
发布时间 : 星期四 文章奉贤区2015高三英语二模试卷答案更新完毕开始阅读


参考答案 第一卷

I. Listening: Section A 1-5 BBAAC 6-10 AABDD

Section B

11-13 CAA 14-16 BAD

Section C 17. assistant 18. surgery 19. schooling 20. two 21. change her/the position 22. further advancement/promotion 23. pleasant climate 24. in salary

Section A: 25. why 26.that/which 27. Fearing 28. had been appointed 29. safer 30.examining 31. when/as/while 32. Thanks to/ Owing to/Because of

33. it 34. to get 35. has been developing 36. uncovered 37. Despite 38. are 39. shall/should/must 40. as long as/on condition that

Section B:

41-45 FHEGC 46-50 JADIB

III. Reading Section A

51-55 BCADB 56-60 BDBAB 61-65 ACADC

Section B

66-69 CBDB 70-73 CBBA 74-77 CCDB

Section C ? ? ? ?

want to make a lot of money/ make a fortune/ earn a lot sensible ideas to reform the legal system

allowing people to study law as an undergraduate degree.

Because non-lawyers may not own any share of a law firm./ Because law outsiders are kept out of a law firm.


I. Translation: (4’+4’+4’+5’+5’)
