2014英语专升本真题 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期二 文章2014英语专升本真题更新完毕开始阅读


95. Nobody can work well if he is distracting.


【答案】D 改为distracted

【翻译】如果分了心,没有人能够把工作做好。 【考点】虚拟语气。


96. It took years for Einstein’s theory to gain acceptably. A B C D

【答案】D 改为acceptance

【翻译】爱因斯坦的理论经过多年才被人们接受。 【考点】动词不定式作主语。

【解析】It是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式短语to gain acceptance,其中acceptance作动词不定式to gain的宾语。

97. There is nothing so admirable as a man whose sacrifices his life and happiness for A B C D others.

【答案】C 改为who/that

【翻译】没有什么人能比这样一个为了别人而牺牲自己生命和幸福的人如此令人钦佩。 【考点】定语从句。

【解析】先行词a man在定语从句中作主语,指人,可以用关系代词who/that引导定语从句。

98. Cars turn into dead weapons when they are driven carelessly. A B C D

【答案】B 改为deadly

【翻译】当粗心驾驶时,汽车就成了致命的武器。 【考点】词性及词义。


99. The wound soldier made an effort to stand up, but the general stopped him. A B C D

【答案】A 改为wounded

【翻译】受伤的士兵想努力站起来,但将军阻止了他。 【考点】词性及词义。


100. The only way to conquer a fear is to face it, and doing so as frequently as A B C D possible.

C 改为to do

【答案】A 改为wounded


