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He is the watchdog for the CEO-and his top manager on all quality issues.

介首席执行官的监察员,也是质量问题的最高主管。 rashly

尽管修建了隧道,还是有些莽撞的人企图徒步跨越山口。 Despite the new tunned, 莽撞地,冒失地

there are still a few people who rashly attempt to cross the Pass on foot.

尽管修建了隧道,还是有些莽撞的人企图徒步跨越山口。 \rashly.


He rashly look the business in hand,and regretted shortly afterwards.

他冒失地把这件事揽过去不久就后悔了。 enclosure 围场,围栏

As there are so many people about, 由于来人太多,

the dogs have to be kept in a special enclosure. 狗被关在专门的围栏里。

The house,which had been built at the end of the last century,

stood in the middle of a huge square enclosure. 这所上世纪末建造的房子高耸在一片宽大的围场正中。 The test mice are placed in individual experimental enclosure.

试验用的老鼠被安置在单独的试验围场里。 monk 和尚,僧侣

The monks prefer winter ot summer for they have more privacy.


Dreadfully dull lives the monks live. 僧侣们的生活乏味得可怕。

For a very long time we were unable to understand 很长时间我们都不明白

why the affectionate old monk had to rock the cane easy-chair

为什么那个慈祥的老和尚每次落座之前非要摇一摇藤椅, every time before he sat down until his pupil explained 后来他的徒弟告诉我们,

that he was afraid to kill the tiny winged insects which might be resting in the cracks. 他是怕不小心把躲在椅缝里的小飞虫压死。 privacy 清静的,隐居

Privacy is today's civilization is a myth. 静居独处今天的文明中是一个神话。 It is often difficult for outsiders

to understand the villagers'lack of desire for privacy. 外人常驻常难以理解这些村民何以缺乏静居独处的念头。 skier 滑雪者

The only regular visitors to the monastery in winter 冬天常来修道院参观的只有一批批的滑雪者,

are parties of skiers who go there at Christmas and Easter. 他们一般在圣诞节或者复活节的时候来。

Tears rolled down the young shier's cheeks as he reached the finishing line.


The skier floated down the slope like a bird. 滑雪者滑下斜坡,飘逸得像一只鸟。 Easter


Easter is an annual Christian festival celebrating the resurrection of Jesus,


held on the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs or or after March 21.


Easter is the second most important festival in Christian countries.

在基督教国家复活节是仅次于基督教的重要节日。 Lesson 9 fascinate 迷住,吸引住

Cats never fail to fascinate himan beings. 猫总能引起人们的极大兴趣。

Hannah watched,listened and was fascinated. 汉娜看着、听着,入迷了。

The artists were utterly fascinated

by the primitive drawings in the prehistoric cave. 艺术家们完全被史前岩洞里的画迷住了。 affectionate 充满深情的,温柔的
