
发布时间 : 星期二 文章三年级上册1-10模块测试题(外研社英语)精品资料更新完毕开始阅读

________________________________________________ 3、I’m fine,thank you.

__________ 4、Hello,Ms Smart.

__________ 十、找到正确问答语,并用线连接起来。

1.Hello! I’m Sam. A. I’m fine, thank you. 2.How are you? B. My name is Lili. 3.Good morning, boys and girls. C. How do you do? 4.What’s your name? D.Good moring,Ms Gao. 5.How do you do? E. Hello! Sam



( )1 The A、门 三、选择题,将正确的答案的序号填在括号内 ( )2 door B、这(那)个 ( )1 Good (早晨),Ms Smart ( )3 please ( )4 window ( )5 blackboard ( )6 bird ( )7 sit ( )8 stand ( )9 point ( )10 name 二、看图连线

Window chair desk C、窗 D、黑板 E、请 F、指 G、名字 H、坐 I、鸟 J、站 door

A、afternoon B、morning C、name ( )2 (起立),Lingling

A、Stand up B、Sit down C、Goodbye ( )3 Point to the (窗) A、Girl B、door C、window ( )4 Point to the (黑板) A、Boy B、blackboard C、bird ( )5 Point to the (椅子) A、Chair B、door C、bird ( )6 Point to the 课桌 A、Name B、window C、desk


( )1 A、Amy B、Daming C、bird ( )2 A、dog B、desk C、cat ( )3 A、hello B、hi C、goodbye ( )4 A、chair B、bird C、desk ( )5 A、cap B、boy C、girl ( )6 A 、dog B、cat C、cap


A Point to the door

B Point to the window

A Sit down B Stand up

A Hi,Mr Li B Hi,Ms Li

A Point to the chair B Point to the desk

六 、选择合适的汉语将序号填在题前的括号内。 ( )1、Good morning ,Ms Smart. A、请坐

( )2、Good morning, boys and girls. B、玲玲,起立

( )3、What’s your name? C、指着门 ( )4 Stand up,Lingling. D、 早上好,同学们 ( )5 Point to the door. E、你叫什么名字? ( )6 Point to the window. F、指着黑板 ( )7 Point to the blackboard. G、上好,斯玛特女士 ( )8 Sit down. H、 指着窗 ( )9 Point to the chair. I、指着课桌 ( )10 Point to the desk. J、指着椅子 七 、根据汉语意思在正确的句子序号上打钩。 1、早上好,同学们。

A、Good morning,boys and girls B、Good morning ,Ms Smart 2、请坐。

A、Sit down. B、Stand up. 3、指着门。

A、Point to the door. B、Point to the window. 4、你叫什么名字?

A、What’s your name ? B 、How are you ?


1、 Stand up. ( )

2 Point to the chair.( )

3 Point to the desk.( )
