
发布时间 : 星期六 文章安徽省淮南二中、宿城一中2018届高三第四次考试英语试卷更新完毕开始阅读

M: Yeah. I love all the funny videos that people post.

W: Have you ever seen the YouTube show Epic Meal Time(《超级开饭时间》)?

M: Uh, no. I didn’t know YouTube had shows. I thought it was only home videos and music videos…stuff like that.

W: Well, YouTube also has channels, just like regular TV. There are many different kinds of shows every week. Most of them are shorter and cheaper to make than regular TV, though. M: YouTube is even cooler than I thought! So, what’s Epic Meal Time?

W: There’s a group of guys who make the unhealthy meals they can possibly cook. Everything has bacon on it. Most things are fried, and there is a ton of cheese on everything. We’re talking tens of thousands of calories in one meal! In this show, the main guy introduces the meal, and then you see them shopping for the ingredients. You watch them cook everything. And at the end, they all eat it with their friends! Text 9

W: Brett, can I ask you a question about your dog? M: Sure. What’s up?

W: Well, I have to get my little Ferguson some medicine. M: Oh, is everything all right?

W: Yes, of course. It’s not like he’s sick or anything. I give him medicine every month as part of his regular care, so he doesn’t get any diseases from insects or other dogs. M: Oh, right. I do that for Fargo, too.

W: Yeah. That was what I was going to ask you about. Where do you buy your dog’s medicine? I asked my vet, and she told me the prices. I almost dropped dead right there!

M: Yeah. Unfortunately, most special pet stores sell them at fixed prices that are set by the companies that make them. You can usually find discounts of ten or fifteen percent for a lot of those stores, though.

W: Well, that’s not a huge help for something that’s two hundred dollars per year! Isn’t there any other way?

M: Well, you can order some medicines from websites that are based in other countries where the prices are lower. Text 10

This is the Lakewood Public Address System. This is not a test like the one we had last week. I repeat, this is not a test. The Western Hill Fire is spreading toward Lakewood much quicker than we had expected. Currently, we expect the fire to come within twenty miles of Lakewood by six o’clock this evening. We are therefore requiring all residents to leave this area immediately. Springfield to the north, Point Cabina Station to the east, and Galveston to the south are all in the


safe zone. It will take less than thirty minutes to drive to any of these towns. Take as many things as you can fit in your car, but do not delay. We have orders from the state police to make sure that the entire town of Lakewood is empty by five o’clock today. You have plenty of time to get all your family members, pets, and belongings together, so there is no need to panic. Stay calm, but get started as soon as possible.

