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年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 9 备课教师 课 题 白伟强 时间 2015年3月20日 Unit 3 On Vacation 1. 学会Vocabulary 的8个动词短语。 2. 学习Target,复习Unit 1句型。 3. 学会歌曲What are you going to do? 过程与方法 情感态度 让学生学会为自己的假期做出计划。 和价值观 教学重点 学生能听、说、认读和写出短语have a picnic, visit relatives, help Dad, take photos,play with friends, make models, surf the Internet,read books。 听、说、认读和写句子:What are you going to do during the 知识与技能 教 学 目 标 通过介绍假期计划,引出新词组。 教学难点 vacation? I’m going to??. 课时 教 学 过 程 1 备 注 教具准备 PPT I. Free talk T: What are you going to do this weekend? S1: I’m going to??. II. Presentation (Page 29) 1.T:Next week is a vacation, I’m going to go to Beijing. I’m going to visit relatives and play with friends.. First , We are going to have a picnic in the park, and I’m going to take photos. Then, I’m going to make models with my cousin. After that , I’m going to read books and surf the Internet . When I’m free, I’m going to help Dad. I’m going to have a good time! What are you going to do on vacation? (板书并教学划线的短语)


III.Target (Page 29) 1. T:What are you going to do during the vacation? (做出打字动作) S1:I’m going to surf the Internet. T:What are you going to do ?(做出看书动作) S2:I’m going to read some books. 2. Listen to the tape. 3. Ss read after the tape. 4. Ss read together. IV. Song activity (Page 34) 1.Ask the Ss to listen to the song: What are you going to do? 2. Ss follow the tape to sing the song. 3. After practicing several times,Ss sing together. 4. Ss finish the lyrics and T check the answers. V. Homework 1. Copy the vocabularies. 2. Read the Target. 3. Do the Activity in Page 31. Unit 3 On Vacation 板 书 设 计 What are you going to do during the vacation? I’m going to ??. have a picnic, visit relatives, help Dad, take photos, play with friends,make models, surf the Internet,read books 教 学 反 思



年级 :五年级 科目:英语 编号: 10 备课教师 课 题 白伟强 时间 2015年3月23日 Unit 3 On Vacation 1.完成Activity的习题。 知识与技能 2. 学会Story的对话。 过程与方法 通过游戏复习上节所学,并且通过提问引出新学。 情感态度 让学生学会对假期设定计划及安排。 和价值观 Story的对话。 next week, the Great Wall of China, do tai chi等生词。 课时 教 学 过 程 I. Warm-up 1. Sing the song:What are you going to do? 2. Check the answers of Activity in Page 31. T:Look at the picture, what is Jenny going to do? S1: She is going to swim. ?? II. Presentation (Page 28) 1. Using a hat and a bag to lead in: It’s a vacation. 2. Guessing game :Review the phrases and sentence patterns 3. (1) Show a picture of Bob. Bob is going to have a vacation. (2) Then learn new words: next week, the Great Wall of China, do tai chi. (3) Read the sentence after teaching the new words. 4. Gogo is going to have a vacation too.(T play the video. ) Have students answer questions: What is Gogo going to do during the vacation ? What is Gogo going to do there?


教 学 目 标 教学重点 教学难点 教具准备 PPT 2 备 注 5. Students read after the teacher. Then have students answer the question: What is Jenny going to do during the vacation? 6. Students open the book and read together. 7. Students role play in pairs, then role play together. III. Practice 1 (Page 30) 1.Ask the Ss to read the questions first. 2.Ask the Ss to use“I’m going to ??” to tell about each pictures. 3.Listen to the questions A-D. 4.Check the answers. IV. Practice 2 (Page 30) 4. T:Next week is vacation. What are you going to do? S1: I’m going to ??. 2. Ss practice in groups. V. Homework 1. Read the Story. 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思


Unit 3 On Vacation next week, the Great Wall of China, do tai chi