(16份试卷合集)安徽省天长市二中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(16份试卷合集)安徽省天长市二中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读

months to determine how the extra pounds affected their metabolic functions.

\goal is to have research participants consume 1,000 extra calories every day until each gains 6% of his or her body weight,\said Elisa Fabrini, assistant professor of medicine. \wasn’t easy to do. It’s just as difficult to get people to gain weight as it’s to get them to lose weight. \

All of the subjects gained weight by eating at fast food restaurants, under the supervision of a dietitian. Before and after weight gain, the researchers carefully evaluated (评估) each study subject’s ability to regulate blood sugar, liver fat, and other measures of metabolic health.

After gaining weight, the metabolisms of fat subjects remained normal if they were in the normal range when the study began. However, the metabolisms significantly worsened after weight gain in fat subjects whose metabolisms already were abnormal when the study got underway.

\research shows that some fat people are protected from the negative metabolic effects of moderate weight gain, whereas others tend to develop these problems, \senior investigator Samuel Klein.

As part of the study, the researchers then helped the subjects lose the weight they’d gained. In the investigation, researchers discovered some key factors that distinguished metabolically normal fat subjects from those with problems. One was the presence of fat inside the liver. Those with abnormal metabolisms accumulated (积累) fat there. Another difference involved gene function in fat tissue. People with normal metabolisms in spite of their obesity expressed more genes that regulate fat production and accumulation.

\results suggest that the ability of body fat to expand and increase in a healthy way may protect some people from the metabolic problems associated with obesity and weight gain,\said Klein.

33. In the study, a subject of 260 pounds should be asked to gain_________.

A. 10. 6 pounds B. 15. 6 pounds

C. 20. 6 pounds D. 25. 6 pounds

34. Some fat people can be protected from metabolic abnormalities because_________. A. their diet is healthy

B. they often evaluate their metabolisms C. they have more genes than other people

D. their livers and genes function well to regulate fat 35. What should be the best title for the passage? A. Obesity Is Often Ignored

B. Obesity Has Side Effects on Health

C. Obesity Isn’t Always Linked With Poor Health D. Obesity Can Result in Metabolic Abnormalities 第二节(共5小题:每小题2分,满分10分)


Financial problems can easily surface (显露) if left unmanaged. ___36___ Here are some simple ways to improve your money management.

Record all your expenses. Put down your expenses under areas such as the car payment, electric bills, groceries, entertainment, study and other expense items. __37___

Review the unexpected expenses each month. ___38___ Eat out less, shop for cheaper items such as insurance or medication, or join in less expensive activities. The rule to remember is if you can’t pay it in cash, you can’t afford it.

___39___Financial experts advise that the amount be at least 10 percent of your pay. If you can save that much, every little bit you save adds up and can make a difference.

Avoid using credit cards. If you have to, use them as little as possible and be sure that the credit card you’re using has a low interest rate.

Stay away from shortcuts to wealth or plans to get rich quick. You can never be successful in making money by shortcuts like gambling (赌博) and lottery. ___40___ You just end up throwing your money away.

Seek a financial adviser to help you plan your finances and investments. Do remember that this applies only to those who are too bad at managing money because once you turn to a financial adviser you will have to spend an extra sum of money.

A. Set aside some money for savings.

B. Decide what you need to buy and how much you can afford to spend.

C. If it is more than your ine, look for ways to reduce your spending. D. Among some shortcuts, the chances of losing are much higher than success. E. Always consult your mate when making major decisions about your finances. F. This way you can record how much is spent on each item and develop a budget plan. G. The best way to avoid financial problems is to budget money and watch spending closely. IV 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1. 5分,满分30分)

We always celebrated my Dad’s November birthday on Thanksgiving Day, even after he entered a nursing home. As years went on, these events took on a(n)___41___meaning — a traditional birthday party for Dad, and a personal___42___for all that he had done for me in my life.

When we knew that it might be Dad’s ___43___birthday, the whole family decided to e together for a huge birthday celebration at the nursing home. It was a crowded party___44___all of us sitting around him. Dad was a wonderful___45___, and here was a biggest audience he’d ever had.

During a quiet moment, I announced that it was now Dad’s turn to___46___stories from us. I wanted everyone to tell Dad what we loved about him. ___47___we told stories from our hearts, ___48___Dad listened with wet, flashing blue eyes. We ___49___all kinds of lost memories – stories about when we were little, stories about when Dad was young and stories that are shared as family ___50___. Even the littlest grandchildren couldn’t___51___to tell their grandfather why they loved him. For a man who had been kind to so many people in his life, here was our___52___to honor him.

A few months later, at Dad’s memorial service, we fully realized what we had given Dad that night. Those were the stories people normally tell at a___53___. They are told, then, full of tears, with the hope that the departed will somehow hear the outpouring of love. ___54___we had given those loving___55___to Dad when he was___56___, told through laughter, acpanied by hugs and joy. I’m sure the stories and memories___57___over in his mind during his last months and days.

Words do___58___, and they are enough. We need to say them, to speak them___59___to the ones we love, for everyone else to hear. That’s the way to___60___love, and our chance to honor a person in life. 41.

A. B.



plex C.


D. apology D. double

original 42.

A. B.




A. B.




D. last

late 44.

A. B.




D. by

with 45.

A. writer



hear of

47. A. Little by little 48.

A. if 49.

A. recalled 50.

A. thoughts 51.

A. afford 52.

A. chance


listener B.

to B. Now then B.





treasures B.







make up

and C. All at once C.



regretted C.

possessions C.

wait C.


D. reader

D. talk about

D. One after another

D. before

D. remembered

D. tales

D. offer

D. decision
