
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新概念英语词汇随身听速记手册3更新完毕开始阅读

Who has the brain and money to stage this smash-and-grab?


Newspapers are stuffed with smash-and-grab,hit-and-runs. 报纸上充斥着砸了就抢、撞了就跑的新闻。 arcade 有拱廊的街道

The expensive shops in a famous arcade near Piccadilly were just opening.


I often do shopping in this arcade-window-shopping. 这条街我常逛只逛不买。

The mayor was invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new business arcade.

市长被邀请参加新商业街的确良剪彩仪式。 Piccadilly 皮卡迪利大街 jewelry 珠宝

Mr.Taylor,the owner of a jewelry shop was admiring a new window display.

珠宝店主泰勒先生正在欣赏新布置的橱窗。 He inherits his father's passion for jewelry. 他继承了他父亲对于珠宝的狂热。 She herslef had very little jewelry, 她自已没什么珠宝,

but her daughter had jewels dangling from her hair. 可是她女儿却浑身珠光宝气。 necklace 项链

Diamond necklace and rings 钻石项链和戒指

had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet.


I see no moral in Maupassant's 'The Necklace'. 我看不出莫泊桑的《项链》有什么道德上的教育意义。

When I was young,granny often strung peas into necklaces for me to eat.

小时候,姥姥常把豌豆串成项链给我吃。 ring 戒指

In Africa,rings are worn not only on the fingers


but also on toes,the ears and even through the nose. 还可以戴在脚上、耳朵了,甚至鼻子了 A Roman writer of the fifth century A.D. 公元五世纪的一位罗马作家主张

held that the wedding ring should be placed on the fourth finger of the left hand, 结婚戒指应该戴在左手无名指上,

in the belief that a vein connects the heart with the finger. 因为他相信那里有一根血管与心脏相边。 background 背景

Diamond necklace and rings 钻石项链和戒指

had been beautifully arranged on a background of black velvet.


During these conferences he remained in the background as far as possible.


The real Gatsby was an uneducated,ignorant boy with no background,

真正的盖茨比却是一个没受过教育的无知的孩子,没有背景, no breeding,no past,no future. 没有教养,没有过去,也没有未来。 velvet 天鹅绒,丝绒

Becky was dressed in the finest silk and velvet. 蓓基穿着最华丽的丝绸和天鹅绒衣服。

Stars were twinkling in the back velvet of the night. 星星在黑丝绒一般的夜空里闪烁。 headlight 前灯

The silenc was suddenly broken when a large car, 宁静突然被打破,一辆大轿车亮着前灯,

with is headlights on and its home blaring,roared down the arcade.


Ada reached to the dashboard and cut off the headlights. 阿达伸手到仪表板上关闭了车前灯。

A fellow learner hit my car and smashed all the headlights. 一个和我一样刚学车的人把我的车撞了,把所有的车前灯都有撞坏了。 blare

