(河北专版)2017春中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 units 5-8试题

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(河北专版)2017春中考英语命题研究 第一部分 教材知识梳理篇 七下 units 5-8试题更新完毕开始阅读

( A )1.The writer was ______ when hearing the news. A.at school B.at home

C.in the hospital D.in the store

( A )2.The writer's ______ took the writer to the hospital to see the baby brother. A.father B.mother C.brother D.teacher

( D )3.The family felt ______ to have the new baby. A.worried B.surprised C.relaxed D.excited Ⅳ.(2015沧州二模)任务型阅读。

For years I went to school by bus,so I met many“familiar” strangers.We took the same bus but didn't know each other's name.I used to think it was ____ for us to be true friends.How wrong I was!Smiles from the“nameless”people have changed my thoughts.

I always saw a silent girl in the front of the bus.Her old clothes suggested that she didn't have much money,but she always took a cup of water for the driver.I guessed she was a kind girl.But why did she sit in silence instead of talking with us?

Then,one evening,I got the answer.I walked to the park nearby and found the girl sitting alone






sad.I__greeted__her__with__the__same__warm__smile__that__I__had__shown__to__her__all__these__months,but__this__time__her__face__turned__red,then__a__shy__smile__appeared.As soon as she began her first words,I understood why she hadn't spoken to us before.Talking was hard for her.

I learned her story:Her parents worked hard somewhere.She lived with her disabled grandparents.She said,“I can't express(表达) myself very well.Most of the time,I can't say what I want to say.I have no friends but…You always smile to me like an angel…So I also want to smile.”That evening,we exchanged our names and we said goodbye like old friends.

Smile is the key to opening the door of the heart,and it can break the cold walls in front of us.


1.The author often met this girl __on__the__bus__. 2.Why is talking hard for this girl?

__Because__the__girl__can't__express__herself__very__well. 3.__impossible/hard__


5.我用这几个月来一直展示给她的温暖的笑容和她打招呼,但是这次她脸红了,然后害羞地笑了。 Ⅴ.(2017原创预测)词语运用。

One sunny afternoon, Bernard Shaw(萧伯纳), was having a walk in a 1.__quiet__(quietly) field.The air was fresh and the view was beautiful. While he was 2.__walking__(walk), a bike rider ran into him. Mr. Shaw fell to the ground.The rider was very sorry. He got off his bike to help Mr. Shaw get up. 3.Luckily____, Mr. Shaw was not hurt. “I'm so sorry!” said the rider.

“Oh, no,” said Bernard Shaw. “I should say sorry. I'm sorry for not 4.__giving__(give) luck to you.” Mr. Shaw looked at the puzzled(迷惑的) rider and 5. __added__(add), “If you had killed

me, you know, you would be famous all over the world.”


1.(2016石家庄新华区中考模拟)TV,information,provides,different,with,we __TV__provides__us__with__different__information__. 2.(2016河北四模)in,four,there are,people,family,I __There__are__four__people__in__my__family__.

3.(2016河北四模)my,learn,sister,to draw pictures,is __My__sister__is__learning__to__draw__pictures__. 4. talk,they,what,about,be __What__are__they__talking__about__? 5.in,animal,great,dangerous,are,many __Many__animals__are__in__great__danger__. Ⅶ.(2016襄阳中考)书面表达。




2.重点讲述你从事业余爱好的一次经历; 3.你的业余爱好对你学习、生活的影响。 写作要点:

1.短文的内容应包含所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,使短文的意思连贯; 2.短文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名; 3.短文的词数在90词左右。

My hobby is reading books.I like reading books because I can learn a lot of knowledge from books.Books can also teach me how to be a good person.Books can even solve many problems for me.

I had an unusual but interesting experience.One day,I went to the library to read books.I liked the book so much that I forgot the time.It was too late.When I was going to leave the library,I realized that I was locked in the library.The librarians didn't notice me when they left.
