人教版新目标英语九年级全册:Unit 11 单元写作小专题

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单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a ~ 3b)



1. 能用make sb. +adj.,…make sb. + do sth.”句型表达某事物给人的感受; 2. 能用一般过去时叙述某个经历; 3. 能用各种形容词描述个人心情;

4. 写作微技能:用多种句式表达事物对个人的影响。 —、语言积累

(—)Talk about how things affect you:

●“make sb. + adj.”意为“使某人(感到)......”

请从“sleepy,nervous, unhappy, uncomfortable, worried, sad,comfortable, relaxed, angry, happy, uneasy”中选取合适的形容词来表达你的感受。

1. Too much homework always makes me . 2. My grandpa is seriously ill. That makes me . 3. The winter vacation is coming. That makes me . 4. Eating in such a clean and quiet restaurant made me . 5. It’s 6:00 p.m. now, but Bill still doesn’t appear. That makes me . 6. There will be an English test tomorrow. It makes me . 7. I’m pretty stressed out. The soft piano music makes me .

8. My sister got my CDs without asking me. What she did made me . ● “make sb. + do sth.”意为“使(令)某人做某事”

9. The dirty streets make me (想)to clean them up. But I can’t do that all alone. 10. What his father said made Peter (思考)carefully. 11. Doing too me work often makes me (感到)tired. 12. Fresh air in the countryside makes us feel (放松).

● sb. feels ∕felt +adj.

13. Mingmin always (感到) (紧张)when he takes exams. 14. I (感到)really (失望)when I heard the news.

15. Football fans felt________(激动)when Messi scored a (射门). (二)写作微技能:不同主语的表达,也是体现语言丰富性重要的一方面。 根据语境与首字母提示,完成句子。关注句子的主语。

I. D_______ sports makes us feel energetic. (主语是 ) 2. W our teacher did for us made everybody (感动). (主语是 )

3. I will spend more time with Lucy. T can make our (友谊)stronger. (主语是 ) 4. Overweight m me sad and become less confident. (主语是________) (三)经历及感受的表达:根据中文提示,完成句子。

1. 我了解Julie越多,我发现我俩有越多的共同点,那使我们的友谊也更牢固了。 I got to know Julie, I’ve realized that we have a lot in common. That makes our friendship . 2. 国王睡眠差,又不想吃东西。那使得王后和他的子民非常担心。

The king slept and didn’t feel like . That made the and his people . 3. 当他独自一人走路回家时,Peter—直盯着地面,感觉肩膀上压了重担似的。 Peter kept his eyes on the ground and felt [.Com][.Com]as he walked home alone.

4. 苏雷亚斯再次咬人。他使他的粉丝失望了。

Luis Alberto Suarez bit again. He his fans . 5. 他一走进家门,他的爸爸就问:“儿子,你怎么了?”爸爸的爱使他感觉很好。

he walked through the door, his father asked, “What’s wrong, son?” Father’s love him good. 二、篇章训练

生活中有欢笑,有泪水,有感动,有遗憾,总有让我们记忆深刻的事情。请同学们写一篇120词左右的短文,叙述这段经历,当时的感受以及自己的收获。 要求:1. 注意时态;

2. 用多种句式叙述内心感受。

单元写作小专题 & Section B(3a ~ 3b)

一、语言积累 (—) 1-8 略

9. want 10. think 11. feel 12. relaxed 13. feels; nervous 14. felt; disappointed 15. excited; goal

(二)1. Doing; doing sports 2. What; moved; what our teachers did for us 3. That; friendship; that 4. makes;


(三 ) 1. The more; the more; stronger 2. badly; eating; queen; worried 3. a heavy weight on his should 4. down 5. As

soon as; made; feel; himself. 三 、篇章训练

One possible version:

I will never forget the days when I moved to a new town.

My father found a new job in another town, so we had to move. That made me sad and worried. The main reason was that I had many friends here and we got on well with each other. The news also made them feel unhappy.

The day after we moved to a new house, my parents took me to my new school. I felt really upset. Mr. Lin, my new head teacher, told me to introduce myself to the class. Speaking in front of my new classmates made me want to run away. However, the smiles on their faces encouraged me. After that, I tried to make some new friends. They took me to visit the museums and read in the library in the free time. I got used to the life in the new place quickly. What they have done for me made my parents moved. In order to thank them, we made delicious biscuits for them.

From then on, I always tell myself that everything will be OK as long as we are brave enough.
