
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(完整word版)最新冀教版六年级英语下全册教案,推荐文档更新完毕开始阅读

Step 1, Learn new words.

1, Let students listen to the audiotape carefully and find new words. 2, Teacher collects the words that the students find. 。Teacher writes them on the blackboard and teaches .

3, Then listen again and repeat after the radio.

Step 2, Use the students book and audiotape.1,Listen again and try to translation 。.Know the passage mean.

2,Learn the Future Tense with “Will” Teacher gives the examples, according the examples to write the sentences. For examples: They will go to Beijing. We will learn English..

3,Learn “how, how many, how far, how much” Teacher gives the examples and let students try to find how to use them. For examples: How will they go? How many students are there in your class?—Fifty How far is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang? ---About three hundred kilometers . How much is it ?----Ten Yuan. Step3, Check for understanding. The students do some exercises. ____ are they? FiveYuan.

____ books do you have ? Eight books. ____ is it ? Two kilometers. ____ will they go home? By bike. 板书设计

Lesson 19 Buying Gifts 1, flag , every, surprise.

2, how, how many , how far, how much.

3, will + 动词原形

Lesson 20 Looking at pictures


1、正确运用过去时。 2、识记get, find---found. 3、熟读课文,理解内容。 教具学具 Radio , tape 教学流程

一、Step 1, Learn new words.

1.师:We are getting ready to learn English. Are you ready? 全班:Yes.

师:Good. Get .Say it ,please. 全班:Get.

师:We are getting ready to learn English. Say it ,please . 全班:We are getting ready to learn English. 2. 教师找不到英语书,而后又想起。

教师利用手势和面部表情让学生看明白意思。指着物体引导进行如下对话, 师:Where is my English book ? I forget where it is .

教师: Oh! I find it . It is on my desk. . I find .Say it , please , class . 全班: I find .

教师: (指着另一个物品)I found my English book.

(对着一名学生) Where is your English book ? Do you remember ?

全班: Yes.

师:Good ! You found . Now I remember , too . Step 2, Use the students books and the tape.

复习刚刚学过的故事。李明准备好要回在中国的家。本课中,他正在做什么?他和詹妮在谈论什么? 1, 听录音,试理解课文。 2, 再来一遍,找学生翻译。

3, 找出问题答案并总结句子所用的时态及写法。 He is packing his things.现在进行时:be + 动词ing.

He talked about pictures.过去时:动词变过去式(be 动词变过去式) Step3, Practice.

课前让学生准备几张卡片。向同伴展示一张 Do you remember this ?如果对方有这张卡片,便回答Yes, it is a _____.并收起这张卡片。如果没有,对方回答No, I forget. Step4, Practice in class. 用所给的词的正确形式填空。 1、 Look at ___( this) pictures. 2、 I have much work _____(do).

3、 Li Ming taught me ____( play) ping----pong . 4、 It is 7:50 . Let’s walk ____( quick) to school. 5、 Jenny wants (go) to the parkStep 6、 Homework


板 书 设 计

Lesson 20 Looking At Pictures Get find----found

Lesson 21 A party for Li Ming


1, 熟读课文,理解内容。 2,学会 party, tell, begin, late ,early . 3,学会电话邀请朋友及家人,并会应用。 教具学具 图片 录音机 单词卡片 教学流程

Step 1, Review.

Teacher shows the pictures. Review the known knowledge. Step 2, Study key concepts.

1, Show new words cards , and use the body---language, let the students know the words means . Then listen to the radio, learn how to say. 2, Listen again. And answer the questions . Try to understand this lesson . (1) Whose party ?

(2)Who invites to the party ? (3)When is the party ?

(4)What time does the party begin ? 3, Practise.
