
发布时间 : 星期六 文章新视野大学英语视听说教程4unit7原文和答案更新完毕开始阅读


II. Basic Listening Practice

12. Script

M: We offer all kinds of tours and excursions. DO you have anything particular in mind?

W: Not really, we’d just like to see the local sights and have an English speaking guide. It would be good if they were someone local too. My husband is interested in the local stories and folklore.

Q: What does the woman mention as one of her preferences?

2. Script

M: Are you joining a tour group when you go to Indonesia?

W: No, I’m going to backpack my way round. I like being independent and seeing things at my own pace. Besides, there’s more chance of meeting local people that way. I’ve just got to be careful. Q: what dose the woman want?

3. Script

W: Hey, could you bring your video camera to the kids’ concert tomorrow? I’d love to capture it on film.

M: No problem. I’ll burn it to a DVD for you afterwards, then you can watch it at home.

Q: How will the woman watch the concert later in the week?

4. Script

W: I can’t find that track I really like anywhere. It’s not on CDs in any of the shops, and I really want it on a CD.

M: Well, let’s look online. Maybe we can download it, then burn it to a CD.

Q: What does the man suggest doing to get the track?

5. Script

W: Here’s a riddle: You love deep-sea finishing in Florida, and you’re crazy about skiing in Canada, but you can’t afford even one vacation home. What do you do?

M: I buy a share in two holiday homes, so I own a week or more at each place. Timesharing is the way many people afford seemingly expensive holidays.

Q: What advice does the man give for people unable to afford expensive holiday homes?

Keys: 1.A 2.A 3. D 4.B 5.C

IV. Speaking Out

MODEL 1 Would you like to do anything?

Amy: Would you like to go to see a movie tonight, say, The Lord of the Rings? Bill: Thanks for asking, but there’s too much violence in those blockbusters.

Amy: Then, let’s go roller-skating.

Bill: I don’t really like to now that I’m not so young any more. You

know, my knees ache terribly.

Amy: I’ m sorry to hear that. Hey, let’s go to see a country singer tonight?

Bill: No. I’m not really in the mood. Amy: Well, would you like to do anything? Bill: Sure, let’s stay home and watch TV.

Amy: Is there anything worth watching tonight?

Bill: Let me look at the TV Guide first. Well, Survivor’s on Channel 3 at 7:30.

Amy: If I remember correctly, there’s a documentary about animals on

another channel.

Bill: Yes, on Channel 10. Do you want to watch it? Amy: Do you mind if we watch it?

Bill: Well. I really wanted to watch the Rocket game tonight.

MODEL2 I can’t make up my mind! Script

John: Hey! Nora: Hey!

John: I see you’re reading travel brochures. Planning a holiday trip somewhere?

Nora: Once the warms up. I get itchy feet. I think about going places. John: Will this be a trip abroad or some excursion close to home?

Nora: Two tours are offered in May: one to big American cities; one to Europe. John: Are these whirlwind tours that allow you a few hours in each place?

Nora: Oh, no, no, they’re both three-week three-city tours, with a

week in each city.

John: That’s more like it. You can look around and not feel rushed. What cities?

Nora: I can’t make up my mind: London, Paris and Rome or New York, San…?

John: Stop there. Europe’s more interesting. America’s OK, but it’s all

the same.

Nora: You didn’t let me finish. San Francisco and Chicago, a modern metropolis.

John: Big U.S. cities are so much alike. European cities differ from one anther.

Nora: Yeah, like, they’re in different countries.

John: There are other differences in languages, architecture, food, and customs.

Nora: All right. You convinced me. They say variety’s the spice of

life. Variety, here I come.

MODEL3 You’d better get more exercise in your

leisure time.


Amy: Look at you! You’re fat and flabby. You’d better get more exercise

in your leisure time, or you’ll never be Governor of California. Bill: That’s right. I’m no Schwarzenegger, no Mr. Universe, so don’t bug me.

Amy: He shows what exercise can do. He used to be a skinny kid from Austria.

Bill: He likes exercise; I don’t. I was born tired, and I’ve been

resting ever since.

Amy: Seeing a fine specimen like him, don’t you feel like exercising

vigorously to stay in good shape?

Bill: Whenever I feel like exercising, I lie down and rest until the

feeling passes.

Amy: Ha, ha, very funny. Surely you’ve read about the dangers of obesity.

Bill: Scientists constantly find dangers: smoking, cholesterol. What

else is new?

Amy: You must know an exercise like walking benefits the mind and body.

Bill: I do, and I walk every day—from my office to the parking lot, not-stop.

Amy: OK, have it your way. Eventually you’ll be a burden on our health


Bill: And just what do you mean by that? I’m not sick. My appetite is good.

Amy: If you stay fat, heart trouble or high blood pressure could hospitalized you.

Bill: Well, you may have a point there. I suppose we could go for a

walk after dinner, slowly.

Now Your Turn Task 1


Qiang: I see you’re reading travel brochures. Planning a holiday trip somewhere?

Li: Once the warms up. I get itchy feet. I think about going places.

Qiang: Will this be a trip abroad or some excursion close to home?

Li: I prefer going abroad. We’ve never visited a foreign country before.

Qiang: What countries are advertised in the brochure?

Li: Two overseas tours are offered during summer vacation. One is

to a nearby country like Korea or Japan, and the other is to European countries.

Qiang: Which tour do you prefer?

Li: I’d like to go and see Korea. It’s close to China so that the

tour is less expensive.

Qiang: I prefer to spend our savings on the European tour. We can

see very different people and architecture, enjoy different food, and appreciate different customs.

Li: All right. You convince me. They say variety’s the spice of

life. But shall we take a long tour or a whirlwind tour that allow us only a few hours in each place?

Qiang: In a long tour we can look around and not feel rushed, but

it’s too expensive. So let’s take a whirlwind tour. That’s what we can afford.

Li: I agree. A whirlwind tour allows us to visit many important places

we’ve heard and read so much about. That’s good enough for us.

Qiang: Right on.

V. Let’s Talk


The notion of a weekly rest is ancient. Christian religions celebrate a day of rest known as the Sabbath, also called the Lord’s Day. It is on Sunday. The weekend as a holiday is a rather modern invention. Before the industrial revolution the wage labor force was a small fraction of the population.
