
发布时间 : 星期四 文章(完整word版)最新冀教版六年级英语下全册教案,推荐文档更新完毕开始阅读

Warming-up and revision: 一、Greeting.

二、利用词汇卡片复习:vegetables、meat、fruit。 Play “what’s missing ?” to review such kind of knowledges . New concepts:

一、 学习cabbage、peas、onions. 1、 利用谜语学习peas。

T: now let’s play a game , please guess . I will say a sentence ,after it please tell me what they are .listen : They are small. They are green. They live in the house. What are they?

2、 使用单词卡片学习cabbage、onions。

⑴ Put some word cards in the box, such as muscles ,bones ,apple ,etc. Let student guess. What is it? or what are they ?

⑵ The students talk about the right picture. For example: What color is it? Heave or light? Do you like cabbage?

(在这个环节当中,因为要学生talk 教师应该给予适当的提示,让学生顺利的完成这个任务,增强他们的学习兴趣。)

(这样不仅复习了以前的单词 加深了学生的印象,同时还引出了今天要学习的单词) 二、练习对话。

Play “never never ” to review adverbs of frequency ,Use phrases from , or related to , this unit : brush your teeth , comb your hair , eat fruit , play sports . after each volunteer completes a turn , ask “How often do you ?” and help the student make the correct response .

Demonstrate “month “ .The students should already be familiar with the word because they have seen it often in Level 3 . 1、 T:How often do you eat peas? S: Once a week.

T: How often do you eat cabbage? S: …

2、 小组练习对话。

3、 听录音并完成下表。(不看书) 听录音并完成下表。(不看书) How often does Danny eat donuts? cabbage? peas? onions? day week month year 4、 订正上表,并让学生描述内容。

三、 小组练习,用调查表的形式调查一位同学的饮食习惯。 a) 小组调查并填表。

b) 展示各组表格。

c) 描述并评论同学饮食是否健康。 四、 出示健康饮食表。 a) 出示一张小学生健康饮食表。 b) 谈论饮食表。

c) 对照饮食表说说自己饮食有哪些不好的习惯?

(设计这个环节就是让学生在实践中运用所学的知识。进一步巩固在本课中学过的知识。) 五、 Homework。

制作一张适合自己的健康饮食表。 Class closing. 板书设计

Lesson9 Eat more vegetables and fruit!

How often does Danny eat donuts/ cabbage/ peas/ onions? day week month year 六、Exercises : 一、连线。

1. take a shower 一月两次 2. ask a question 吃蔬菜 3. make a chart 小心,当心 4. once a year 冲淋浴 5.how often 制作一个表格 6. twice a month 问问题

7eat vegetables 多长时间一次 8. watch out 一年一次 二,补充句子。

He brushes his teeth ( ). ( ) does Danny eat breakfast . He ( ) eats breakfast .

How often ( ) Danny ( ) shopping . He ( ) every week

How often ( ) danny ( ) football ?

Lesson 10Exercise


1、Students can read,write,say and accurately understand the vocabulary:minutes,hours,exercise

2、教授歌谣“Everyone, Everyone, Reach up High” 使学生能跟着节拍边做动作边说歌词。

3、通过本课教学,使学生了解健康的生活方式应加强体育锻炼。 教学重点:

1、掌握本课四会单词: minutes, hours, exercise 教学难点:

1、如何在实际中灵活运用 How much/How many/How often是难点。 教具、学具: 一个带有分针的钟表、录音机、课文录音带。 教学过程:
