新版科普版六年级英语上册教案(全册 共35页)

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Lesson 5 Revision Teaching material analysic: (教材分析)

1.In this text, let the Ss master these useful expressions : --- What will the weather be like tomorrow ? --- It’ll be Sunday.

--- What will you do tomorrow ? --- I’ll go shopping. --- Would you like to come ? --- sure, I’d love to. Goal request(教学重点)

1.Let the Ss master these useful expressions : --- What will the weather be like tomorrow ? --- It’ll be Sunday.

--- What will you do tomorrow ? --- I’ll go shopping. --- Would you like to come ? --- sure, I’d love to.

2.The Grammar : The future tense Key difficulty:(教学难点)

The grammar : The Grammar : The future tense. How to use them freely and correctly. Teaching times:1(教学课时)

Teaching method:(教学方法)Three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:(教学用具) a tape and a radio Teaching process: Step 1设疑自探(10 minutes)

1.First, let the Ss try to read these phrases : go shopping ,buy some food , have a party.

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2.Then let the Ss look at the part 1, let the Ss try to read this part, then try to give their questions . The teacher collect the questions and write them on the Bb. (1)Who are they?

(2)What will the weather be like tomorrow ? (3)What will Ann do tomorrow ? (4)Why is she going to buy some food ? (5)Is Ann going to have a party?

3. Ask them to read the dialogue by themselves, then solve then problems in their groups first.

Step 2解疑合探(15 minutes)

1. Solve the problems with the Ss. If they have any questions, please give them more help.

2. Go through the Chinese meanings with whole class.

3. Practise the dialogue in different ways. Then ask some pairs to act it in front. 4. Ask some students to make dialogue by themselves. They can use their ideas they’ve learnt. Pay attention to add their evaluations. Step 3质疑再探(10 minutes)

1. What have you learnt from the dialogue?

2. What else do you want to know? If they have any questions , please give them more help.

Step4运用拓展 (5minutes) 一、翻译下列词组:

go shopping tomorrow evening play games go swimming read a book go to the park fly a kite buy some books 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、It will be (sun) tomorrow.

2、They (be) going to visit Shanghai next week. 3、He likes (play) football very much.

4、What kind of books will you (buy)?

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Bb writing design:(板书设计) Lesson 5 Revision (1)Who are they?

(2)What will the weather be like tomorrow ? (3)What will Ann do tomorrow ? (4)Why is she going to buy some food ? (5)Is Ann going to have a party? 教后反思: Lesson 5 Revision Revision Exercises.

1.In this text, let the Ss through the revision exercises to master these useful expressions :

Goal request:(教学重点)

通过做练习题,掌握前四课学过的语言点 Key difficulty: (教学难点)

1.The useful expressions of the fature tense . Teaching times:2(教学课时)

Teaching method:(教学方法)Three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:(教学用具) a tape and a radio Teaching process: Step 1设疑自探(10 minutes)

1.Let them review the dialogue they’ve learnt in the last lesson. They can make dialogue freely .Then ask some pairs to share their answers.

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2.Ask them to listen to the tape for two times ,完成练习的1、2、大题。 3.让学生完成余下的练习题. Step 2解疑合探(15 minutes) 1、小组内讨论交流答案。 2、全班合探。(展示与评价)

3、总结练习题中出现的短语或词组。读一读,背一背。 Step 3质疑再探(10 minutes)

1. What have you learnt from this class?

2. What else do you want to know? If they have any questions,please give them more help.

Step4运用拓展 (5minutes) 一、连词成句。

1、I’ll , some ,shopping ,do 2、love , I’d ,sure , to

3、Lele , now playing is football 4、going , see I’m , to , film , a

Bb writing design:(板书设计)

lesson 5 Revision 教后反思:

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