电子毕业设计之餐厅呼叫系统讲解 - 图文

发布时间 : 星期二 文章电子毕业设计之餐厅呼叫系统讲解 - 图文更新完毕开始阅读


餐厅呼叫系统设计 摘 要:近年来,许多中高档餐厅逐渐采用无线呼叫系统完成顾客的点餐及各项服






Design of Restaurant Calling System

Abstract :This year,many middle grade restaurant gradually use wired calling system

to service the customer’s order,and it can improve the quality of service and efficiency,so as to arrange the customers to have dinner timely.Also,the wired calling system’s construction and repair is more convenient and quick than the traditional calling system,and they are widely used in some areas,such as hospitals and factories.

Tthis system is the remote call information base on 51 single-chip computer ,use wireless communication transfers information, and display on the digital tube,and ensure every table can call the service station. This design includes client and the service station,the client can realize the function of the table on the service station wireless service call and checkout call,the service station receives the calling information,according to the table number and the service ,than arrange the waiters. The client consists of transmitting module and keyboard module,the service station consists of receiving module,keyboard module,display keyboard,sound and light warning module.To the client,when users press a key,the coding chip SC2262 in the client encode the key information,and send it to the transmitting module.For he service station,the receiving module send the information to the decoder chip SC2272 to decode the information and send it to the MCU STC89C51 ,MCU analysis the information and estimates it.and finally display the information on the digital tube by digital driving.This information reflects the table number and service content required,When there are two or more table call the service station,the service station alternately display the table number and the service content,at the same time,the buzzer sounds and the LED light tips.Also,the client has “cancel button”to cancel the calling,the service station also has”zero button”to zero the system.

After programming,simulation and adjustment,the system finally is made to the object.After testing,it is running smoothly,and reach the desired results. Key words: MCU;Wireless communication;Restaurant calling;


目 录

1 概 述 ........................................................... 1 1.1课题背景意义 .................................................... 1 1.2 系统功能要求 .................................................... 2 1.3 系统方案设计 .................................................... 3 2 系统硬件电路的设计 ................................................ 4 2.1 服务台端 ........................................................ 4 2.1.1单片机主控模块 ................................................ 4 2.1.2无线接收模块 .................................................. 8 2.1.3 显示模块 ..................................................... 10 2.1.4 声光提示模块 ................................................. 11 2.1.5按键模块 ..................................................... 11 2.2客户端 ......................................................... 12 2.2.1 无线发射模块 ................................................. 12 2.2.2按键模块 ..................................................... 13 3 系统程序设计 ..................................................... 14 3.1 主程序 ......................................................... 14 3.2 服务台端子程序流程图 ........................................... 16 4 仿真与调试 ....................................................... 16 4.1 仿真软件 ....................................................... 16 4.1.1 KEIL编程软件 ................................................. 16 4.1.2 PROTEUS软件仿真 ............................................... 18 4.2 仿真过程和结果 ................................................. 19 5 实物展示 ......................................................... 22 5.1 实物图及元件清单 ............................................... 22 5.2 焊接注意 ....................................................... 23 5.3 实物调试过程 .................................................. 23 6 结束语 ........................................................... 26 致 谢 .......................................................... 27 参考文献 ........................................................... 28 附 录 ............................................................ 29 附录1 源程序 ...................................................... 30 附录2 餐厅呼叫系统设计原理图 ...................................... 35 附录3 餐厅呼叫系统设计实物图 ...................................... 36 附录4 餐厅呼叫系统设计PCB图 ...................................... 37 附录5 元件清单 .................................................... 38
