional high school setting the focus is on the teacher and the material.


NHCE-BIII-Unit 3 V: Answers to Exercises

8.学校强调这一思想:家长和自己的孩子一起参加学校的活动是值得的。stress the ideaIt is worthwhile for sb. to do …participate in … together with their childrenThe school stresses the idea that it is worthwhile for parents to participate in school activities together with their children.

