(16份试卷合集)安徽省天长市二中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章(16份试卷合集)安徽省天长市二中2020届英语高二下学期期末模拟试卷更新完毕开始阅读



1. 答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在考生信息条形码粘贴区。 2.选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂;非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色字迹的签字笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。



I 单项选择(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)

1. Being selfish refers to an individual ______ talks on his or her cell phone even when doing

so is rude or inconsiderate of other people.

A. who B. whose C. which D. when

2. Mom told him he was forbidden to watch TV for a month. ______, he stormed out of the room.

A. In response B. In turn C. In return D. In advance

3. The number of smokers, ______ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year.

A. it B. which C. what D. as

4. Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food es from, understand that every bite

put into our mouths was ______alive.

A. steadily B. instantly C. formerly D. permanently

5. Mr. Li gave all the textbooks to all the pupils, except ______ who had already taken them.

A. these B. the ones C. ones D. the others

6. Never drink too much wine again. It______ have got you killed!

A. must B. might C. should D. would

7. It’s everyone’s desire that every effort ______to realize the China Dream.

A. was made B. be made C. will be made D. would be made

8. ______ a little earlier, you could have got a copy of his latest book.

A. If you would arrive B. If you arrived C. Should you arrive D. Had you arrived

9. It took ______ building supplies to construct these energy-saving houses. It took brains,


A. other than B. more than C. rather than D. less than

10. Life is like riding a bicycle. ______ your balance, you must keep moving.

A. Keeping B. To keep C. Keep D. Being kept

II 课文语法填空(共10小空:每小空1.5分,满分15分)

England is the 11 (large) of the four countries, and 12 convenience it is divided roughly into three 13 (zone). The zone nearest France is called the South of England, the middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known as the North. You find most of the population 14 (settle) in the south, 15 most of the industrial cities in 16 Midlands and the North of England. Although, nationwide, these cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football teams and some of 17 even have two! It is a pity 18 the industrial cities built in the nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical architecture you have to go to older but smaller towns 19 (build) by the Romans. There you 20 (find) out more about British history and culture.


III阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分) 第一节 (共15小题:每题2分,满分30分)



When it es to materials to do good to our body, it must be mentioned that there are all sorts of foods to everyone’s taste. Some foods are known to have a pletely ruined effect on your brain function, and nutritionists advise us not to consume them too much in order to limit their negative impacts. Here are some top foods that kill your intelligence. 1. Sugar

Sugar and sugary products are bad not only for your waistline, but for your brain function as well. Long-term consumption of sugar can create a lot of neurological (神经系统的) problems, and it can also do harm to your memory. On the other hand, sugar can also bring damage to your ability to learn. So avoid the products. 2. Alcohol

Alcohol is known to harm your liver (肝) in the long run, and it also causes what is known as \to think clearly, as well as your memory. Have you ever noticed that you cannot remember mon items’names? This might be influenced by high alcohol intake, which impacts the balance of the brain. 3. Junk Food

A recent study has revealed that junk food can change the chemicals in the brain, thus leading to symptoms associated with depression and anxiety. Besides, foods that are high in fat can also produce some symptoms that are similar to the signs of \when you stop consuming them. These foods affect the production of dopamine (多巴胺), an important chemical that promotes happiness and an overall feeling of well-being. 4. Very Salty Foods

Everybody knows that salty foods affect your blood pressure and they are very hard on your heart. However, as research suggests, foods that contain high amounts of salt can affect your learning function and make your ability to think imperfect. Otherwise stated, salty foods affect your intelligence! As a matter of fact, the consumption of salty foods has been shown to have the same effect as drugs, as they cause unfortable symptoms and hunger for salty foods.