
发布时间 : 星期六 文章仲伟合:英语口译教程[1]更新完毕开始阅读

known to man –Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Byzantine, Mesopotamian, Persian, Arabian, Indian and Chinese.//

Carrying the message ―Share the Peace, Share the Olympics‖, the eternal flame will reach new heights as it crosses the Himalayas over the world‘s highest summit –Mount Qomolangma, which is known to many of you as Mt. Everest.//

In China, the flame will pass through Tibet, cross the Yangtze and Yellow Rivers, travel the Great Wall and visit Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and the 56 ethnic communities who make up our society. On its journey, the flame will be seen by the inspire more human beings than any previous relay.//


以―共享和平,共享奥运‖为主题, 奥运永恒不熄的火炬,将跨越世界最高峰,珠穆朗玛峰,从而达到一个最高的高度。//

在中国,奥运圣火将通过西藏穿过长江和黄河,踏上长城,途经香港、澳门、台湾并在组成我们国家的56 个民族中传递。通过这样的路线,我们保证比以往任何一次接力数量都多的人民目睹火炬。//

Seven hundred years ago, amazed by his incredible descriptions of a far away land of great beauty, people asked Marco Polo whether his stories about China were true. He answered, what I have told you was not even half of what I saw. Actually, what we have shown you here today is only a fraction of Beijing that awaits you.//

Ladies and Gentlemen, I believe that Beijing will prove to be a land of wonder to athletes, spectators and the worldwide television audience alike.

Thank you, Mr. President. Thank you all!//

700 年前,马可波罗曾经对一片遥远的美丽国度有过令人难以置信的描述。人们在惊奇之余问马可波罗,你有关中国的描述是真的吗?马可波罗回答:我向你们描述的还不到我所见到的一半。实际上,我们今天向大家展示的,也只不过是北京的一个部分而已。//



(2001 年7 月13 日国际奥委会第112 次全体大会,中国申奥形象大使杨澜的陈述,节选)


modern metropolis: 现代化大都市 urban tapestry: 城市风貌 iconic imagery: 标志性形象 the Forbidden City: 紫禁城 the Temple of Heaven: 天坛 legacy: 遗产

multi-disciplined cultural programmes: 多元文化活动


common aspirations: 共同愿望 Torch Relay: 火炬接力 Byzantine: 拜占庭的

Mesopotamian: 美索不达米亚的 Persian: 波斯的 eternal:不朽的

Mount Qomolangma/Mount Everest: 珠穆朗玛峰

Text 3.3 经济全球化中的国际合作



Your Excellency President Fox, Dear Colleagues,

Today, as we meet at the picturesque Los Cabos on this side of the Pacific to discuss important plans of economic cooperation in the Asia-Pacific region, my memory of our last Economic Leaders‘ Meeting by the Huangpu River in Shanghai remains vividly fresh. What a great joy to be reunited with old friends! Let me take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks to you, Mr. President, for your gracious invitation and to the Government of Mexico for its meticulous arrangements.//


With economic globalization surging forward and science and technology making dazzling progress with each passing day, countries have been presented with new opportunities of development in the past year. At the same time, however, the increased uncertainties in world economic development have posed new challenges to the economies of many countries and regions, APEC members included.// Trade protectionism is on the rise, making it still harder to achieve free, fair and equitable trade. Non-traditional security threats have increased, as struggles against terrorism remain both arduous and complicated. The world we live in is hardly a tranquil place.//




Despite the host of problems facing the international community and more that will still crop up unexpectedly in the future, the tide of history in favor of peace and development cannot be reversed, nor will the people of all lands change their yearning for a better life.// Wherever they live, people want lasting peace and stability in the world, a world that enjoys universal prosperity and sustainable development. If world peace and common development are to be secured, it is necessary for statesmen of all countries to display vision and courage needed to move history forward in response to the will of the people. It is also necessary for the family of nations to step up coordination and cooperation.// The APEC community should, as always, conform to the trend of the times, give full play to its advantages and go in for extensive cooperation.//

(2002 年10 月27 日APEC 第十次领导人非正式会议,中华人民共和国主席江泽民的演讲,节选)

Key Words:

黄浦江:Huangpu River 风景秀丽的:picturesque 洛斯卡沃斯: Los Cabos

日新月异:make dazzling progress with each passing day 贸易保护主义:trade protectionism

非传统安全因素:non-traditional security threats 不可逆转:cannot be reversed

顺应时代潮流:conform to the trend of the times

Text 3.4 广州申办亚运会



Guangzhou has been an open city since ancient times. As early as a thousand years ago, our ancestors established close and friendly relations with many countries in Asia and other parts of the world via the Marine Silk Road. Currently we have 13 sister cities across the world, including Manila of the


Philippines and Kwangju of South Korea.// Every day we receive thousands of tourists, merchants and officials from around the globe. Thousands of foreign nationals have come to live and work happily here among the local people, enriching the cultural fabric of Guangzhou with their own contribution.//

广州的发展,除了全国的支持与我们自身的努力外,离不开世界各国特别是亚洲各国、各地区的关心和支持。//我们真诚地希望,通过主办2010 年亚运会,与朋友们共同分享我们的发展成果,推动亚洲奥林匹克体育事业发展,增进亚洲各国人民的友谊和交流合作,促进亚洲经济繁荣和社会文明进步。//

Guangzhou has become a dynamic city through our own effort. But we acknowledge our debt to the kindness and support from our friends in foreign countries and regions, especially those in Asia.// We sincerely hope through hosting the 2010 Asian Games, we can share what we have accomplished with our friends. We will promote the Olympic ideals in Asia, strengthen the contacts and cooperation among the Asian nations and accelerate the economic development and social progress on this continent.//


It has been a long-cherished dream of the citizens of Guangzhou to host an Asian Games, as such an occasion will help to enhance China‘s overall economic development and improve our social welfare. I hereby solemnly declare that the government of Guangzhou will abide by The OCA Constitution and Rules and all other principles and rules relating to the Asian Games. We shall carry out to the letter the obligations set down in the Candidature File and the Host City Contract, and honor all promises made by the Guangzhou Asian Games Bid Committee.//

请相信,广州有足够的信心和能力把2010 年亚运会办成祥和、绿色、文明的体育盛会!你们对广州的神圣选择,将书写亚运会历史上最辉煌、最具特色的一页。//

祝各位在广州期间工作顺利,生活愉快!谢谢!// Respected delegates, you can rest assured that the people of Guangzhou have the confidence and ability to make the 2010 Asian Games a grand athletic event, wholesome and exciting, green and clean. Your vote for Guangzhou will amount to writing a glorious and unique page in the history of the Asian Games.// Your Excellencies, I hope you will enjoy your work and stay in Guangzhou. Thank you all.//

(2004 年4 月15 日亚奥理事会申亚评估团广州考察,广州市市长张广宁的欢迎词,节选)

