
发布时间 : 星期二 文章初中英语八年级下册Unit3知识点语法精讲精练更新完毕开始阅读

? reach为及物动词,其后既可以跟名词也可跟副词。如: I reached Beijing the day before yesterday. We reached here on foot. 一、单词拼写。

1. The English teachers r________ the students to listen carefully. 2. Let’s h__________ the picture on the wall.

3. When he r________ Guangzhou, it was almost 11 pm. 4. The books over there are on science. Waht about the r________. 5. Eating much vegetable is good for you to keep f_________. 二、完成句子。

1. 男孩家离学校很远,所以他不得不每天一大早就出发。

The boy lives far from the school, so he has to _______ _________ in early morning every day. 2. 天黑后,人们离开办公室回家。

_________ __________, people leave office and go home. 3. 只要你不再吸烟,你可以更健康并活得更久。

You can be healthier and live longer, if you just smoke ________ ________. 4. 办公室小弟每天都很忙,我们经常都看到他上上下下来回地跑。

The office boy is very busy every day, we often see hime run ________ _________ _________. 三、句子翻译

1. 她又高又瘦。她有着一头黑色长发。她戴着眼镜。

______________________________________________________________ 2. 他非常年轻,又爱又胖,留着一头棕色的短发。

_____________________________________________________________ 3. 剪刀和纸被用于剪纸工艺。

_____________________________________________________________ 【教材典句】

1. No nets are required for this type of fishing.

2. Cormorant fishing was once practised in lots of places in South-East China. 3. A music show will be held in the school hall at 4 p.m on Tuesday, 4 May. 【语法全解】


1. 基本构成

被动语态的基本构成形式为“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”。助动词be有人称、数和时态变化。 Football is played all over the world. Is it made of bamboo? 2. 基本变法


(2)将主动语态句中的谓语动词变成“助动词be+及物动词的过去分词”形式,但时态不改变。 (3)助动词be要与新的主语保持单、复数的一致;若主语和宾语时人称代词时,“格”应该作相应的变化。

如: The workers make machines in this factory. Machines are made by the workers in this factory. 3. 省去by短语的几个条件


Rice is grown well there. (2)强调说明动作的承受者。 I was sent to teach them English. (3)汉语中有“据说,大家说”等时。

It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house. 4. 各时态的被动语态 (1)一般现在时的被动语态 构成:am/ is/ are +过去分词 I am often given gifts by Tom.

The things on show are all made in China. Is the room cleaned every day? (2)一般过去时的被动语态 构成:was/ were+ 过去分词 Jim was asked to go there.

The heavy snow stopped the visitors from leaving the top of the mountain. =The visitors were stopped from leaving the top of the mountain by the heavy snow. (3)一般将来时的被动语态

构成:wii be+ 过去分词或am/ is/ are going to + be+ 过分分词 Lots of trees will be planted on the hill next year. The children won’t be allowed to go out at night.

Is the bridge going to be built by the workers next year? 特殊情况:复合宾语的被动语态 感官动词和使役动词在主动语态句中,其后的动词不定式不带to,但变被动句时必须加上to。 The boss made her work for 10 hours a day. She was made to work for 10 hours a day. 【语法练习】

1. --Excuse me. I’m looking for be the best of yourself. --Sorry. The book you ask for ______ out.

A. is selling B. is sold C. was selling D. will be sold 2. Each year quite a lot of food ______ around the world. It’s really time for us to do something. A. was wasted B. is wasted C. wasted D. will be wasted 3. Flowers ______ along the road last year.

A. plant B. planted C. are planted D. were planted 4. It is said that a new museum ________ in our city next year.

A. builds B. is building C. was built D. will be built 5. --Does she like singing English songs?

--Yes. She _______ to sing English songs in her room.

A. often does B. is often heard C. often hears D. often heard 简短说话

1. 假设你是表中的“我”,请根据下表的提示讲述你的经历,并根据表格中提供的情景谈论你的感受。 时间:April 28


她叫我在家里休息,还说会来我家、叫同学来我家帮我学习。 感受:???


1. --Do you often clean your classroom? --Yes. Our classroom ______ every day.

A. clean B. cleans C. is cleaned D. is cleaning

2. A talk on developments in science and technology ______ in the school hall next week. A. given B. will be given C. was given D. is given

3. --Did you go to Jack’s birthday party? --No, I ________.

A. are not invited B. wasn’t invited C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite

4. --Mum, can I go to the zoo with Jack? --When your homework ______, you can.

A. is done B. was done C. will be done D. has done

5. An accident _______ on this road last week.

A. has been happened B. was happened C. is happened D. happeded

6. She ______ from China to America by plane last week.

A. set up B. set off C. set for D. set of

7. It’s a hard work. I enjoy it ________.

A. though B. although C. however D. so

8. If a law or rule requires you _______ something, you have to do it.

A. do B. to do C. to step D. stepping

9. Are you ready ______ into Harry Potter’s world again?

A. step B. for step C. to step D. stepping

10. The Chinese medical workers helped the Arab woman ______ every day.

A. practise walking B. to practise to walk C. practise to walk D. practising walking

重要单词,词组讲解 1. mean的用法

What do you mean to do with it? I didn’t mean to hurt you. 1)mean to do意欲做

This means staying here longer.

Missing the train means waiting for another hour. 2)mean doing意味着做

He is not meant for a teacher and will always be unhappy in the school. Be meant for 适合做 他说他不适合读书因为懒。

He says he _________________ a student for his laziness.
