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Unit 9 My favorite subject is science?

一 Words

1 表示学科的名称: subject science P.E. biology English Chinese math art music history

2 表示星期的名称:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1)都以-day结尾,属于专有名词,首字母都要大写;

2)一个星期的第一天应为Sunday; Sunday is the first day of a week. 3)询问“星期几?”应用\ “It’s Sunday.” 3 description words:

fun interesting boring difficult relaxing exciting busy

二 Useful expressions

1 favorite (最喜欢的)

eg: What's your favorite subject ? My favorite subject is science.

What's her/his favorite color? Her/His favorite color is blue.

2 Why do/does you/he(she) like math? Because it's interesting. 3 When is your/ his/ her math class? It's on Wednesday and Friday.

4 have class 上课 have + 学科 上...课 5 busy的用法: be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事 be busy with sth eg: He is busy doing his homework.

He is busy with his homework.他正忙于做作业。 三.句型:

A: What’s your/his/her favorite subject? B: My/His/Her favorite subject is English. A: Why do you like math.

B; Because it’s interesting.Why does he/she like art? Because it’s fun.

A: Who is your science teacher?

B: My science teacher is Mr. Li. 四、Exercises
