
发布时间 : 星期日 文章2015年高考英语分类讲解:改错题更新完毕开始阅读


30天决战——高考2015年高考英语分类讲解 改错题的常见错误和高考真题讲解(一)

主编:贾海琴老师 主编单位:永辉中学生教育学习中心


第一类:连词的常见错误。 一、and、but、or之间的区别: 1、and:“表示并列”; 2、but:“表示转折”; 3、or:“表示选择”; 二、高考试题在线:

Example one:【2014大纲卷】The more friends we have, the more we can learn for( from) one another, but(and) the more pleasure we can share together.

【Explain】:本句核心矩形为: “the more...the more...,and the more ”. Translation:“...越多,...越多,和...越多”。三个“the more”之间应该是并列的,所以最后一个the more 之前用的and 。


Example two:【2014陕西卷】Suddenly the arrows was flying down at us from the sky — they were looked(looked) like rain! We ran to escape but (and)fortunately no one was injured.

【Explain】:本句高考重点词汇:动词:escape(逃跑);injure(受伤); 动词短语:look like(看起来像);副词:suddenly(突然);fortunately

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本句核心:“We ran to escape”“fortunately no one was injured” First sentence“我们逃跑”;second sentence“幸运的是我们没有人受伤”; 这两句话之间在意思上为并列关系。


Example three:【2014年四川】If you notice that when(去掉) someone is missing and(or) hurt, tell your teacher immediately.

【Explain】:missing“失踪”;hurt“受伤”;reason:missing and hurt nerve happen on one person at the same time.“失踪和受伤从来不会在同一时间发生在一个人身上”,所以:这两种情况只能是二选其一。

高考核心词汇:动词:notice (注意);副词:immediately(立即,马上); 【Translation】:如果你注意到一些人失踪或者受伤,立即告诉你们的老师。 Example four:【2014新课标Ⅰ卷】Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but (yet)we have never had any disease or insect attack problem.

【Explain】:高考核心词汇:动词:allow(允许)同义词:permit;attack(攻击);名词:tomato(番茄,西红柿);plant(植物);disease(疾病);insect(昆虫);短语:year after year(年复一年);连词:although(尽管)一般放在句首,though(尽管)一般放在句中,even though(尽管如此)一般放在句首。although,though,even though,三个词汇都表示转折,这三个词出现的时候,就不再用转折连词“but”,但是可以有“although...yet”这个句型。

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Example five:【2014浙江卷】A passenger realized he couldn’t find his ticket but(and) became quite upset.

【Explain】:高考核心词汇:动词:realized(意识到);名词:passenger(游客,乘客);ticket“票”;形容词:upset(心烦的,不安的); quite+形容词:“相当...”.

Two sentences :“he couldn’t find his ticket”“became quite upset” “他不能找到自己的票”“变相当不安”这两件事情是因果关系,在并列谓语的情况下只能用“and”连接。如果是并列的两个句子,表示因果关系,表示原因的句子句首用的是“because”,表示结果的句子句首用的是“so”. 该句子可以变为:①he couldn’t find his ticket and became quite upset. ②Because he couldn’t find his ticket ,he became quite upset. ③He couldn’t find his ticket,so he became quite upset.

【Translation】:一个乘客意识到他不能够找到自己的票,而变得相当不安。 Example six:He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town, he was strong and powerful.

【Explain】:高考核心词汇:名词:voice(声音);形容词:deep(深的);powerful(有力量的);动词短语:be apart from(远离,除...之外)近义词:beside,but.

“He had a deep voice, which set himself apart from others in our small town”,“he was strong and powerful”“他有一个深沉的声音”“他和强壮和有力量”两句话之间是并列的。两句完整的句型之间用“,”隔开,一定要

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