中式餐饮业发展中存在的问题及其对策分析 工商管理论文

发布时间 : 星期四 文章中式餐饮业发展中存在的问题及其对策分析 工商管理论文更新完毕开始阅读

摘 要


关键词 中式快餐 餐饮业 连锁经营


With the development of the society, fast food has become

part of our day-to-day life. However, the domestic fast-food business accounts for a small share of China’s consumer market. China domestic fast-food business is faced with both opportunities and challenges after our accession to the WTO, so what is future of Chinese fast-food business? Only when enterprises develop while find out their deficiencies and then make up larger shares in domestic marker can they go abroad and make a profit in international fast food market. There exist some widespread problems that Chinese fast-food business has some traditional characteristics which are not accord with the demand of modern one. By analyzing site selection, logistics and distribution, service standard and environment of the restaurant as well as corporate culture, the Chinese fast-food business should achieve the goal of standardization, scientific and quantitative processing and reasonable site selection, at the same time learn to use various managerial skills to improve the management level.

Key words Chinese fast food fast-food business chain operation


摘 要 ................................................... I Abstract ................................ 错误!未定义书签。 一、绪 论 ............................................... 1 (一)研究的时代背景 ................................... 1 (二)论文研究的目的与意义 ............................. 1 (三)论文写作的主要路线和方法 ......................... 1 二、中式餐饮业发展历程与现状分析 ......................... (一)中式餐饮业发展历程 ............................... 2 1、“从无到有”、“从小到大” ........................ 2 2、中式快餐品牌的树立 ................................ 2 3、快餐连锁餐饮整合、发展及壮大 ...................... 3 (二)中式餐饮业现状分析 ............................... 4 1、经营规模现状 ...................................... 4 2、经营品种现状 ...................................... 5 3、制作工艺现状 ...................................... 5 4、经营体系现状 ...................................... 5 三、中式餐饮业发展存在的问题 ............................. (一)与现代快餐要求不相符合 ........................... 6 (二)店址选择合理性不足 ............................... 6 (三)餐厅布局不合理、环境较差 ......................... 6 (四)企业管理不够科学 ................................. 6 (五)未适应当地社会文化、消费习惯 ..................... 6

2 6 (六)对企业文化认识不足 ............................... 7 (七)物流系统不够完善 ................................. 7 四、真功夫SWOT分析 ...................................... 7 (一)优势分析 ......................................... 8 1.中式快餐品牌第一影响力 ............................. 8 2.健康的饮食文化 ..................................... 9 3.严格的标准化体系 ................................... 9 4.良好的地点选址 ..................................... 9 (二)劣势分析 ......................................... 9 1.知名度和品牌认知度不够 ............................. 9 2.产品更新速度慢 ..................................... 9 3.负面消息不断 ....................................... 9 (三)机会分析 ......................................... 9 1.快餐市场越来越大 ................................... 9 2.消费者对营养和健康要求越来越高 .................... 10 (四)威胁分析 ........................................ 10 1.来自于外来餐饮业的压力 ............................ 10 2.后来追随者的压力 .................................. 10 3.开发门店资金链的压力 .............................. 10 (五)真功夫发展的问题 ................................ 10 1.市场战略存在偏差 .................................. 10 2.产品多样化、创新性不足 ............................ 10 3.产品性价比不高 .................................... 11 4.促销和营销力度不够 ................................ 11
