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The light bulb[b?lb]电灯泡

1879 年,托马斯·爱迪生研制出第一个实用的电灯。在电灯发明之前,人们在夜里看东西不得不依靠油灯、煤气灯或蜡烛。(自从)有了电灯,人们可以在晚上如同白天一样做很多的事情。你能想象离开它们后的生活吗?

Thomas Edison developed[d?'vel?p]发展 the first practical light bulb in 1879. Before the invention of the light bulb, people had to不得不 use使用 oil lamps[??l] [l?mp]油灯, gas lamps[g?s]气灯 or或者 candles['k?nd(?)l]蜡烛 to see at night在晚上. With有了 light bulbs, people can do as many things in the evenings as they can in the daytime['de?ta?m]在白天. Can you imagine[?'m?d??n]想象 living生活 without没有 them他们?

A pen giant ['d?a??nt]钢笔巨头


Do you know Laszlo Biro? Maybe或许 you do not, but you probably很可能 use his invention[?n'ven?(?)n] 发明every day, and you may或许 even甚至 have it in your hand right now现在!

拜罗(1899-1985)是圆珠笔的发明者。他出生在匈牙利首都布达佩斯。在 20 世纪 30 年代,当他担任报社编辑,他几乎每天都要使用钢笔。但是,他不得不每时每刻都要将其加满墨水。墨水又没那么容易干,有时把报纸搞得一团糟。拜罗想要一支更好的笔。他的弟弟乔治,帮助开发了一种特别的的墨水,这种墨水很容易干。然后,他们开发了一种新型笔。

Biro ['bai?r?u] (1899—1985) was the inventor [?n'vent?]发明家 of the ball-point pen圆珠笔. He was born in 出生于Budapest, Hungary['h??g?ri]匈牙利. In the 1930s, when he worked as当 a newspaper 报纸editor['ed?t?]编辑, he used a fountain[fa?nt?n] pen钢笔 almost 几乎every day. However然而, he had to refill[ri?'f?l]重新装满 it all 13

the time一直. The ink[??k]墨水 also did not dry[dra?] 干easily容易地, and it sometimes made a mess[mes]弄得一团糟 on the paper. Biro wanted a better pen. His brother, George, helped him develop[d?'vel?p]发展;开发 a special['spe?(?)l] 特别的ink墨水. The ink dried干 easily. Then they developed a new type种类 of pen.

有一个小球在笔尖。小球滚动时把墨水印在纸上。他们把它称为“圆珠笔”。 There was a tiny['ta?n?] ball[b??l]微小的 at the tip[t?p] of在..的顶端 the pen. The ball rolled[r??l]滚动 ink onto paper as当 it moved[mu?v]移动. They called it the “ballpoint” pen['b?lp??nt].


The ballpoint pen was a great success[s?k'ses]极大的成功. Everyone loved it. Now millions of成百上千万的 people use it all over the world全世界 every day.


People will always remember记住 Biro for因为 his invention发明. Today in many English-speaking countries['k?ntr?]说英语的国家, people still仍然 use the word “biro” to refer to [r?'f??]指代 any kind of ballpoint pen.


The Kongming Lantern['l?nt?n]灯笼 and the hot-air balloon [b?'lu?n]热气球

孔明灯在亚洲各地很受欢迎。它是一种封闭顶部,内放一支小蜡烛的纸灯笼。 蜡烛加热灯笼内的空气,使灯笼升起来。人们在重要的日子和喜庆节日期间放孔明灯。

The Kongming Lantern ['l?nt?n] is very popular流行 all over Asia整个亚洲. It is a kind of一种 paper lantern纸灯笼 with有着 a closed[kl??zd] 封闭的top顶部 and a small candle['k?nd(?)l] 蜡烛inside里面. The candle heats [hi?t]加热 the air 空气


inside the lantern and makes it rise[ra?z]上升. People use the Kongming Lantern on important days and during ['dj??r??]在…期间 festivals['fest?v(?)l]节日.


During the time of the Three Kingdoms['k??d?m]三国, Zhuge Liang used such这样的 lanterns to give signals['s?gn(?)l]发出信号 in battles['b?t(?)l]战役. The Kongming Lantern led to导致 the invention[?n'ven?(?)n] of the hot-air balloon.

Do you know any 任何other inventions that led to other inventions?



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