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汉字的传统书法并未受到外界的影响,这是我国的一大旅游资源。中国大多数旅游区都有 不可胜数的铭文石碑 (其中许多是刻在悬崖峭壁上的铭文)、匾额和厅堂卷轴对联。以石碑闻名遐迩的桂林七星岩内各个朝代的铭文随处可见。

Traditional Chinese calligraphy has not been influenced by the outside world. As a result, it constitutes a tourist resource Most of the Chinese tourist areas have numerous inscribed tablets, including inscriptions on precipices, horizontal inscribed boards and couplets written on the scrolls hung on the pillars of halls. The Seven-Star Cave of Guilin, widely known as a sea of stelae, contains everywhere inscriptions from various dynasties.

旅游区的古代书法遗迹皆以碑林和石刻为主。例如建于1091年的 西安碑林”区还留有大量的周秦时期的石刻作品。

Ancient calligraphy relics found in tourist areas primarily consist of tablet forests and stone cuts, for example, the Xi’an Tablet Forset, which was built in 1091, including a large number of stone cuts from the periods of Zhou (11th century-256 BC) and Qin (221-206 BC) .


The stelae in Qufu’s Confucius Temple and Mount Tai’s Dai Temple are undoubtedly visitors’ choice for those interested in studying calligraphy as an art form. Each location contains several hundred tablets inscribed with various styles.

中国历史上许多诗人和高僧在浪迹名山时皆 墨撒悬崖峭壁,以此抒发感情。所幸的是,他们的许多作品均被完好地保存下来。除了石碑岩崖作品外,丝绸和纸张上行文留 字则是更为常见的书法形式。

Historically, many poets and senior monks wrote inscriptions on precipices to express their feelings when they works have been well preserved. Fortunately, many of their works have been well preserved. In addition to stone tablets and inscriptions on mountain precipices, calligraphy has also been practiced as more popular forms of art with silk and paper.



Whatever the form, calligraphy of Chinese characters will continue to exert a magnetic influence on tourists to China.


Today , we, pioneers and leaders of electronic commerce, are meeting here to call for changes in US patent laws. We believe such changes are needed to deal with new business models related to the growth of the Internet.


1 share the same view with Jeff Bezos, chief executive of online bookseller Amazon. dot. com. Mr. Bezos argued in an open letter that current patent laws could end up harming all kinds of businesses if the laws were not adapted to new business methods used in e-commerce.

我同在线书店亚马逊电子商务公司的首席执行官杰夫 · 贝索斯持有相同的观点.贝索斯先生在一封公开信中指出,现行的专利法若不加以修正以适应电子商务的新模式,最终将影响所有商务活动。

1 think U.S. Patent laws are designed to protect the commercial rights of people who have invested in new products, systems or methods. Hereby 1 propose that the period of protection offered by patents should be cut from 17 years to about 4 years. 1 also propose a one-month period of public consultation before patents are issued. The purpose of these changes is to ensure that patented business models and software are more quickly released into the public domain.

我认为,制定美国专利法的根本出发点是为了保护那些投资开发新产品、新系统和新方法者的商业权利。我在这里提议,专利权的保护期应该从原来的 17年缩短为 4 年。同时我也建议,专利



Amazon was once under criticism for allegedly abusing current laws by patenting business methods that are so general in scope they should be available to everyone. Two examples include Amazon's patent for the so-called one-click purchasing option on its World Wide Web site and its program for paying other web sites that refer customers to the Amazon site.


From my experience of working with hi-technology companies in California's Silicon Valley , the biggest problems arise when existing patent protections for business methods are combined with the Internet.


When you combine the ability to patent business methods with the advent of the Internet you have a very interesting coincidence. The Internet provides a new way of doing just about everything. You can have electronic shopping carts on the Internet that mimic the shopping carts in the real world. But because it is in a new environment , a new medium , that is sufficiently novel to obtain a patent on that idea.


If changes in the patent laws are going to have any real impact , they must be made soon , before too many more new business method patents are issued. Some of my colleagues in the industry have already begun lobbying lawmakers to make the changes. But we have to be a little bit more patient because it will take at least two years for any changes proposed now to be approved by lawmakers and established as law.




环境保护(汉译英) 女士们、先生们:

当今世界,环境保护已成为各国政府和各界人士共同关心的问题。过去 10 年,海平面升高和森林砍伐的速度都是前所未有的;生态恶化、物种灭绝、臭氧层被破坏、温室效应、酸雨、土地沙漠化等一系列环境问题已经严重影响到人类的生存环境和身体健康.

Ladies and gentlemen ,

Nowadays , environmental protection has become the common issue that concerns the governments of many countries and people of all walks of life. Sea level rose and forests were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. A series of environmental problems , such as the deterioration of the ecosystem , the extinction of bio-species , damage to the ozone layer , the green-house effect , acid rain and desertification , have posed a serious threat to human living conditions and health.

环境恶化造成的问题之-就是缺水。目前,全世界 40% 以上的人口,即 20 多亿人,面临缺水问题。据预测,未来 25 年全球人口将由 60 亿增长到 80 亿,环境保护面临更大的压力,解决环境与发展的问题面临着重重困难。

Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems. namely, water shortage. Presently, more than 40 percent of the world's population, more than two billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted that with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years. more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected. Many problems remain to be resolved in striking a balance between economic development and environmental protection.


As a developing country. China is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment. Proceeding from its national conditions. China has. in the process of promoting its overall modernization program . made environmental protection one of its basic state policies. regarded the realization of sustained economic development as an important strategy and meanwhile, carried out nationwide campaigns for pollution prevention and treatment as well as environmental ecological conservation.