
发布时间 : 星期日 文章吉林省乾安县第七中学2020学年高一英语上学期期末考试试题更新完毕开始阅读

their parents.

Another study from the University of Montreal found that children who ate with their family members experienced long-term physical and mental (心理的)health benefits. Linda Pagani, one of the researchers, says, “These children were physically in better shape and drank fewer sugary soft drinks. These children also seemed to have better social skills.”

If you find too many of your mealtimes to be lonely events, experts suggest making small changes.

They suggest making room for at least one shared meal a week. And keep it simple. Even if dinner is a salad and a sandwich, it is still time for a family to be together. If mornings are less busy than evenings, start by making breakfast those in your social circle or neighborhood. Once a month, potluck dinners(聚餐)where everyone brings a dish could be an easy way to start. If you work in an office, step out with a co-worker for a bite to eat every once in a while, instead of eating at your desk every day. 32.What might happen if a man always eats meals alone? A. He may develop good eating habits. B. He may have a poorer dining experience. C. He is more likely to become overweight. D. HE will tend to achieve future success easily. 33.What can we conclude from the 2020 research?

A. Students eating with their family have a closer relationship with them. B. Three quarters of students in the study shared a meal with their parents. C. Students who skip classes might refuse to eat with their family.

D. It proves a cause-and-effect relationship between eating with family and health.

34.According to Linda Pagani, what is the benefit of children eating with family?

A. They might be able to keep in shape more easily. B. They might prefer sugary soft drinks. C. They might have a more developed brain. D. They might be better at social communication. 35.What is the last paragraph mainly about? A. How to get out of the habit of eating alone. B. What people should do to eat healthily.

C. Reasons why people should change their eating habits. D. Ways to keep a good relationship with one’s family members. 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10 分)


Music is part of our life. 36 It is the best tool to use when you’ve had a hard day. There are some other great uses for your collection of slow tracks.


37 Since fetal (胎儿)brain development begins in the fifth week, it might be a great idea to try to get your baby in a relaxed state early on. Some mothers do this by putting earphones over their bellies. High Stress Tasks

38 The tendency of relaxing sounds to slow you down may really be good for you even if you are trying to push yourself to meet a deadline. Slowing down means you have a better chance at working more carefully and preventing big mistakes. 39

Going to see the doctor or the dentist can be somewhat scary experiences. You might therefore what to request some calming music. 40 If yours doesn’t , you might want to bring your own sounds stored in a device so you can have a more personal experience listening to them with earphones.

A. Medical Appointments. B. Important Interviews.

C. Most people tend to use calming music.

D. Many doctors actually already provide this.

E. Parents hope their babies can grow under calming music. F. Science has proven that musical tones affect the brain waves. G. Gentle tunes can help you deal with stressful work well. 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



I’d like to take you back about seven years in my life. I was one of the two hundred 41 in a consumer products company. One day, I was 42 into a meeting that was already in progress. At that meeting, io was told that I would have to 43 the company. I was 64 years old that year. It wasn’t completely 44 as the company hadn’t been doing very well. I wrote my name on a pile of papers and left to 45 my wife who was waiting for me at a nearby restaurant.

more that 40 years of working for 46 companies was over. I had 47 a lot--- I thought I’d be just fine. I was an engineer and I am 48 in manufacturing(生产) and packaging(包装). Stopping working was not the only 49 for me, so I turned to thinking about the next couple of years. And then a(n) 50 came up. I could set up my own business,
