2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修三教学案:Unit 3 Section 2 Word版含答案全面版

发布时间 : 星期三 文章2017-2018学年高中英语人教版必修三教学案:Unit 3 Section 2 Word版含答案全面版更新完毕开始阅读

TheLittleMermaid (《小美人鱼》), the mermaid, who lives under the sea, wishes to be with the humans on land. Through her experiences, we learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures. In Pinocchio (《木偶奇遇记》), a wooden puppet (木偶) turns into a boy when he finally learns how to tell the truth.

Teaching values is the reason most often given for encouraging children to read stories. These fairy tales can teach children lessons about human relationships that are accepted around the world for many centuries. This might be the reason why they have been around for so long and will not disappear any time soon.

语篇解读:本文是说明文。作者主要介绍了童话故事对孩子们的积极影响。 5.Why do fairy tales have a great influence on children? A.Fairy tales can teach them how to make a choice. B.Fairy tales can help them get higher scores at school. C.They can learn how to avoid most difficulties in their lives. D.Good and evil are shown in a way they can easily understand.

解析:选D 细节理解题。由第二段中的“they describe the two sides of good and evil (邪恶) very clearly”可知,童话故事对孩子们的影响大是因为它们将善恶很直白地呈现给了孩子们,便于他们辨别是非,故选D项。

6.TheLittleMermaid may be helpful when children ________. A.are given a difficult test B.make friends with foreigners C.wish to be a princess or prince D.are going to lie to their parents

解析:选B 推理判断题。由第三段中的“We learn about the importance of living with and accepting other cultures”可知,当孩子们和外国人结交朋友时,《小美人鱼》会告诉他们如何去接受其他文化,故选B项。

7.The author writes the text mainly to ________. A.introduce some fairy tales B.talk about the history of fairy tales

C.discuss how to improve human relationships D.show how fairy tales help children shape values

解析:选D 写作目的题。总览全文可知,作者主要介绍了童话故事有助于孩子们形成正确的价值观,故选D项。


One of the toughest things to do when getting to know people professionally is remembering their names. And it's also an extremely useful skill to have in your daily life. 1.________ Here are

some tricks to remembering any name:

Ask for their business card.

When you meet someone in a working situation, ask for their business card. Write down a few notes about the person and his appearance so you can tell him from the other people you've met. 2.________


At the end of your conversation, ask the person you're speaking with to repeat his name just to make sure you have it right. Hearing it once more will help you memorize it as well.

Visualize (视觉化) an image.

4.________ For example, if you meet a Catherine, then try to connect the image of a cat with her. That way, when you meet the woman again, the image of a cat will arise, and it will be easy to work out what her name is.

Inject it into conversation.

Say the person's name as often as you can during the conversation without getting him/her awkward. For example, inserting the name casually in sentences like “I really

agree with you, John” or “5.________” will do wonders for memorizing names. A.You can always turn to the card for help if you forget his or her name. B.Attach an image to the name. C.Repeat it in your mind.

D.Showing a stranger you remembered his/her name can leave a good impression. E.John, how do you like living in the city? F.Create an attractive image. G.Ask again.


1.解析:选D 本空位于首段,总领全文。前两句讲记住别人的名字很重要。所以此空选D:向一个陌生人展示你记住了他/她的名字会留下一个好印象。

2.解析:选A 根据关键词的原则,A项中的card与小标题Ask for their business card呼应。

3.解析:选G 根据本节“ask the person you're speaking with to repeat his name”可知选G。

4.解析:选B 本节小标题是:视觉化。所以此空选B:给这个名字配上插图。此题容易误选F,但是F项没有说明image和name的关系,所以还是B项合适。



This morning, I was_walking_in_the_street_when (正走在大街上,就在这时) I noticed a_terrible_scene (可怕的一幕) — a car knocked down a boy and ran away. I happened to spot (看到) the number of the car. Soon after, the driver was caught, and he accounted_for (解释) his behaviour, but no one believed his words. Finally, he was sentenced to three months imprisonment.

