东北三省三校(哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)2020届高三第一次联合模拟英语试题及答案解析 联系客服

发布时间 : 星期日 文章东北三省三校(哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)2020届高三第一次联合模拟英语试题及答案解析更新完毕开始阅读

东北三省三校2019-2020学年高三第一次联合模拟 (哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁省实验中学)


1.C 【原文】

W: What's the weather like in your city, Grandpa?

M: It's raining,my dear. But the sky is clear in the west. I think the rain will stop soon. W: Oh. It's snowing here in the mountains. 2.A 【原文】

M:I've come up with a new recipe for dumplings. Want to try? W:I think the traditional kinds are best. Why would you change them? M:I love experimenting with different flavors. 3.B 【原文】

W: Do you always read in low light? You will need glasses soon.

M: Usually. I know it's bad for my eyesight,but I share a room with my brother. I don't want to wake him up with bright light. 4.C 【原文】

W:Here is twenty dollars for you. How much do I still owe you now?

M:You paid me twenty last week, and fifty the week before, so...now you still owe me ten dollars. 5.C 【原文】

W: Four hours of sleep-I'm so tired! My job is so demanding!

M: Most people need to sleep at least six hours each night. But as a mother, you really ought to get eight. Don't work so much!

答案与解析 第1页,共14页

6~7.A B 【原文】

W:Good night, honey. Are you feeling well?

M:You scared me! Please don't ever surprise me like that again! I was thinking so hard about my essay that's due in the morning. I didn't even hear you open the kitchen door.

W:I m sorry. I thought you saw me come in. Do you have to stay up all night again? It' s already eleven o'clock.

M:No,the paper isn't as long as the last one. I will probably go to sleep by three. At least I won't need to drink coffee now. W:Why not?

M:You scared me so much that I won't be sleepy for the next four hours!

8~9.C A 【原文】

M:What are you reading, Lucy?

W:The Travels of Marco Polo. We have to read it for class. Marco Polo was a famous traveler from Italy at the end of the 13th century. He spent 24 years on his journey and even went as far as China. Have you heard about him?

M:Of course! I love learning about the ancient explorers and travelers. Through them,you can find out what the world was like in those times. But there is an even older traveler that I like more. Do you know about Xuanzang? W:No. Who was he?

M:He was a Chinese man from the 7th century. It took him 17 years to go from China to India and back. He wanted to learn about the origin of Buddhism. His journey must have been amazing. If you'd like to read about it, there's a storybook called Journeyto the West. It is a fantasy story about Xuanzang's experiences.

10~12.B B C 【原文】

答案与解析 第2页,共14页

M:Here,Molly, I'd like you to have this dictionary. I don't use it anymore now that I'm fluent. W:Thank you, Richard. Um.a Spanish dictionary?

M:Yes. I thought you could use it when you study abroad in Spain next semester.

W:Oh, Richard, my plans changed. I was hoping to study in Spain. But the program was one year long, and I prefer a six-month program. There was a spot left in the program in France.

M:Molly,you'll love France! Well, I guess I'll keep my dictionary. The truth is that you never stop discovering a language, even when you think you know it.

W: How did you ever learn Spanish? I'm so nervous I'll never understand French.

M: When I was your age and I went on my first international trip to Spain, I was also very worried. But the best way to learn is by doing just what you're going to do: by surrounding yourself in the culture and the language.

W: Thank you for your advice. Now I'm looking forward to my trip to France. M: Once you're there, you'll be having too much fun to get nervous.

13~16.B A A C 【原文】

W:Henry, are you ready for the beach? M:Yes,Kelly! Here I am!

W:Henry,I can hardly see you. You look like you're wearing the sheet of a king-size bed. M:I need to protect my skin. I'm allergic to the sun. W:We could' ve gone to a swimming pool!

M:No! I don't even like to swim! I just want to take a long walk while I hear the waves and smell the salt in the air.

W:How can you smell anything when you've covered your entire face?

M:Let's just get in the car, We only have one day off. I don't want to waste a second. W:Didn't you hear the new manager? We have two days off. M:What? Oh,great! Two days by the sea!

W:Tomorrow's supposed to rain. I'm going to stay home. M:Suit yourself. Rain or shine, I'm going back to the beach. W:Ryan is using my car tomorrow. I can't give you another ride.

答案与解析 第3页,共14页