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【Unit 1】Text I What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream

3. The real mass media are basically trying to divert people and the important

contents are reserved for the elite media to manage. ( T )

4. There are ?ltering devices in academic institutions such as universities to weed

out people who think independently and don‘t conform to the power system. ( T )

5. The New York Times makes money via two channels: selling newspapers to its

audience and selling advertisements to big corporations. ( F )

? Translate the following into English, using words and phrases given in

brackets. (P8)

1. 随着中国市场经济的不断发展,中国广电传媒市场也日趋成熟,呈现出了一

副百花齐放、百家争鸣的景象。(broadcasting media, all styles of art and all schools of thought)

With the ongoing development of China‘s market economy, Chinese broadcasting media is becoming more sophisticated day by day, which ?ts perfectly the Chinese saying: ―All styles of art and all schools of thought are given the freedom to contend with each other‖.

2. 传统的电视传播观念已不能适应当今多样化的媒体传播格局和竞争需要。

(diversified mass media)

The traditional TV broadcasting concept can hardly adapt to today‘s diversified mass media or meet the requirements for competition.

3. 新媒体设计是相对于传统媒体设计而言的,它具有综合性、实时性、交互性

等多种特点。(be contrasted with)

The new media design is contrasted with the traditional design and is comprehensive, real-time and interactive.

4. 和法语一样,汉语也朝着净化的道路坚定地迈出了一步。为了净化语言,中

国有关部门要求广播电视节目中不再使用NBA、WTO和GDP等常用英语缩略词。(linguistic purity, English-based acronyms)

The Chinese language just took a step in a decidedly French direction. In the interests of linguistic purity, the country‘s broadcasters have been asked to stop using popular English-based acronyms such as NBA, WTO and GDP. 5. 虽然全球化使得好莱坞电影在世界范围畅行无阻,但它并不能替代我们队本

土文化、本土生活、本土经验的关注与书写。(great hits, domestic culture, life and experiences)


【Unit 1】Text I What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream

Although, with globalization, Hollywood films have become great hits all over the world, they cannot replace the focus and writings on our domestic culture, life and experiences.