
发布时间 : 星期二 文章市场营销管理习题更新完毕开始阅读

第4章 组织市场及其购买行为

一、概念题 1. 判断

1) 组织市场的购买者往往经过中间商进行采购____________

2) 个人因素指生产者用户内部参与购买过程人员的年龄、教育、个性等因素,它们对生产者购买行为有一定影响___________

3) Business-to-business marketing is the marketing of goods and services to individuals and organizations for the purpose of personal consumption 4) Any firm that purchases goods and services to make a profit by using them to produce other goods or to become part of other goods is part of the producer segment of the business-to-business market 2. 选择(可多选)

1) 组织市场包括_________。

A、产业市场 B、集贸市场 C、非营利组织市场 D、政府市场 E、原材料市场 2) 影响产业市场购买决策的主要因素有______。

A、环境因素 B、组织因素 C、人际因素 D、个人因素 E、心理因素

3) A particular segment of the business-to-business market includes those individuals and organizations that purchase goods and services for the purpose of making a profit. They achieve this goal by using purchased goods and services to make other goods, to become part of other goods, or to facilitate the daily operations of the organization. This group is called the segment of the business-to-business market. a. producer b. reseller c. government d. institution e. wholesaler

4) Businesses that buy finished goods and sell and distribute them for a profit are called a. inventory carriers b. producers c. institutions d. resellers

e. transportation companies 3. 简答

1) 简述组织市场的特点。

2) What?s the main type of Producers? buying behavior? 二、理解题

1. 判断

1) 中间商倾向于跟供应商签订短期合同__________

2) 采购者个人的购买风格对中间商购买行为影响较小__________ 3) The reseller market is the same as the retailer market__________

4) State, county, and city government purchasing procedures have become more standardized in recent years, making it easier for some groups to purchase cooperatively by buying in volume and gaining price breaks 2. 选择(可多选)

1) 批发商和零售商的产品组合策略主要有_______。

A、独家产品 B、深度产品 C、广度产品 D、混合产品 E、整体产品 2) 中间商的购买多属_____。

A、冲动购买 B、习惯购买 C、专家购买 D、理性购买 E、非专家购买

3) A business-to-business marketer may be serving any one or several of the following categories of customers EXCEPT__________

a. institutions and nonprofits b. producers

c. resellers and wholesalers d. governments e. private consumers

4) The Chinese government is:

a. not a business-to-business market segment

b. the world's largest single customer

c. an organization accounting for over 50 percent of the Chinese gross national product d. mainly a military equipment purchaser

e. using one centralized purchasing office for the entire government 3. 简答

1) 简述中间商购买决策过程。

2) Why is relationship marketing more important to the B2B than to the B2C players? 三、应用题

1. 进入 www.ihaier.com, 查阅有关海尔集团如何进行原材料、零部件采购,了解其供应商政策以及采购程序等。据此谈谈给你留下哪些深刻印象。

2. Suppose that you own a small business that provides PC repair services to local businesses. In addition to the basic fix-it services you now provide, you are thinking about offering new services. Applying the “systems selling” concept, what additional services could you offer that would make a complete package or systems solution for your customers? 3. 走访一家高技术企业,了解其如何进行办公电脑的采购,分析其采购程序、购买决策的参与者、采购影响因素等。

4. 某绿色蔬菜公司向各宾馆推销新鲜蔬菜。该公司必须首先识别出各宾馆参与购买活动的人员构成。这些人员可能包括宾馆采购经理、餐厅主厨、食品部和饮料部的经理。在其中每位人员所起的作用是不同的,请分析采购部经理、主厨、饮食部经理各自关注哪些方面?面对这样一个由许多方面人员组成的采购中心,营销人员要想亲自去接触每一个人,其时间和精力都无法做到。假如该绿色蔬菜公司刚刚成立,规模较小,营销人员应该首先攻克的壁垒是谁?

5. 假定你拥有一个小的印刷公司,现在你有机会参与联邦政府购买合同的投标,中标后将会为你们公司带来很多业务。列出你参与政府市场投标的三种利益以及三种弊端。

第5章 竞争性营销战略

一、概念题 1. 判断

1) 利基战略是以专业化战略为基础的一种复合战略______________________

2) 根据获取信息并结合行业情况,企业可以采用相应的分析方法(如SOWT分析等) 来分析预测竞争对手的优劣势___________

3) Strategic Planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organization?s goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities 4) There are three generic types of strategic thinking: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus 2. 选择(可多选)

1) 识别市场竞争者的层次包括_________。

A、品牌竞争 B、资金实力 C、行业结构 D、市场角度 E、一般竞争者 2) 评估竞争对手的指标包括______。

A、占有率 B、财务状况 C、产能利用率 D、创新能力 E、高层领导者情况 3) Market leader should work hard in three aspects, they are____________ a. enlarge total demand b. protect market share c. government d. institution

e. increase market share

4) Which of the following could be viewed as attacking target(s) for market challenger? a. market leader

b. companies with the same size c. institutions d. resellers

e. small companies in local area

3. 简答

1) 企业的竞争对手包括谁?

2) What?s SWOT analysis? 二、理解题 1. 判断

1) 对于市场挑战者而言,攻击市场领先者的战略风险较低__________ 2) 大企业应该多关注利基市场__________

3) market niche should choose big markets as target markets__________ 4) market challenger can always succeed to attack market leader 2. 选择(可多选)

1) 康佳集团首先开发出适宜卧室收看的袖珍彩电——家庭第二台彩电,并迅速占领该细分市场的做法被称为_______。

A、攻击市场领先者 B、抢占市场 C、攻击同等规模对手 D、攻击小公司 2) The roles market niche could play include_______ a. end-user expert b. vertical expert c. special customer expert d. quality/price expert e. service expert 3. 简答

1) 简述平衡竞争者导向和顾客导向的必要性。

2) As far as most of the Chinese corporations are concerned, is market niche a suitable strategy to adopt, why?


1. Which strategy should Chinese Auto firms adopt in domestic market,why? Please express your opinion in detail. 2. 请查阅有关雷克萨斯汽车公司的相关资料,指出它在中国市场的地位,并对其采用的营销战略予以评价。 3.角色扮演:运用你所学的理论分析我国内地平板电脑市场的竞争状况。并假定你是联想集团负责平板电脑产品的产品经理,针对2011年苹果公司推出IPAD2产品的营销策略,你该为你公司同类产品采取怎样的竞争性营销战略?

第6章 目标市场战略

一、概念题 1. 判断

1) 依据消费者对商品的同质需求和异质需求,可以把市场分为同质市场和异质市场_______
