
发布时间 : 星期三 文章(完整word版)最新冀教版六年级英语下全册教案,推荐文档更新完毕开始阅读

1、Greeting:T: Hello, everyone ! Ss: Hi. 2、Rview

A、复习动词的过去式和将来时 yesterday today tomorrow go watch play B、师生、生生问答

T: What do you like to do in the summer? S: I like to swim.

S: I like to play badminton. S: …

T: What did you do last year? S: I went to Chengde. S: I went to the park.

S:(师替学生答) I went to a lake to swim in the lake and played on the beach. 二、Prsentation 1、learning new words。

教师出示lake, ship, boat, swim-swam, 新单词(让学生自己试读教师指导)。 2、让学生试着自己由词组成短语、由词短语组成句子(给出一些适当的词)。 lake, beach, ,ship, , swim-swam, on the beach, I like playing on the beach .

I will play on the beach this summer .

In the ocean . I like playing in the ocean. I will swim in the ocean this summer . What will you do this summer? I will … 3、练习话题

小组讨论:What will you do this summer? 小组汇报:

S: I want to play with my friends. That is fun. 4、跟读课文,回答问题。 Questions:

1, Where did Jenny go last summer? 2, What did Jenny do last summer? 3, What will Li Ming do this summer? 三、Homework :Do activity book 五、Blackboard:

Lesson 16 LiMing's Summer Holiday

教学目标 1、 知识目标:


(2)正确分析课文,找出Li Ming 今年夏天做的事情。 (3)能运用将来时说出自己的暑假计划。 2、 能力目标:

(1) 能正确运用单词visit。


3、 情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,让学生分别了解中、西方小朋友是怎样过暑假的,了解中西文化的差异。

4、 学习细细策略:通过小组讨论的学习方式,增强学生之间互相合作的能力。 教学重点:


(2)正确分析课文,找出Li Ming 今年夏天做的事情。 (3)能运用将来时说出自己的暑假计划。 教学难点:


教具焦距准备:录音机、磁带、课件、单词卡片。 教学过程:

1 、Class Opening T: Hi, class! C: Hi. Teacher!

T: Would you like to have some fun? C: Yes!

T: OK! Now , let’s chant. (出示课件)


2 、 T:Summer holiday is coming! Do you want to go on a trip in summer? Do

you go on a trip now? C: OK! Let’s go!

(1) T:First,we will go to the ocean. (出示课件) (2) T : And there is the beach.(出示课件) (3) T: On the beach, there is the sand. (出示课件) Play go fish

(设计意图:通过课件创设真实的海景情境,吸引学生的注意力,提高学习效果。通过援引元音字母和、字母组合和医学过的单词,讲授新单词的发音,降低了学生学习和记忆单词的发音的难度,提高课堂教学的有效性。通过不同形式的练习,减少学习的枯燥,减轻缓解生的学习疲劳。) 3 、T: This summer, I will go to the ocean, I will play on the beach. I will play with the sand. (出示课件)

What will you do this summer? (生先举手说,再讨论) Play Stop!Go!


4、T: Li Ming has a good summer plan. Do you want to know ? C: Yes!

T; Listen and find

What will Li Ming do this summer?(出示课件,讨论并填空 )
