(瀹屾暣word鐗?鏈鏂板唨鏁欑増鍏勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍏ㄥ唽鏁欐,鎺ㄨ崘鏂囨。 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱

发布时间 : 星期日 文章(瀹屾暣word鐗?鏈鏂板唨鏁欑増鍏勾绾ц嫳璇笅鍏ㄥ唽鏁欐,鎺ㄨ崘鏂囨。 - 鐧惧害鏂囧簱更新完毕开始阅读


2.能够掌握before ,after 的用法。


二、教学重点、难点:after , before , teeth ,face , brush , comb的理解和运用

三、教具、学具:单词卡片、录音机、 四、教学过程:

(一)Class opening and review 1.Greetings

2.Listen and do : (复习动词短语:eat breakfast / watch TV / fly a kite /wash clothes / brush teeth / go to the store / take a shower …,教师可以让学生认读这些短语之后,进行下面的操练) T: Now , I say you do . T: Ok, This time you say I do .

3.复习句型:How often do you _____? _____ times a _____. T: Did you eat breakfast this morning ? S1: Yes , I always eat breakfast.

T: How often do you eat breakfast in a week ? S1: _____

T: How often do you wash your face in a day ? S1:______.

(设计意图:这几个环节的设置既复习了动词短语和How often 句型,

又为后面的教学做铺垫。) (二) Key Concepts

1.单词: brush/ comb及短语:brush your teeth/comb your hair/wash your face 的教学。


brush teeth wash face comb hair eat breakfast go to school (6:10 ) (6:15 ) (6:20 ) (6:30 ) ( 7:00 ) I … T: Look , it’s 6:10 in the morning , I often brush my teeth . Then , I wash my face and comb my hair.


2.单词:before / after 的理解和运用。

T: At 6:30 , I eat breakfast ,After I eat breakfast , I go to school. Before I eat breakfast , I comb my hair .

(教师描述并板书:After I eat breakfast , I go to school; Before I eat breakfast , I comb my hair .)


T: Let’s repeat ,before and after .

T: Now would you tell me what do you do every morning ? Using the words “ before / after ”,Practice in groupsthen show it to us.

(设计意图:通过小组中的互相练说,克服学生一个人怕说错的思想,在集思广义中说出自己能想到的句子,同时不限定于一个句型,培养学生的发散思维。在小组练习中,提高了学生发言的积极性,说的机会也增多了,加上教师或基础好的学生的及时指导,学生的表达能力也会有所提高.) (学生展示,在这个过程中教师指导学生注意:go to school/ wake up/ wash face / comb hair / brush teeth / do homework 等短语的第三人称的变化,教师也可以适时地引导学生说。) T: What does she/he do ? S: He/ She __________. 3.学习课文第2部分。

Play the audiotape and read the dialogue , check up understanding . Show the exercises : Listen and order ( ) Jenny wakes up . ( ) Jenny brushes her teeth . ( ) Jenny eats breakfast .

( ) Jenny washes her face and hands . ( ) Jenny combs her hair . ( ) Jenny goes to school .

(设计意图: 在听的过程中为孩子预留了任务,符合英语课标中提倡的任务型教学,并且能引导学生注意听的重点内容,为他们的学习提供了方向。)

(三)Class closing 五、 板书设计:

Lesson 8 Always Brush Your Teeth !

brush teeth wash face comb hair (6:10 ) (6:15 ) (6:20 ) (6:30 ) I ( 7:00 ) eat breakfast go to school … Before I eat breakfast , I comb my hair . After I eat breakfast , I go to school.

Lesson9 Eat more vegetables and fruit!

一 、教学目标:

1. 使学生能听、说、读和写词汇: often 2. 使学生能够描述自己日常的饮食。 3. 能完成有关饮食的调查表。

4. 能够在日常生活中,恰当的使用How often…?句型。 二、教学重点

1、使学生能听、说、读和写词汇: cabbage, onions, peas,month。 2、使学生能够描述自己日常的饮食。 三、教学难点


2、能够在日常生活中,恰当的使用How often…?句型。 四、教具、学具

录音机 ,单词卡片 ,课件 五、教学过程
