
发布时间 : 星期日 文章初中英语八年级下册Unit3知识点语法精讲精练更新完毕开始阅读

14. Tom’s flight will r__________ Shenzhen at 10:00.. 15. My father is a f___________. He makes a living b fishing. 16. Mount Tai has many l__________ scenes. 17. The story is written in s___________ English. 18. His grandfather is in bad h__________. 19. The work r__________ more time and people. 20. Paper cutting a______________ children’s attention. 二.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. The man (description) what he had seen.. 2. I saw six (fisherman) on the boat. 3. The boy seems to be quite (health). 4. Jack is (interesting) in playing computer games.

5. Damin is over 65, but he is still very fit and enjoys (work). 6. A full moon (hang) in the sky yesterday. 7. We should stop people from (cut) down the trees. 8. The Great Wall (attraction) millions of people every year. 9. Damin ties two (piece) of grass around their necks. 10. The fish are then taken and (throw) into a big basket. 11. Tom often practises ___________(speak) English every day. 12. There are two ___________(fishman)on the boat. 13. Glasses is __________ (make) into bottle..

14. Young trees require ____________ (plant) in Spring. 15. I like the kite very much. It’s very ___________(love). 16. He wasn’t used to ___________ (eat) in a restaurant. 17. I keep the door ___________(open) to let fresh air come in. 18. He heavy rain prevented us from __________(climb) the mountain.. 19. We use _________(scissor) to cut things.

20. To keep___________ (health), he eat a lot of vegetables.

21. Look! A man is _______________ (tie) a boat to a small tree over there.

22. At last, the poor child _______________ (appear) and we didn’t see him any more. 23. The mixture of coke and champagne _______________ (taste) strange.

24. Modern fishing skills are now _______________ (wide) used.

25. Daming usually _______________ (set) off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready for work. 26. After dark, a light is _______________ (hang) on a post at the front of the boat. 27. Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys ________________ (work).

28. Few young people in the minority show respect to their own _________________ (traditional) and customs. 29. He joined the ________________ (fish) Club while she joined the Dancing Club. 30. Cosplay _______________ (attract) a lot of people every year in Shenzhen. 31. The cup (break) by my brother. 32. These new clothes (made) in Jiangsu last month. 33. Some cookies will (buy) in the supermarket. 34. That house (clean) by my mother every week. 35. The old man (send) to the nearest hospital at once. 36. That (do) for him by his twelve cormorants. 37. A piece of grass (tie) around the neck of each bird.

38. Their large feet (use) to push the quickly through the water. 39. The fish cannot (swallow) by the cormorants. 40. At night, a light (hang) from the front of the raft. 41. All the fish (remove) from the birds’ mouths by the fisherman. 42. Then all the fish (throw) into a big basket. 43. Later, some of the fish (sell).

44. The rest of the fish (divide) between Damin’s family and the cormorants. 45. Modern fishing methods (use) all over the world.


? I am good at singing. What about you? A. do week at

B. do well in

C. am famous for

D. am friendly to

? They set off before the sun comes out. A. started off

B. started in

C. got up

D. got down

? How to keep healthy is very important for us. A. fat

B. thin

C. fit

D. happy

? Mr. Green reached China last night. A. arrived at

B. got to

C. arrived

D. got

? Damin use several ways to attract fish. A. methods

B. books

C. reasons

? I made a lot of mistakes. They do not believe me any more. A. not; any longer

B. no; any more

C. not; more

? Finally, the firemen put out the fire. A. At first

B. in the middle

C. At last

? Jack cleaned the room himself. A. lonely

B. with help

C. alone

? Everyone shouted loudly when Jay Chou appeared. A. looked up

B. showed up

C. disappeared

? Tom cannot act in the film because he hurt his leg yesterday. A. perform

B. sing

C. make

? Watch out ! There’s a lot of traffic here ! A. Look at

B. Look into

C. Look out

? I have to stay at home in the evening. It’s one of my family rules. A. can

B. may

C. must

? You said that you finished the project by yourself. A. with help

B. without help

C. helpfully

? Do you notice that the dog is blind. A. can see

B. is able to see

C. is unable to see ? Don’t swim in the river, Tom. It’s dangerous. A. not safe

B. safe

C. not interesting ? The police followed the thief and caught him at last. A. went for

B. went into

C. went after

? One day, Jack and Jone arrived at a small village. A. arrived in

B. got

C. reached

? Go and apologize to her. A. say hello

B. say goodbye

C. say happy

? Then he got down on the next floor next to Charlie and waited. A. near

B. behind

C. not far

? I finished my homework with his help. A. because he helped me B. because he didn’t help me

? We don’t allow strangers in. A. ask

B. let

C. make

? The flower show attracts many people. D. teachers

D. no any longer

D. At the beginning

D. yourself

D. took up

D. build

D. Look for

D. might

D. helpful

D. can hear

D. interesting

D. went on

D. ran

D. say sorry

D. besides

C. myself D. alone

D. have

A. makes…come B. makes… to become bigger popular

D. makes…leave

? Now many women keep fit with diet and exercise. A. young

B. healthy and strong

C. weak and ill

? Hang the picture somewhere on the wall. A. put into

B. dropped from

C. took from

? The floor requires washing. A. makes

B. sells

C. asks

? He did not stop until he reached the door. A. arrived

B. returned from

C. got to

? Mr. Smith can run up to 40 minutes. A. as fast as

B. as slowly as

C. as high as

? Mr. Yang will set off for Shenzhen tomorrow. A. go

B. walk

C. move

? The man if over 50 years old. A. more than

B. less than

C. about

? Jim got up late, so he had breakfast as quickly as possible/ A. carefully

B. well

C. fast

? Daming uses several ways to attract fish. A. much

B. many

C. few

? --Mr Wang is_____ old and short man, isn’t he? --Yes, but we shouldn’t make_______ about him. A. a; jokes

B. a; stories

C. an; jokes

? --When will you ______Beijing? --_______three days. A. leave for; For

B. fly to; For

C. fly to; With

? --Who is that girl glasses? --She is my sister. A. by

B. off

C. with

? --You need to be ready the competition.

--I know. A. for

B. to

C. at

? --What do you think of that film?

--Oh, wonderful. I can’t it with words. A. say

B. speak

C. describe

? --I think no one can stop Jim from computer games.

C. makes… become

D. beautiful

D. put on

D. needs

D. left

D. as long as

D. leave

D. above

D. quietly

D. some

D. an; stories

D. leave for; In

D. on

D. of

D. tell
