高一期末英语试题答案 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期六 文章高一期末英语试题答案更新完毕开始阅读



完形填空 1-5 BAACC 6-10 DBCBD 11-15 ABCCB

语法填空16. it 17. who 18. to succeed 19. for 20. the 21. other 22. however/though 23. differently 24. their 25. followed

阅读理解 26-30 DCAAB 31-35 ABCDA 36-40 BBCCA 41-45 BDAAC 信息匹配 EBDAC


51.suffering 52.gradually 53. disadvantage 54.electricity55generous 56.valuable 57.survived 58.competitor 59.operation 60appreciate

短语填空 (10分,每题一分,形式错误得0.5)

61. went through 62. making use of 63. turn to 64. was sentenced to 65. belongs to 66. in return 67. deal with 68. looking into 69. rather than 70. make up for

书面表达 (20分)

With the development of computer technology, more and more middle school students like surfing the internet . So a debate was held in our class in order to tell the advantages and disadvantages of surfing the internet.

Some studentes believe there are more advantages. For one thing, the internet is filled with all kinds of information, so it is convenient for them to search for what they need, which can help them save a lot of time. For another, they can chat or communicate on the internet so conveniently that it is easy to make friends from all over the world without going abroad.

However, other students think that the information on the internet is not always good. they may be affected by the information unsuitable for them . Besides. It will have a bad effect on their study if they are crazy about computer games. Worse still, it can not only do harm to their health if they are on line for too much time, but also reduce the time they spend with their family members and their friends in the real world.

Therefore, it is necessary for us to make proper use of the Internet.