
发布时间 : 星期日 文章2013.3五年级下全册教案更新完毕开始阅读




1、能够听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February. Is your birthday in February, too? No , my birthday is in ??

2、了解西方主要节日所在的月份及父母同伴的生日。 3、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“When is your birthday ? ”


1、听:认真倾听老师讲解,倾听同学展示交流。 2、说:积极和同学展开讨论,参与课堂活动。 3、读:主动跟老师、同学读英语。

4、写:随手动笔勾画重难点、认真完成练习和作业。 (四)呈现新课 (Presentation)

1、 Whose birthday is in winter? 老师赶紧和他握手,说:Nice to meet you! My birthday is in winter, too. When is your birthday? Then teacher ask the other student:Is your birthday in February, too? 从而引出今天的新句型。老师领读Is your birthday in _____, too?板书在黑板上,再问,教学生回答Yes, it is. No, it isn’t .My birthday is in ____.然后板书在黑板上。这样创设情境,将真实的生活带进课堂,是语言自然融入情境中,学生容易接受和吸收。 2. Let’s make new chant:“ Birthday, birthday, When is your birthday? February, February, My birthday is in February. February, February, Is your birthday in February? No, No, My birthday is in January.” Read it together. Then pair work,you can use new words.出示课件,出现新的儿歌,让学生进行机械操练,这个是必要的操练,让学生读上口,然后两人一组自由创新替换单词操练,激发学生学习运用语言的欲望。然后进行趣味操练。

3、Do you know my birthday? Guess: When is my birthday? You can use this sentence: Is your birthday in _____? 猜老师的生日,用上刚刚学会的句型来问老师,老师来告诉学生猜的对不对。学生对老师的生日肯定是很好奇的,就利用学生的好奇心激发他们运用语言,最后告诉他们老师的生日就是今天,引出我的朋友Amy的到来,引出对话内容,然后听对话,了解大致内容,自由读对话,听录音跟读对话,分



(五)趣味操练、交流展示 (Practice)

1、Our friend Amy is a good girl, She knows her father and mother’s birthday. Let’s listen and write the mouths.由朋友Amy知道她爸爸妈妈的生日,继续引出你知道你的爸爸妈妈的生日吗?老师做出一个不相信的样子,采访一个同学试试看,然后做一个主持人进行采访示范,然后学生来采访活动。

2、When is Amy’s birthday? When is her mother’s birthday? When is her father’s birthday? Let’s have a look.

3、Do you know your father and mother’s birthday? I’m a TV reporter, Let’s make a survey: When is your mother’s birthday? Is your father’s birthday in February, too? When is your father’s birthday? 4、Work in pairs. 5、交流展示对话。

(六)巩固和扩展(Consolidation and extension)

1、You are good children, too. Then do you know our country--China’s birthday? China’s birthday is National Day. When is National Day? 拿出国庆节卡片,领读,板书句型:When is _____? 引导学生回答It’s in ____.老师把卡片贴到黑板上相应的位置。

2、Do you know any other festivals in English? Students say and answer. 请学生说,并拿出卡片领读,问答并请人贴上黑板。 3、Look at the book: Let’s match.

4、Let’s watch TV. Girls ask and boys answer: When is tree-planting Day? It’s in March (七)作业设计(Homework)

问问自己父母及朋友的生日。 教后反思:


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1、能够听、说、读、写句子:When is your birthday? It’s in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.

2、能够听懂、会说Read and write部分的对话并能完成对话下面的表格。

3、能够总结字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规律。并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。 教学重点:

重点是掌握四会句型: When is your birthday? It’s in ? 教学难点:

难点是正确书写四会句子 教学方法:先学后教,当堂训练。 教学模式:导学—展交—训练 教学时间:一课时 教学准备:



3、单词卡片。 预习要求:

1、找方法记忆12个月的单词及缩写形式。 2、读一读课文,试着编写小对话。 教学过程:


1、Sing“When is your birthday”。 2、复习有关月份的单词。

3、歌曲完后,教师问:When is your birthday? 让学生回答。 (二)预习展示(Preparation)

1、Chant: When is your birthday? My Birthday is in?让学生开火车问答接力。



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3、让12个学生上台在单词卡旁写出其缩写形式。 (三)出示本课时学习目标与方法:


1、能够听、说、读、写句子:When is your birthday? It’s in May. My birthday is in June. Uncle Bill’s birthday is in June, too.

2、能够听懂、会说Read and write部分的对话并能完成对话下面的表格。

3、能够总结字母组合ear, eer, ch, sh的发音规律。并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。


1、根据图片,替换新单词,操练新句型。。 2、观看电视动画、课件,跟读新句型。 3、小组之间展开相互学习活动。

4、积极参加课堂游戏活动,巩固学习内容。 (四)呈现新课 (Presentation)

教学生词:教学“uncle, aunt, cousin”三个单词。

1、教师出示家庭成员的单词卡片,说:Look, there are seven people in my family. I love them. Please come and meet my family. 出示uncle的单词卡片,进行师生对话,教学单词uncle. 教师依次呈现grandma, grandpa, mom, dad, aunt, cousin等单词卡片,进行师生问答并拼读这些单词。

2、教师指着图片, 介绍:This is John’s uncle. His name is Bill. So we can call him Uncle Bill.在图片下板书Uncle Bill。同法教学Aunt Mary, Cousin Alice.

3、教师在黑板上画一棵树,出示John一家的人物图片,请学生将其贴到树上,制成一棵family tree。作完后,请学生介绍人物关系。 教学句子:making a birthday chart of our family.

1、教师把黑板上的人物图片集中在一起,并戴上John的头饰,介绍:This is our family.板书family。让学生提问并获得需要的信息,写下John家人的生日月份。

2、学生完成所有的问答后,教师整理图片,划上格子,形成表格,并说:Here’s the birthday chart.板书birthday chart并稍加释义。 (五)趣味操练、交流展示 (Practice)

