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发布时间 : 星期二 文章【英语】 中考英语英语完形填空汇编专项训练100(附答案)及解析更新完毕开始阅读



(3)句意:你不能仅仅去你自己的房间。A.和;B.来自;C.......的......;D.到达。go up to+地点名词,表示去某地,故选D。

(4)句意:尽管你仅仅和他们说你好,也比不说话更好。A.某事;B.任何事情;C.没事;D.每件事情。根据前文可知是不说话,直接去房间,say nothing不说话,故选C。 (5)句意:对于我们来说交流对于保持良好的关系是有帮助的。A.困难的;B.有帮助的;C.放松的;D.有趣的。根据前文可知交流是最好的方法,即对保持良好关系是有帮助的,故选B。

(6)句意:交流是解决问题的最好方法。A.解决;B.问;C.让;D.给。solve the problem解决问题,故选A。



(9)句意:但是当Sophie解释为什么回家晚时,他们不再生气。A.记住;B.注意;C.相信;D.解释。根据句意可知Sophie和父母交流后解决了问题,即解释后,故选D。 (10)句意:你看交流是这里的关键。A.钢笔;B.关键;C.书;D.尺子。根据句意可知交流是最好的方法,即关键,故选B。



A college student stayed up all night studying for his zoology(动物学) test the next day. The following morning, 1 he entered the classroom, he saw ten birds on the desks. Each bird was 2 with a sack(麻布袋) and only the legs were outside.

The teacher told the students that the test would be to watch each pair of bird legs and write down the name and the living habits of each bird.

The student looked at each pair of bird legs. 3 of them looked the same to him. He began to get upset. He stayed up all night studying, but now he had to name birds by their legs. The more he 4 about it, the sadder he got.

He 5 not think of any answers after a long time. He went to the teacher's desk and said, \afraid I have to take the exam later. \desk and walked to the door.

The teacher was 8 .The class was so big that he didn't know every student's 9 , so when the student reached the door, the teacher 10 out, \your name?\

The student pulled up his trouser legs and said, \my legs?\

1. A. before B. while 3. A. Both

B. All

C. after C. Neither C. might C. When

D. since D. None D. should D. Where D. About D. future D. called

2. A. covered B. served C. connected D. shared 4. A. talked B. asked 5. A. could B. must 6. A. How

B. Why

C. thought D. heard

7. A. Against B. Through C. With 9. A. name B. address C. hobby 10. A. blew B. put A;(10)D;

C. cut

8. A. happy B. surprised C. thankful D. satisfied

【答案】 (1)C;(2)A;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)A;(7)C;(8)B;(9)【解析】【分析】本文讲述了一个学生的考试题是通过观察鸟的腿来猜测鸟的名字,学生觉得太难了放弃了考试。

(1)句意: 第二天早上,他走进教室之后,看见桌子上有十只鸟。A在……之前;B在……期间;C在……之后;D自从;根据下句 he saw ten birds on the desks桌子上有一些鸟,应该是进入教室后看见的东西,故选C。

(2)句意: 每只鸟都被袋子盖住只有腿在外面。A覆盖;B服务;C连接;D分享;根据后面only the legs were outside. 只有腿在外面,前面应该是麻布袋盖着其他地方,故选A。 (3)句意: 对他来说,他们中所以的看起来一样。A两者都;B全部的;C两者都不;D没有一个,根据 He began to get upset 可知他开始心烦意乱是因为完全辨别不出来,10只鸟故排除A和B选项 , 故是他们全部是一样的,故选B。

(4)句意:他越想越伤心。A谈论;B问;C想;D听;根据上句He stayed up all night studying, but now he had to name birds by their legs他整晚都在学习,但现在他不得不用它们的腿来命名鸟类,后面应该是越想越伤心,指心理活动,故选C。


(6)句意:如何能通过鸟腿能辨别它们有什么不同。A怎样;B为什么;C何时;D哪儿,根据 by their legs 可知表示方式,故选A。

(7)句意:边说这些话,边把卷纸放到桌子上。with these words,表伴随,固定搭配,说着这些话,故选C。


(9)句意: 班级太大了,以至于他不知道每个学生的名字,所以当学生走到门口时,老师叫住他,\等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\A名字;B地址;C爱好;D未来;根据下文what's your name?你叫什么名?应该是不知道学生名,故选A。


师叫住他,\等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\A吹;B放;C切;D叫;根据下句\moment, boy, what's your name?等一下,孩子,你叫什么名字?\应该是老师叫住他,故选D。



Have you ever been to Thailand? For thousands of tourists from China, this small country in Southeast Asia is an excellent place to 1 . Bangkok (曼谷) is the 2 of Thailand. There are many temples (寺庙) in Bangkok. You can 3 some monks (僧侣) walking along the streets.

The 4 time to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th, because it is the time of 5 . People sing, dance and go on the streets to 6 water at each other. The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck.

On the one hand, beaches and sunshine are a lot of travelers' choices. In this country, there are many hotels facing the sea, so you can have fun on the beach or 7 in the sea. On the other hand, Thailand is a good place to try 8 food. You can eat seafood at any restaurant or buy some tropical (热带的) fruit such as mangoes and durians (榴莲) at 9 prices.

If you go to Thailand, you won't forget to 10 an elephant. The elephant is a symbol of Thailand. It's believed that Thailand is one of the most fascinating travel places. 1. A. take a holiday 2. A. world 3. A. hear 4. A. most 6. A. look 7. A. swim 8. A. terrible 10. A. hit

B. take the bus C. take risks B. countryside C. capital B. see B. worst B. throw B. walk B. sour B. ride

C. listen C. best C. arrive C. lose C. delicious C. drive

5. A. the Water Festival B. Christmas C. Thanksgiving

9. A. cheap B expensive B. low

【答案】 (1)A;(2)C;(3)B;(4)C;(5)A;(6)B;(7)A;(8)C;(9)



(1)A. 考查动词短语。句意:这个东南亚小国是度假的好地方。take a holiday度假;take the bus坐公交;take risks冒险。根据For thousands of tourists from China,成千上万的来此中国游客,可知是来度假。故选A。


(3)考查动词。句意:你可以看到一些僧侣在大街上走。hear听到;see看;listen听。根据walking along the streets. 在大街上散步应该是看见,故选B。

(4)考查形容词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是4月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节. most最多;worst最糟;best最好的。根据to visit Thailand is from April 13th to 15th,可知4月13日至15日是泰国的泼水节,因此应该是去泰国最好的时候,故选C。 (5)考查名词。句意:去泰国旅行的最佳时间是四月13日至15日,因为这是一年的泼水节。 the Water Festival泼水节;Christmas圣诞节;Thanksgiving感恩节。根据The local people think that water can wash away bad things and bring good luck. 当地人认为可以冲走霉运,带来好运。与水有关的节日应该是泼水节。故选A。

(6)考查动词。句意:人们走在街上,唱歌,跳舞相互泼水。look看;throw抛,扔;arrive到达。根据上文it is the time of the Water Festival. 这是一年的泼水节,可知人们相互泼水。故选B。

(7)考查动词。句意:在这个国家,有许多面朝大海的宾馆,你可以在海滩玩,也可以在海里游泳。swim游泳;walk走;lose失去。根据in the sea在海里,可知是游泳。故选A。


(9)考查形容词。句意:你可以以较低的价格在任何饭店吃到海鲜或买芒果,榴莲之类的热带水果。cheap便宜的;expensive昂贵的;low低的。根据prices可知,price的修饰语只能是low或high,at high price,以低价,故选C。

(10)考查动词。句意:如果你到泰国去,不要忘了骑大象。hit击打;ride骑;drive驾驶。根据an elephant可知,是骑大象。故选B。

【点评】此题考查完形填空。 做完形填空题盲目性的重要步骤,对于解析命题中的逻辑推理、上下文及情景语境方面的内容起着决定性作用。每篇文章都有一个主题思想,段与段之间有承上启下、前呼后应的句子,段与段、句与句之间紧密相连从而形成一个有机整体。因此在做完形填空的时候一定要一气呵成去读短文,不要中断思路。